She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 532: Can't eat and walk around

Chapter 532: Can’t eat and walk around

Just when the crowd was in chaos, Qi Mowei was pushed by someone unknown, her body became unstable and she fell to the ground.

She took a breath of cold air, looked up, and saw a man with a gun in his hand approaching her step by step.

When Mr. Qi saw this, his expression changed instantly. Without thinking about the current situation, he stood up suddenly and shouted: "Weiwei!"

Qi Sijin originally wanted to protect Mr. Qi immediately, but after seeing Qi Mowei fall to the ground, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his body reflexively rushed over, picked her up, and protected her behind him.

He stood in front of Qi Mowei and asked, "Are you okay?"

Qi Mowei was already frightened, her face was pale, her eyes were dull, and her hands were holding on to his clothes tightly, as if a drowning man was grabbing a life-saving straw.

Hearing this, she shook her head slightly, but she couldn't say a word, and her whole body was trembling.


 “I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

Qi Sijin held her hand tightly, making her feel a sense of relief despite her extreme fear.


Unknown who fired the gun in the chaos, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into deathly silence.

 A second later, the horrified screams almost broke through the ceiling.

The group of masked men ignored the guests who were frightened into quails, but approached directly in the direction of the old men with purpose.

Mr. Li narrowed his eyes and stood up with a solemn expression.

 Now it seems that the purpose of these people is already obvious.

He looked at Mr. Qi cryptically. Just when he was about to make a move, a voice suddenly interrupted: "I advise you not to act rashly."

Mr. Li paused, his eyes darkened slightly, and he slowly turned his gaze to the protagonist of the birthday banquet next to him.

"Yun Xingye, what do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes dangerously, his tone no longer calm as usual, but filled with a compelling force.

  However, Mr. Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he still looked at the two of them with a smile, but his eyes were full of coolness: "What do you mean? Isn't it obvious?"

As he finished speaking, the masked men quickly gathered around and pointed their guns at them.

“Grandpa!” “Grandpa Qi!”

Qi Sijin and He Yao kicked away the masked men in front of them and wanted to rush over to rescue them. However, the next second, the dark and cold muzzles of the guns were pressed against their heads.

Qi Mowei followed them. When she saw this scene, her heart almost broke with fright: "Ajin!"

She subconsciously wanted to step forward, but he raised his hand to stop her.

Qi Sijin looked at the dark muzzle of the gun in front of him with cold eyes, his aura was cold and cold, and murderous intent gradually grew in his eyes.

The fist hanging by his side was clenched loudly, as if he could punch the opponent in the face in the next second.

However, he looked at the two old men who were surrounded not far away, and then glanced at Qi Mowei behind him, and finally endured it and did not dare to act rashly.

Although he didn't move, He Yao couldn't bear it and immediately kicked him sideways. The force was unrestrained and the leg wind was strong. The opponent was caught off guard and fell out like a kite with broken strings, shocking everyone present.

 The whole audience was immediately attracted by her action.

Mr. Qi’s eyes trembled, this girl...

"Hurry! Catch her quickly!" Mr. Yun shouted immediately when he saw something was not going well.

 After speaking, he rolled his eyes and added: "Don't hurt her life."

 This is an important hostage.

 If he died, it would be too much of a loss.

Hearing this, the masked men took out their daggers and surrounded He Yao.

He Yao narrowed her eyes, sneered coldly, flicked her wrist, and rushed forward without fear. She only wanted to save Mr. Qi.

Her movements were crisp and neat, and her strikes became more ruthless each time, almost knocking down someone in one encounter.

Just as she was about to rush in front of Mr. Qi, the next second, a cold and biting dagger was pressed against her neck.

“Miss, I advise you not to be brave again, otherwise, you won’t be able to eat and walk away.”

 (End of this chapter)

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