She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 502: Why should I go to Mia?

Chapter 502 Why should I go to Mia?

  Lu family.


Lu Qingran was so shocked that she stood up and asked, "When did she come?"

I don't know what was said on the other side of the phone. He frowned and then said: "I understand. You should listen to her first and hand over the case to the second team. All recent affairs of the Nate Bureau will be suspended unless there are special circumstances." , no one is allowed to act rashly!”

He cut off the call with a snap, threw the phone aside, and pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

 Things are getting serious.

Lu Qingran cursed in his heart, his expression extremely ugly.

Who would have thought that something went wrong within the Special Administration Bureau? What’s more serious is that they didn’t notice it at all. In the end, it was Mia who discovered something was wrong.

This time the shame was thrown directly to the second team, it was really embarrassing!

He could almost predict what kind of embarrassing situation it would be when he met the people from the second team in the future after this time.

 …Anyway, he must be too shameless to see anyone!

Lu Qingran let out a long sigh, picked up her cell phone without tears, and called Bai Yuxiu to complain: "Old Bai, something happened, and we may be doomed."


In the CEO's office on the top floor of SR, the atmosphere was even quieter than usual, and even the air seemed to be frozen solid.

Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu stood upright against the wall, their heads lowered at the same time. If it weren't for the wall behind them, they could retreat ten meters away in an instant.

Qi Jingci's cold breath made the temperature in the office drop to zero. The sun was shining brightly outside, but there was a cold wind and snow inside.

He stared at the two people standing straight in front of him, and his tone was as cold as ice: "There was an incident at the Special Administration Bureau, and it took you so long to tell me?"

 The two of them shrank their necks at the same time, their backs pressed against the cold wall, tightly connected.

Lu Qingran said sarcastically: "We didn't expect that either..."

Qi Jingci slammed the pen on the table with a crisp sound.

 “Didn’t expect that?”

Lu Qingran reacted very quickly and changed the subject: "It was an oversight! It was indeed our negligence!"

He swallowed, not daring to look directly at Qi Jingci: "Lao Bai and I have been too busy recently to care about that, right? Lao Bai?" He stabbed him with his arm. Bai Yuxiu blinked desperately, saying a few words quickly!

Bai Yuxiu was caught off guard by his slap, and he quickly straightened his back and followed his words: "Well, I'm sorry, third brother, it's our fault."

Qi Jingci looked at them with squinted eyes, and the two of them straightened their backs subconsciously, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

His voice was particularly cold: "If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Is that okay?"

 They both shook their heads at the same time.

 This is a rule, even if they have opinions, they have to hold it in.

Qi Jingci added: "Before that, find Mia for me."

She came to the Imperial Capital without saying a word. As the direct boss of the Special Administration Bureau, he didn't get any news at all. He wouldn't believe it if she said she didn't hide it deliberately.

 Lu Qingran raised her head and said with some surprise: "But we don't know how to contact her."

They are not familiar with Mia. Only Qi Jingci in the team has some friendship with her. How do they know how to contact her?

"I don't care how you contact her, but I want to see her before tonight."

Qi Jingci gave them an ultimatum and then drove the two frowning people out of the office.

The two people who were expelled stood outside the office, both looking depressed. Lu Qingran asked with her face crossed: "What are you going to do?"

Bai Yuxiu sighed: "What else can I do? I'll just find him."

 He said to Lu Qingran: "I will go to the Special Administration Bureau to understand the specific situation first, and you are responsible for finding Mia."

 After saying that, he patted Lu Qingran on the shoulder and left without waiting for Lu Qingran's reaction.

Lu Qingran stood there and thought for a while, and then suddenly realized something was wrong.

 “Wait! Why should I go to find Mia?”

He stood there and shouted angrily: "Bai Yuxiu! Come back here, you old dog!"

He wanted to grab the person back and beat him up, but he had already disappeared without a trace. Lu Qingran was so angry that his lungs hurt. He greeted all the eighteen generations of Bai Yuxiu's ancestors from the bottom of his heart. In the end, he had to accept his fate and find Mia. .

 (End of this chapter)

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