She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 506: You family are really evil!

Chapter 506 Your family is really evil!

 Just as she rushed out of SR angrily, she bumped into someone head-on.

Qi Sijin looked at her in surprise, not expecting to meet her here, "Sister Mia, why are you here?"

Mia also looked him up and down, her tone not too good: "Why are you here?"

 Why do you see people from the first and second teams everywhere you go these days?

It’s really like seeing a ghost!

Qi Sijin said: "I'm looking for my third uncle."


Third uncle?


Mia suddenly narrowed her eyes, and an unbelievable idea flashed through her mind. Although it was a bit ridiculous, once she accepted it,...

“Don’t tell me, your third uncle is Qi Jingci?”

Qi Sijin nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"


 He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Do you know my third uncle?"

 That shouldn’t be the case. Hasn’t she never been to the Imperial Capital?

Mia didn't speak, and looked at him silently, her eyes becoming particularly subtle and weird, shining with incomprehensible complexity.

Qi Jingci, Qi Sijin, the same surname. Why hadn’t she noticed it before?

She took two deep breaths, suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and asked in a calm tone: "Then you already knew about Ajiu and your third uncle?"

Hearing her words, Qi Sijin was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "Isn't that why you came to see my third uncle?"

Same, she and the boss have always been good friends, but the boss didn't tell her about the engagement for some reason. It's no wonder she was angry, but she didn't expect that she would go directly to her third uncle.


Mia smiled: "What do you think?"

Her half-smiling expression confirmed Qi Sijin's suspicion. He patted her shoulder comfortingly and said, "Sister Mia, I understand it's wrong for the boss to hide it from you, but my third uncle doesn't know Love, he doesn’t know anything.”

 Mia: “…”

 That’s right, your third uncle really “doesn’t know” anything.

She is very curious now, whether the uncle and nephew are very good at acting, or their relationship is too unfamiliar. The family has been together for so long, but they didn't notice anything wrong with each other at all!

 Her expression became strange, and she asked hesitantly: "Do you... have a good relationship with your third uncle?"

Qi Sijin was stunned for a moment, wondering why she asked this question, "It's okay."

"Then you accept the fact that Ajiu has become your third aunt so easily?" she continued to ask.

"What if?" Qi Sijin shrugged, looking a little helpless, "The boss and my third uncle are in love, I can't stop them two, right?"

The four words "love each other" were like a heavy stone hitting her head, making her dizzy.

 Are they in love?

 She swore in the name of God that if she told anyone in the association that Q God and Jiu Shen were in love, she would definitely receive countless heartfelt suggestions to go to a psychiatrist to have her brain checked.

It would be great if these two evil gods met together without turning the world upside down and destroying the earth. How could they still be in love with each other? This probability is smaller than the probability that they like to eat shit.

But then again, it seems that the relationship between the two of them is indeed true. After all, if you love someone, you can see it in his eyes.

  When Qi Jingci mentioned Li Jiu just now, the tenderness and love in his eyes were about to overflow and it was impossible to hide them.

Thinking of this, her expression became more complicated.

To be honest, she still can't accept this fact.

Seeing Mia's expression as if she had seen a ghost, Qi Sijin said funnyly: "This is the first time I heard the news, and my reaction was similar to yours."

They all have a look of shattered outlook on life.

Mia motioned him to stop talking. Her mind was very confused now and she asked her to sort it out.

 So, Qi Jingci is his third uncle, then Li Jiu becomes his third aunt...


A white light flashed in Mia's mind, and she suddenly remembered another extremely important thing.

“…If I remember correctly, you seemed to have said before that the third child likes your brother?”

She vaguely remembered that this happened when he accidentally spilled the beans when they were playing truth or dare together when he was drunk. Afterwards, he was almost beaten to death by He Yao.

Qi Sijin nodded, "Yeah."



Mia took a long breath of cold air again, and the string that had been tense in her mind snapped.

What kind of **** ancient romance is this?

 Four people with superpowers in a family!

 All of them are from the Supervision Team, and their strength and talent are all top-notch.

 Why don’t you go to heaven?

Mia used to feel that witnessing the intimacy between Li Jiu and Qi Jingci was the most shattering time in her life. Now it seems that she was careless.

Compared with this shocking news that sounds like nonsense at first glance, what could be more shocking to the world?

 She wanted to curse her in her heart.

After a moment of silence, Mia shook her head slightly and clicked her tongue a few times: "Your family is really..."

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he guessed what she wanted to say in the second half of her sentence, and answered, "Are you destined?"

 After saying that, he nodded to himself and said, "I also think it's quite destined."

Who is Mia? She glanced at him gently, and spoke out the second half of the sentence clearly and clearly: " are committing evil!"

 Qi Sijin: “…”


He frowned and looked over, as if there was something wrong with his ears: "What did you say?"


Mia sighed, then raised her breath and shouted into his ear: "I said, your family is really evil!"

 She seemed to be afraid that he could not hear the last three words clearly, so she deliberately raised her voice.

Qi Sijin's head was buzzing at the sound of her shouting, and he immediately said: "..."

 (End of this chapter)

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