She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 509: voyeur

 Chapter 509 Peeping

 The relationship between the Lu family and her was not very deep, but it would not be appropriate to say it was not.

Based on the weak blood relationship, she wanted to call Lu Qingran uncle, but neither she nor the Lu family paid much attention to this relationship.

Even though she didn’t have much contact with the Lu family, she thought she knew them well enough. However, now, she really suspected that there was something wrong with her eyes.

 Why did Lu Qingran suddenly appear here?

 She didn't believe it was a coincidence.

He Yao frowned tightly and observed him secretly. She found that he was leaning on the side of the car with a mobile phone in his hand. He didn't know who he was talking to and what he was talking about. At the same time, he looked around.

When his eyes swept over, He Yao's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously withdrew her gaze and held her breath. For some reason, she always felt like she would be discovered.

But fortunately, Lu Qingran just looked around briefly and found nothing strange. Then he looked away and said to the other end of the phone: "Okay."

 Then he straightened up and walked into the apartment.

He Yao frowned even more tightly, her eyes filled with solemnity. She looked at Lu Qingran's figure and fell into deep thought.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Qingran would be involved in the case of the Special Administration Bureau.

 She originally thought that this case involved the Chameng, but now it seems that is not the case.

Just as she squinted her eyes in deep thought, she suddenly caught sight of something from the corner of her eye, and she suddenly stopped.

In a corner not far away, a man whose whole body was covered with airtight was hiding furtively at the base of the wall, his eyes staring straight at the apartment with a strange luster in his eyes.

He Yao’s eyes darkened and her face changed slightly.

From that person’s perspective, he can see all the scenery around the crime scene, which is an excellent position for surveillance.

The man seemed to have noticed He Yao and glanced at her from a distance with an unclear expression. The next second, he quickly lowered the brim of his hat, completely covering his face, and then fled quickly. Seeing this, He Yao no longer cared about Lu Qingran and directly chased after him.

There must be something wrong with this person!

The two people walked out of the alley one after another, and their steps speeded up in unison.

Seeing that she had been chasing after her, the man cursed fiercely, scanned the surroundings with his shining eyes, and then chose a narrow and remote alley and got in.

He Yao stopped and looked at the direction in which he was escaping. After a moment of calculation in her mind, she reached out to her waist, took out a pistol with a metallic luster, and chased after him.

In the quiet and dark alley, the sound of footsteps echoed everywhere. If you listen carefully, you can distinguish two people, one is slightly panicked and the other is orderly.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed, and the man was sweating profusely from running. Seeing that He Yao was still following behind, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he kicked over the trash can next to him with fierce force. It bounced off the surrounding walls and rushed straight towards He Yao.

He Yao's eyes flashed, and she easily dodged by turning sideways. Seeing that the man was about to take the opportunity to escape, she quickly raised her wrist, aimed the dark muzzle at the target, and gently pulled the trigger with her index finger.


 The bullet cuts through the air and hits the target.

Fortunately, no one comes here, otherwise it would definitely cause quite a disturbance. After all, gun control is very strict in the empire.

 The man froze suddenly, took a deep breath, and covered his right arm with a distorted expression.

 Particle gun!

He glanced at He Yao vaguely.


This girl is also a superpower.

 To be careless!

 (End of this chapter)

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