She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 511: Never take it lightly

 Chapter 511 Never take it lightly

Hei San was startled and suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "Really? Don't lie to me, is that **** so powerful?"

Seeing that he really didn't know anything, the blond woman looked at the man and then asked him: "Tell me the specific situation just now."

Heisan thought about it for a moment: "I hid outside the apartment and kept an eye on her, and then I saw that girl coming out of the apartment. I originally wanted to wait for her to leave and I would follow her, but who would have thought that she would also hide suddenly."

The blonde woman frowned: "What is she hiding from?"

“A man also went to the apartment, and the two of them didn’t seem to be in the same group.”

Heisan sighed: "It's all my fault for being careless. I thought the man looked familiar. I was distracted for a moment and was discovered."

The blond woman pondered for a moment and said, "I heard that two groups of people are targeting that place?"

 The man next to her sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm, "It's really lively."

 One or two, they all stared at it like flies.

 “Are you quite proud of yourself?”

 The door of the box was suddenly pushed open, followed by a cold voice.

Everyone was shocked for a moment and stood up one after another. Even Hei San looked serious and shouted respectfully: "Mr. Lin."

Lin Yan glanced at everyone present with an arrogant expression. Seeing that they all lowered their heads, as if they had done something wrong, he immediately sneered: "What qualifications do you have to laugh at those people?"

"If you can't even clean up the traces, what's the use of you!"

His voice was so sharp that everyone was frightened and did not dare to say a word.

 You could hear a pin drop in the box.

Lin Yan walked straight past them and sat on the main seat. He glanced at Hei San who was covering his wound. He calmed down the coercion emanating from his body and asked with his face still ugly: "You just said that there are two groups of people going there." Passing the scene?”

Hei San nodded hurriedly.

 “Yes, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Lin Yan nodded, waved for them to sit down, paused, and said, "I just got the news. Mia handed over the case to the second team for investigation."

"what? What!"

 Everyone who had just sat down immediately jumped up in shock.

The blond woman opened her eyes in disbelief. Regardless of her fear of Lin Yan, she raised her voice and asked, "Team 2?!"

After shouting, she suddenly realized what she was doing, her heart trembled, and when she caught Lin Yan's displeased gaze, she subconsciously lowered her head.

 Fortunately, Lin Yan did not care about this, but continued: "The Nine Gods have been in the Imperial Capital. Although we don't know that other members of the second team are also there, no matter who they are, it is more difficult for us."

 He paused and added: "The Lord was very unhappy when he heard about it."

At the mention of the word "Lord", the breathing in the box seemed to be strangled, everyone did not dare to take a breath, and their heartbeats were like beating drums.

 It's over, the Lord has been alerted. It seems that this time, things really happened.

Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak first.

After a long time, the blond woman finally couldn't help it and asked aloud: "So...the two groups Hei San saw were from the second team?"

“Not necessarily.” Lin Yan narrowed his eyes and said, “Since he just said there were two groups, it’s not necessarily clear who the other group is.”

 Maybe it's the Special Administration Bureau, or maybe it's...a team.

 This is not impossible.

 The other three people secretly looked at each other, at a loss.

“Mr. Lin, what should we do now?”

Heisan scratched his head, pointed to his injured right arm, and said, "I can't continue to move in this state."

Lin Yan glanced at him and said: "From today on, you will stay here to hide your traces and recover from your injuries."

He also said to everyone: "Take back all the people who were sent out recently and hide them. Stay still. Since the people from the second team have noticed us, we must not take it lightly."

 Everyone said so.

 (End of this chapter)

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