She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 479: Is that Li Jiu on the other side of the road?

Chapter 479 Is that Li Jiu on the other side of the road?

Zou Ming coughed lightly, hiding the subtle expression on his face, and said: "Jiu Shen is very busy on weekdays. Maybe she forgot about this little thing... right?"

 At the end of his words, his tone became a little uncertain.

Mia looked at him strangely and asked, "Are you really from God Q's hands?"

Zou Ming didn’t understand why she asked this, so he nodded, “I was fortunate enough to receive some guidance from God Q.”

  Although it is only a few sentences, it has benefited a lot.

Even now, he still remembers God Q’s kindness in his heart.

Mia's expression turned disgusting, "Since you came from under his hand, how can you be so cowardly?"


Zou Ming really wanted to say that this has nothing to do with cowardice. He is aware of current affairs. Although he is a dragon in the Special Administration Bureau, when he meets an ancestor like Jiu Shen, he should just shrink back honestly.

 It’s not bad to be a bug, really.

 But he did not dare to say these words, because the person in front of him was also an ancestor and he did not dare to offend him.

Seeing that Zou Ming was silent, Mia was not in the mood to continue teasing him, and directly stated the purpose of coming to the Imperial Capital this time: "I was ordered by the president to investigate some past events of the Li family in the Imperial Capital. You are here Is there a file on file?”

Generally speaking, the Special Administrative Bureau will record any events that have a relatively large impact in the jurisdiction. She remembered that the kidnapping case of the Li family caused a sensation in the entire Imperial Capital.

Zou Ming was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "I remember it, I'll have someone adjust it for you right now."

As he spoke, he pressed the paging button on the table and said, "Xiao Xue, go to the archives, pull out the detailed files on the Li family's kidnapping case, sort them out, and bring them to the director's office."

There was a voice from the other side: "Yes"

 Then he hung up the communication.

 Half an hour later, Xue Cong opened the door of the director's office and found that besides Zou Ming, there was a young woman inside, and she seemed to be of high status, which was quite surprising.

However, after staying in the Special Administration Bureau for so long, she also knew what to be curious about and what not to be curious about. She put the file on the table honestly and said: "Captain, they are all here."

Zou Ming hummed and waved her out.

Unexpectedly, Xue Cong stood still and didn't move, as if he had something to say.

Mia raised her head and raised her eyebrows: "Do you have anything to say?"

Xue Cong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his thoughts to be seen. He immediately lowered his head and hesitated for a while before asking: "Captain, are you transferring the Li family's files... because of what happened last night?"

Zou Ming frowned, not knowing why: "What happened last night?"

Hearing his tone, as if he didn't know what happened, Xue Cong immediately opened his eyes wide, "Don't you know? Something big happened at Li's cocktail party last night, and now the headlines of all major media are reporting on it. "

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone.

Mia frowned, vaguely feeling that this matter was not simple, "Go on."

"I also heard that at the cocktail party last night, the illegitimate daughter of Li's president Li Hong suddenly appeared and, as the president of MZ, accused him of bribery and suspected murder. He was directly reported to the police station. He is still in police custody."

Zou Ming opened his eyes in surprise: "President MZ? Are you kidding me?"

How can this be?

Xue Cong shook his head: "What I said is true, and... after Li Hong was taken away, Director Liu of Dijing Central Hospital took out a paternity test, proving that she was not Li Hong's illegitimate daughter, but... But Li Chen’s biological daughter.”

"What did you say?!"

Zou Ming stood up suddenly and stared at her, "You mean Li Chen's daughter? The one who was burned to death?"

Xue Cong nodded, looked at him, then moved his eyes to Mia, and asked hesitantly: "Aren't you reviewing the files to investigate the kidnapping case back then?"

Zou Ming frowned and looked at Mia, who was squinting her eyes in deep thought, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Special Assistant, this..." He was about to ask the whole story, but Mia suddenly stood up, her indifferent eyes fell on Xue Cong, and asked in a deep voice: "The one you just mentioned, MZ President, Li Chen's daughter, What is your name?"

 “Li, Li Jiu.”

Mia was silent for a moment, "Do you have any photos?"

  “Yes, there is.”

Xue Cong found the few photos of Li Jiu on his mobile phone and handed them to her.

After her eyes touched the extremely familiar face on the phone, Mia narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression dark and unclear.

Li Jiu, is Li Chen’s daughter?

  In other words, the daughter of the Li family who had just turned one month old and was brutally tortured after being kidnapped.

 In this way, her age is indeed correct, and the timeline is also consistent.

No wonder she suddenly called me via video call last time and asked about her father.

 Thinking about it, she already knew her life experience, so she had questions.

Mia frowned even more, so the president asked her to investigate this matter, was it because of Li Jiu?

 She raised her head and asked Xue Cong: "What else do you know?"

Xue Cong was a little flustered by her sight, and subconsciously said everything he knew: "I, I also saw it when I was browsing the news this morning. It said that Li Chen vomited blood and fainted on the spot last night because he couldn't bear the blow. He is still in the hospital and there is no news.”

Mia nodded. In this case, Li Jiu is very likely to be in the hospital at this time.

“Captain Zou, I might have to ask you to lend me a car.”

Zou Ming was stunned for a moment and said, "No problem."

Looking at Mia's back as she took the key and left in a hurry, Xue Cong realized that he might have done something wrong, and asked with a sad face: "Captain, did I make a mistake?"

Zou Ming glared at her hard, "Nonsense!"

 Xue Cong was about to cry.

“Who asked you to skip work and read gossip news? There is no perfect attendance award this month!”


 She shouldn't talk too much.


After Mia got in the car, she immediately opened the navigation and went directly to the hospital where Li Chen was.

 On the way, her mood was quite complicated.

If Li Jiu is really the daughter of the Li family, will what happened back then be related to the Cha League?

  When Aunt Ye came back with Li Jiu, she was barely breathing her last breath. Before she had time to explain anything, she fell asleep and fell into a vegetative state.

 But what exactly happened that year, no one except the parties involved knows.

But Li Jiu was too young at the time and had been too frightened to remember anything. For so many years, although she pretended not to care on the surface, those who knew her knew that she cared deeply about this matter. Incredibly, it has even become a knot in my heart.

Now that she suddenly knows her life experience, there is no guarantee that she will not do anything outrageous.

 Although her physical condition has been quite stable over the years, who knows when this stable appearance will be broken?

It would be really bad if her body collapsed!

Thinking of this, Mia felt anxious. Her previous thoughts of hiding from Li Jiu disappeared. She just wanted to see her quickly so that she could understand her current physical condition.

 Suddenly, she caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye and slammed on the brakes.

 Is it her imagination?

 The man on the other side of the road holding an ice cream cone, is that Li Jiu?

In order to add a chapter in order to start school tomorrow, don’t say that I am broken, but I am very intimate.



 (End of this chapter)

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