She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 526: followed by tail

Chapter 526 is followed by a tail

Ning Feng frowned and said nothing, his eyes wandering, and his expression looked particularly guilty.

I don't know where the courage just now went. After saying those words, he didn't even have the courage to look at Bai Muyou.

Bai Muyou was almost out of breath. He glanced at the water in his hand with lingering fear, and silently took it farther away, lest he would say something shocking next that would scare her half to death.

She simply calmed down and said silently in her heart: This is dear, this is dear, this is dear!

 Then he forced a smile out of the corner of his mouth and asked stiffly: "Besides this, what else is there?"

She wanted to hear what good things they had done without telling her!

  …"It's nothing."

  Yes, we have reached that point, what can be more excessive?

Bai Muyou took a deep breath, trying to calm down his suddenly rising blood pressure.

"Ning Feng, you are so brave." She squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "You are only telling me now?"

If she hadn't bumped into her at a cocktail party last time, how long would they have wanted to keep it a secret from her!

Ning Feng subconsciously trembled when he heard Bai Muyou call him by his full name.

 Oops, I’m really angry.

 “Sister, I was wrong.”

 You must have a correct attitude when admitting your mistakes.

Ning Feng knew this very well.

 Otherwise, with Bai Muyou's temper, he would definitely break his legs.

 Don’t ask him why he is so sure.

 “What’s wrong?”

 “I…shouldn’t have fallen in love without telling you.”

"anything else?"

“…” Ning Feng coughed lightly, turning red from his neck to his ears, “You shouldn’t be so quick with Lu Qingran… cough cough.”

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Enough, her ears are going to go blind.

In order to prevent her ears from being poisoned, Bai Muyou interrupted him expressionlessly, "Okay."

Ning Feng shut up obediently and lowered his head. He looked obedient, but in fact he was secretly looking at her face with his eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Muyou sighed helplessly, forget it, things are already like this, what else can she do?

 Beat the couples and break them up?

Even if you think about it, you know it’s impossible.

 However, she was still very unhappy when she thought about her own brother being **** by Lu Qingran's pig in the end!

Bai Muyou asked with a cold face: "How much does Lu Qingran know about your situation?"

Ning Feng was stunned and replied: "He doesn't know, I didn't tell him."

 This is normal. In normal life, in order to protect the safety of people around them, people with superpowers generally do not tell their true identities.

 Some couples may not know the special identity of the husband or wife even after a lifetime.

 He and Lu Qingran obviously haven't reached that stage yet, so he hasn't thought about it at all. Bai Muyou hummed, then looked at him with a complicated expression, "Actually..."

Ning Feng: "Huh?"

She thought about it for a while, considered the words a few times before swallowing them.

 “Forget it, it’s nothing.”

She looked outside and saw that more and more people were coming and going. If he didn't leave, he would probably be discovered later.

 “Go back and chat on the phone if you have anything to do.”

Ning Feng also glanced along her line of sight, without any objection, he hummed, raised his hand to lower the brim of his hat, and quietly left through the car door on the other side.

Bai Muyou's eyes fell on his back, and an indescribable emotion flashed in his eyes.

 Actually, she just wanted to tell him that when Li Jiu asked her to investigate Lin Yan, she happened to find out some old stories about the five major families in the Imperial Capital.

 Although there was no evidence, she still had a suspicion in her heart about the five major families.

Her idea was ridiculous and funny, but if it were true, it would all make sense.

While she was deep in thought, the car door was suddenly opened. The assistant handed her the hot milk tea and said, "Sister Bai, your milk tea."

Bai Muyou recovered from his stupor, smiled and said thank you.

At this time, He Jie had just finished discussing the matter with the director, and the result was probably good. She seemed to be in good spirits, and raised her eyebrows and said, "Director Fu just confirmed that you will be the supporting guest in that variety show."

Bai Muyou nodded without much expression.

On the way back to the company, the excitement on Sister He's face still did not disappear, "Director Fu is really interesting. Knowing that you have been given many 'bans' by Mr. Bai, he also specially negotiated with the director of the variety show, and he will be there during the recording." Be careful.”

“Xiaoyou, this is the first variety show you recorded after returning to China, so it’s very meaningful.”

After returning to China, Bai Muyou has been focusing on filming and accepting endorsements, and has not been exposed to variety shows.

 Now that the missing link has finally been filled in, she is naturally very happy.

But surprisingly, Bai Muyou didn't react much to this incident, and his expression had been very calm since he got in the car.

He Jie asked curiously: "Xiaoyou? What's wrong with you?"

Bai Muyou was thinking about things and was a little absent-minded. After hearing her question, he came back to his senses and asked, "Huh?"

"what are you thinking about."


Suddenly, Bai Muyou made a move, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the rearview mirror ahead.

 Behind them, there was a tail following them.

 (End of this chapter)

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