She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 572: Experimental subject

Chapter 572 Experimental Subject

Her posture that had not changed for a long time finally moved slightly, a dark color flashed in her eyes, and she stared straight at Bai Muyou, watching her walk to stand in front of her.

Hal Irene chuckled a few times, looking very proud, "I knew you would come."

The moment Bai Muyou entered, the people in the monitoring room couldn't help but slow down their breathing, and watched their every move without blinking, for fear of any accident.

Hearing her words, Zou Ming frowned slightly, and doubts arose in his heart, but he didn't pay attention and continued to stare at the situation inside.

Bai Muyou's reaction to her words was very calm. There was no wave in his eyes. He looked her up and down, and his tone became colder: "You are quite leisurely."

There has been a turmoil outside, but the culprit has nothing to do here.

Hal Eileen clicked her tongue and leaned back lazily on the chair. The handcuffs on her wrists made a crisp sound due to her subtle movements, which was particularly abrupt in the closed interrogation room.

She raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile: "It's not all thanks to you, otherwise, I wouldn't have been treated like this."

She raised her hand, looked at the handcuffs that were holding her carefully, and marveled for a moment: "The things of the Special Administration Bureau are becoming more and more high-tech, and even I can't break free?"

Bai Muyou looked at her pretending to be stupid with a blank expression, and said with his lips: "Don't you want to know about the situation outside?"

 At this point, she sneered coldly, "You have put in so much effort, don't you want to know the result?"

Hearing this, Hal Eileen didn't react much. He was still studying the handcuffs by himself, as if he wanted to take them apart to see what was inside.

“I am just a part of this plan. I don’t care whether the plan succeeds or not.”

 She raised her eyes and smiled brightly at Bai Muyou, "After all, my performance is over."

“So, Miss Bai, don’t place your hopes on me, it’s useless.”

Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes dangerously and said in a cold tone: "Whether it's useful or not, you don't have the final say."

Hal Eileen's eyebrows moved slightly, and she looked at her in surprise: "You want to interrogate me here?" She turned her head, looked around, and finally fell on Bai Muyou, exclaiming: "This is not possible Like your style."

When she said this, her voice was so low that it was almost not recorded by the monitor. Bai Muyou stood in front of her again. Whether intentionally or not, he happened to have his back to Zou Ming and others, blocking their view to death. Damn it, I couldn’t clearly see Hal Eileen’s facial expression when he spoke.

Zou Ming frowned, turned around and shouted, "What's going on? Why can't you hear what they said?"

“Captain, maybe the voice inside is too low,” someone replied.

 He suggested: “Should we suspend the trial?”

Zou Ming waved his hand, "No, let's observe the situation first."

He didn’t expect Bai Muyou to ask anything from Hal Eileen, he just wanted to test Hal Eileen through her.

Bai Muyou chuckled, his expression full of sarcasm, "Are you familiar with my style?"

 “In my impression, it seems that I have never interacted with you.”

Hal Eileen pondered: "Indeed, I have never met you, but the leader thinks very highly of you."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Muyou's eyes darkened instantly, and he snorted coldly: "Your leader is really like a piece of dog-skin plaster, his ghost is always lingering."

Hal Eileen smiled instead of being angry: "Of course, after all, in the leader's heart, there is a plan more important than his life that has not yet been realized, so how could he be willing to do so."

Bai Muyou's aura suddenly became extremely cold, and he said one word at a time: "Madman."

"Thank you for the compliment." Hal Eileen was not frightened by her expression at all. He thanked her as usual, and then continued to accurately step on the thunder: "What's more, the leader has not yet made a decision regarding the betrayal of you experimental subjects. How to deal with it? You destroyed the Cha League back then. This debt has not yet been fully settled."

She sighed, looked at Bai Muyou, her eyes gradually became stern, and said: "If you ask me, the leader is still too kind. If it were me, I would have killed you all when you were still young. If all the **** are burned to death, there will be no trouble in the future."

 (End of this chapter)

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