She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 578: Xiaojiu was taken away by the second team

Chapter 578 Xiaojiu was taken away by the second team

"What's going on?" Lu Qingran asked anxiously.

You were fine just now, why did your mood suddenly fluctuate so much?

 Everyone was even more confused and didn’t know why.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Jingyi and Jinger walked in side by side, with solemn expressions.

“Third Master, the surveillance of the Yun family has been restored.”

Jingyi handed the tablet in his hand to Qi Jingci. On it was a surveillance video that had just been captured.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, reached out to take it, and opened it.

The surveillance footage began to play, and the screen was reflected in his eyes, flickering with light.

A minute later, everyone saw that Qi Jingci's expression became more and more stern. It was something they had never seen before, and it was so terrifying that he seemed to want to kill someone.


 The tablet he was holding in his hand instantly turned into powder.


 The air suddenly became deathly still.

Everyone swallowed their saliva and looked at Qi Jingci's hand with wide eyes, not even daring to breathe.

Lu Qingran's heart also trembled, her eyelids twitched, and her eyes slowly moved down, landing on the pile of powdery remains on the ground: "..."

  , come again.

After Bai Yuxiu lost control of his mood, his third brother also joined in the fun.

The person who made Bai Yuxiu lose control was Bai Muyou. The thing that made him lose control must have something to do with his sister-in-law.

Even though the situation was wrong, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart. It seemed that his sister-in-law had a much greater influence on his third brother than he imagined.

 He sighed slightly and asked tentatively: "Third brother, do you have a question?"

 Qi Jingci did not answer.

But it should just look at his expression.

Lu Qingran quietly glanced at Bai Yuxiu and gestured wildly.

 You should say something!

Bai Yuxiu twitched the corners of his lips and lowered his eyes, as if he was immersed in his own world without any reaction.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

。     “Lu Qingran.”

Just when Lu Qingran was about to cry but was complaining about the two of them in her heart, Qi Jingci suddenly called him in a cold tone.

This feeling almost made him feel like he had gone back to the days when he was being trained by someone's devil five years ago.

 It was too painful to remember.

Lu Qingran almost straightened her back and stood upright as a reflex, but finally held back, pursed her lips, and said slightly uncomfortably: "Yes."

Qi Jingci's eyes were cold and emotionless, and his voice was solemn: "Recall everyone in the team and come back to the headquarters with me."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned.

Even Bai Yuxiu couldn't help but look up at him in surprise.

Lu Qingran was even more confused: "...ah."

 What kind of trouble is this?

 “Yes, but third brother, everyone in the team is here…”

 They are all tracing the whereabouts of the two old men.

"Leave some people to continue the investigation, and everyone else will follow me back to the headquarters immediately!" Qi Jingci's tone became colder and colder, as if ice had been tempered.

Bai Yuxiu's expression finally changed at this time, his expression was slightly condensed, and he asked: "Third brother, what happened?"

Qi Jingci clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaojiu... was taken away by the people from the second team."

 Lu Qingran: “!!”

 Bai Yuxiu: “!!”

 Everyone: “!!”

Lu Qingran's face suddenly changed, becoming more serious, and asked: "Are you sure?"

 This kind of thing is not something that can be said casually.

 After all, although they are at odds with the second team, it is undeniable that they do have the support of the president.

Making rash judgments without evidence will be harmful to the relationship between the two teams.

Jing Yi interjected from the side: "It can be seen from the recovered surveillance that after the incident in the Yun family, Madam once entered the Yun family, but did not come out. After that, the people from the second team also went in and did not come out. "

He paused and continued: "According to the descriptions of passers-by around the scene, they heard the sound of a helicopter over Yun's house during that time. It should be people from the second team."

“So, Madam must have been taken away by them.”

 (End of this chapter)

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