She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 471: brake with stillness

Chapter 471 Braking with stillness

If Mr. Li is really a collaborator, he may know more than ordinary people, and he also knows that the origins of those people are beyond the reach of the Li family, so he takes the initiative to withdraw from the investigation.

 But, will Dijing only have Mr. Li as a collaborator?


Li Jiu suddenly thought of the five major families that he had heard about before. They symbolized the pinnacle of the imperial capital, but they gradually disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, only the Li family and the Qi family were left.

 This cannot be a coincidence.

 There must be something in it that ties everything together.

 And what she knows is probably only a small part.

Li Jiu suddenly remembered another purpose of her coming to the Imperial Capital. She had suspected that the forces in the Imperial Capital were also involved in the incident four years ago, but there was no evidence.

After investigating for a while, she finally got a clue, but now, she always felt that there was a vague connection between the two things.

The corners of Li Jiu's lips raised, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

 Sure enough, the water in Imperial Capital is deep.

Qi Jingci quickly wiped her hair dry with meticulous movements. Seeing her lowering her head, her long eyelashes covering her eyes, and not knowing what she was thinking, Qi Jingci chuckled helplessly.

 He leaned down and kissed her forehead softly and reverently.

 The soft lips were close to her forehead, and they were separated at the touch. Even so, Li Jiu still felt that her forehead was hot.

She suddenly came to her senses, heat spread from her cheeks to her ears, and she asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

 She was thinking about something, why did he have to interrupt her?

Qi Jingci’s eyes softened, “My eldest lady, it’s already very late, don’t think about it, just go to bed.”

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, she was already pressed down by him, and she was still wrapped in his arms.

Qi Jingci stretched out his hand to pull the quilt over, and covered her eyes with his other hand. His fine long eyelashes were like a row of small brushes, tickling the palm of his hand.

His hand jerked and moved a little further away.

 “Okay, get some rest quickly, you will become stupid if you stay up late.”

Li Jiu struggled twice, but to no avail. She sighed, knowing that he was doing this for her own good, so she didn't say anything more. She obeyed obediently and fell asleep soon after.


 At this time, the other side.

After Qi Sijin sent Qi Mowei back to his old house, he found an excuse to leave and went to a club he usually frequented most.

 Pushing open the box door, someone was already waiting inside.

  After Bai Muyou and Ning Feng left the reception, they found an opportunity to come here and called other people over.

He Yao was sitting in the booth, not surprised at all by his arrival. She was playing with the lid of the teacup in her hand, resting her chin on one hand, sighing and complaining: "What urgent matter is there that has to call us here?" ?”

You have obviously helped Li Jiu hand over the criminal evidence of Li Hong and Li Yun to the police anonymously, and you have completed your task. Why are you still being called here?

Ji Yunshu sat calmly drinking tea. After hearing this, he said: "Stop complaining. If it's not an important matter, there is no need to start such a big battle."

 She raised her head and glanced at Qi Sijin and asked, "Right, fourth child?"

Qi Sijin sat down, nodded slightly, and hummed. He looked around and asked, "Is there anyone else who hasn't arrived?"

 Bai Muyou turned sideways and revealed the tablet behind him that was playing video. There were two enlarged faces on the screen.

She said: "We are all here, Lao Wu and Lao Ba are here too."

After finishing speaking, the two people in the video spoke out one after another.

 “Hi, everyone, long time no see.” Lao Ba greeted enthusiastically.

In comparison, Lao Wu seemed much calmer: "Fourth brother, what do you want from us?"

Qi Sijin: "I am urgently summoning you today because there is an important matter regarding the boss."

Except for Bai Muyou and his brother, everyone present was shocked. Ji Yunshu frowned: "What's wrong?"

Seeing that all eyes were on him, Qi Sijin cleared his throat and said, "The Li Chen's daughter."


Ji Yunshu stood up in shock. He Yao, who was sitting next to her, was startled by her actions. Her fingers froze, and with a snap, the lid of the tea cup fell to the ground and shattered.

The crisp sound was particularly abrupt in the silent air.

Ji Yunshu frowned and asked, "Are you serious?"

"It's true." Bai Muyou said: "Today at Li's wine party, Director Liu from the Imperial Capital First Hospital suddenly appeared and took out a paternity test of the boss and Li Chen, claiming that the boss was Li Chen's. daughter."

Ning Feng followed up and said, "That Dean Liu has never known the boss, so... that appraisal is very likely to be true."

Qi Sijin struck the final hammer: "It must be true. There is no need for Mr. Liu to lie."

 Everyone was silent.

Ji Yunshu fell back into his seat and pinched his eyebrows with a headache, "So, the man that Aunt Ye has been hiding for so long is Li Chen?"

 So, Li Tingzhi is the boss' !

What the **** is this?

He Yao was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth: "Let me go... the boss's life experience is so exciting?"

 Lao Wu and Lao Ba acted as if the network cable was stuck, and their movements remained unchanged.

Qi Sijin sighed and said, "That's it. We don't need to call you out. There are very deep things involved."

"You still need to tell me? Of course we know." Ji Yunshu said in a tired tone, "The boss's life experience is simply a huge pit."

It can be said that they have known Li Jiu since childhood and have a more or less general understanding of her life experience. In one sentence, she is full of conspiracy.

Now that the Li family is involved, the twists and turns are probably even more unexpected than they expected.

Bai Muyou: "It's good for you to know. My fourth brother and I grew up in Dijing. We know how deep this circle is, and we know better than you."

She lowered her eyes, feeling incomprehensible, "If you don't mention anything else, just talking about the five major families in the Imperial Capital, they are just a mess of lines that can't be sorted out, and they are horribly complicated."

Qi Sijin nodded, "Yes, and there are many collaborators in Imperial Capital who are hiding their identities in secret. I'm afraid that something happened to Aunt Ye and the boss back then, and the reason is more complicated than we imagined."

He was silent for a moment, and his tone became more solemn than ever before: "I'm afraid... the sky in the Imperial Capital is about to change."

Everyone fell silent.

 The Chameng is making a comeback, undercurrents are surging in the Imperial Capital, and there are even villains in the association who are coveting it.

 The storm is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building.

After a long time, Ning Feng suddenly asked: "So what should we do?"

Others looked at him and said in unison: "Cold salad."


Ning Feng’s lips twitched, “You guys...that’s enough. When did it happen?”

However, Qi Sijin raised his lips and chuckled: "I'm not kidding. In the current situation, calmness is the best way to stop the situation."

Ji Yunshu's thoughts coincided with his. "Yes, we don't know much about the situation. I'm afraid it will be self-defeating if we act rashly."

"Don't forget the most crucial point." Lao Wu suddenly reminded: "The Chameng has made a comeback, and they don't hesitate to collude with people from the association, and their target is nothing more than 'her'."

 He smiled, a coldness flashing in his eyes.

“In other words, although the current situation is changing rapidly, the final goal of the people behind the scenes is already very clear.”

He Yao clicked her tongue a few times, "So, no matter how hard they try to muddy the water, this fish is already under our control."

 (End of this chapter)

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