She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 504: Is the Nine Gods a shemale?

Chapter 504 Are the Nine Gods human beings?

Facing Qi Jingci’s question-like tone, Mia remained silent, “Do you know?”

Qi Jingci was so angry that he choked: "Shouldn't I know?"

“…” Mia curled her lips and muttered in a low voice: “This is what you said yourself, it’s none of my business.”

By coincidence, these mutterings fell into Lu Qingran’s ears, and she immediately said: “…”

 You are such a warrior!

Qi Jingci held his forehead with a headache, "Given our relationship with the second team, handing the case over to them, are you sure this isn't adding fuel to the fire?"

 Mia: “…”

 No, I am here to help you.

 After all, she is your wife.

 However, neither of them could understand her good intentions.

It’s so frustrating!

A trace of depression flashed across Mia's eyes, and she said in a low voice: "If you are worried about the personal grudge between Team 2 and you, which will affect this case, there is absolutely no need."

Even if Li Jiu doesn't know his true identity, she will never be emotional. After all, she is an extremely rational person.

“…” Qi Jingci paused and laughed angrily: “Do you think I care about this?”

Mia raised her eyes and asked, "Isn't it?"


 Who does she think he is?

Qi Jingci sighed, feeling that there was no hope that her IQ would be online.

"Since there is a problem with the Special Administration Bureau, it is the first team's problem. Why do you need to involve the second team?"

He looked at Mia and continued: "These years, the Special Administration Bureau has been under our noses. Now that something like this happened, but we didn't notice it at all, it can only mean that the other party is well prepared and is heading straight for us." us."

The spy in the Special Administration Bureau must have been lurking for a long time, and he has been hiding deep for a long time, otherwise, they would have found him out long ago.

"If you let the second team take over this matter, there will be no benefit except dragging one more person into the water."

Mia smiled and said, "You mean, I'm meddling in my own business?"

“God Q, I just want to find out the case as soon as possible. The Special Administration Bureau is unreliable. I want to find someone who is reliable. Is there any problem?”

Qi Jingci asked back: "Can the second team be reliable?" He chuckled lightly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes: "I'm afraid not entirely."

 Mia: “…”

 Do you know who you are talking about?

It seems that he doesn't know. Not only that, he also complained with gusto: "The people in the second team are willful and have a loose personality. This is a fact known to the entire association. Aren't you afraid that they will regret it midway?"

“…No, I’m looking for the Nine Gods.”

Mia's expression became more and more incomprehensible, and her hands were extremely itchy. She only regretted why she didn't bring her mobile phone with her at this time, otherwise she would have recorded his words and then taken them out for public execution when the two of them fell off the horse. Can't she enjoy a wonderful family ethics drama?

                          What a pity.

                                                I hope you can say this without changing your face in the future.

 Mia thought with schadenfreude.

“Assistant Mia, are you familiar with the Nine Gods?”

 Listening to her tone, Lu Qingran felt that she and Jiu Shen should be familiar with each other.

As expected, she nodded and said, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

 The next second, Lu Qingran opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally asked: "There is a problem that has been bothering me for a long time..."

His tone was particularly hesitant and his expression was a little subtle, as if he was asking something particularly difficult to say.

Mia didn’t notice this and said, “Ask.”

“…Um, may I ask, are the Nine Gods really… transvestites?”


 The air suddenly became dead.


The sound of the chair legs breaking was particularly clear and abrupt.


Mia fell down without any surprise.

 (End of this chapter)

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