She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 517: Don't hide it anymore.

Chapter 517: Stop hiding it.

Just when Li Jiu was confused, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Xiao Jiu?"

Mr. Li stood by the door and looked at Li Jiu with some surprise. When his eyes fell on the thing she was holding, his expression changed slightly, but it was only fleeting.

 He asked with a normal expression: "Why are you here?"

Li Jiu lowered his eyes, put the newspaper back to its original place, and replied nonchalantly: "I want to chat with you."


Mr. Li raised his eyebrows in surprise. She had a very indifferent temperament and rarely took the initiative to chat with others.

 “What are we talking about?”

He walked over, folded the newspaper and put it away, and then sat down leisurely, so that no one could see anything unusual.

Li Jiu raised her head, met his gaze, and asked with a warm tone: "Grandpa, are you hiding anything from me?"

Mr. Li paused, his eyes flickering, thinking she had discovered something. He did not answer directly, but asked: "Why do you say that?"

“You don’t seem too surprised since my identity was revealed,” she said.

To be precise, except for the expression of surprise and astonishment when Dean Liu made the announcement at the cocktail party, he didn't seem to have much reaction at other times.

 Very calm.

Just like he did not continue to pursue the case after the mother and daughter were buried in the fire.

 It was as if he was deliberately hiding something.

A flash of light flashed across Li Jiu's eyes.

Although she probably already had a guess in her heart based on her recent behavior, she still wanted to hear him say it himself.

Mr. Li chuckled lightly, "I have doubted your identity before, and Old Liu also informed me before the appraisal. Isn't it natural not to be surprised?"

 “Then you have no doubts?”

Mr. Li: "What?"

"Have you ever wondered why I survived the fire? Where did my mother go? Also, do you know who was behind the scenes?" Li Jiu looked at him indifferently, but the words he asked were like Dropped a bombshell.

Mr. Li's expression immediately stiffened, and then he sighed: "I... didn't want to mention this so soon."

On this point, he and Li Chen have the same view. They have just met Li Jiu in a real sense. They have no idea what she has been through in the past few years. If she rashly brings up the past, I am afraid it will remind her of unpleasant memories. thing.

Hence, they decided to keep quiet and wait until the time was right to ask again.

Li Jiu slightly raised her lips and said, "I understand your painstaking efforts, but it's not necessary. I'm not as fragile as you think, so you don't have to worry too much."

Her eyes were fixed on Mr. Li, "Grandpa, aside from worrying about me, don't you have any other concerns?"

Mr. Li was silent.

She continued: "I can feel that you are avoiding what happened back then, and even don't even want to mention it."

Mr. Li sighed: "Xiaojiu..."

His shoulders slumped slightly, and he looked as if he had aged a lot, and a sense of powerlessness came to his heart.

Li Jiu did not intend to let it go, and continued to ask relentlessly: "If you don't want to mention it, why do you pay attention to that murder case? How much do you know about it?"

Mr. Li's face suddenly changed, his pupils trembled slightly, and he looked at her in astonishment: "You know?"

Li Jiu nodded: "Yes, I know."

 “I know more than you think, so please stop hiding it.”

Mr. Li looked at her, pursed his lips tightly, and had a heavy expression on his face, not knowing what to say.

That's right. She is the boss of MZ and the head of the Mo family. It is impossible for her not to know anything about what happened back then. That would be ridiculous.

 He sighed and shook his head.

Unexpectedly, he had buried this secret in his heart for decades, without even telling Li Chen and others, but his granddaughter kept questioning him.

 This is all fate.

 (End of this chapter)

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