She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 580: Are you disappointed?

Chapter 580 Are you disappointed?

Li Jiu pressed his forehead, closed his eyes and said, "I leave this person to you. I have to ask for something."


Ji Yunshu nodded towards her, took out a small bottle of medicine from his body and put it on the table, saying: "Still the previous dose, don't forget to take it."


Li Jiu made an OK gesture, curled her lips, and turned around to leave.

The headquarters of the Second Supervision Team is located in the association, but it is far away from other departments of the association. It is located in a deserted deep forest. In the early morning, the clouds cover the fog and the birds chirp. The night is gloomy, and one or two voices can be heard from time to time. The growl of a beast.

It's not like a place for humans, but the perverts in their group have a soft spot for it.

On weekdays, except for the president and Mia, no one is willing to come to this quiet place to "visit" unless there are special circumstances. They are also happy to be quiet. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and they don't have to suffer too much from the old men in the association. There is no greater freedom than restraint.

“Team Leader Ji, are you going to interrogate people again?”

Ji Yunshu left Li Jiu's villa and before she had gone far, she bumped into a team member from the morning training and greeted her with a smile.

She nodded slightly and said helplessly: "Yes."

“Don’t be so gloomy. Is there anything that can trouble you?”

Hearing this rainbow fart, Ji Yunshu's expression became incomprehensible, and he glanced at the other party, "Stop trying to flirt with me and practice your skills quickly! If you fail the test, all of them will be sent to the cliff for confinement!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of wailing.

"do not!"

“Our base is already too dry, and that **** place on the cliff is even worse! Team leader! Please spare us!”

  “That’s right!”

Ji Yunshu rolled his eyes, "What's the use of howling with me?"

She pursed her lips behind her and said, "Only your boss can nod."

 Everyone’s eyes lit up immediately.

Before they could get excited, Ji Yunshu immediately poured a basin of cold water on them.

"But don't think about it. Something happened to the two old men. She is angry and worried. If you go, you will hit the gunpoint."

   Crowd: "..."     Co-author: You said this just to tease us?

Ji Yunshu drove them away before they could even complain.

  "Go wherever you like! I have to go to the laboratory and have no time to argue with you."

Everyone reluctantly left.

Ji Yunshu looked at their backs and cursed with a smile: "A bunch of little bastards!"

 After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the laboratory.

As soon as she left, Bai Muyou and Ning Feng returned to the base.

The helicopter's propeller stirred up huge waves, and a large area of ​​trees around the tarmac fell. The door of the plane was pushed open. Ning Feng, who was wearing a mask and dressed in black, jumped out first, followed by Bai Muyou, the second brother and sister. Everyone is dressed the same.

Bai Muyou raised his hand to tuck away his hair that was messy in the wind, looked around with squinted eyes, and asked the team members who came to pick them up: "Where are the boss and the others?"

The team members shouted in the wind and replied: "Team Leader Ji took the team leader away as soon as he came back. We don't know where they are."

Bai Muyou frowned.

Ji Yunshu took Li Jiu away. Could it be that the matter between the two old men made her condition worse?

Thinking of this, Bai Mu's eyebrows were filled with worry, and he turned to Ning Feng and said, "A Feng, take Hal Eileen to the interrogation room. I'll go see the boss first."


Ning Feng and another team member escorted Hal Eileen away in the opposite direction, while she went directly to Li Jiu's villa.


 “Boss, are you there?”

Bai Muyou knocked on the door lightly a few times and listened carefully to the movement inside. After a long time, Li Jiu's voice came out: "Come in."

She pushed the door open and walked in. Her eyes fell on her for the first time. She looked up and down calmly. Seeing that her condition was not in bad condition, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Jiu took a panoramic view of her behavior after entering the door. He slightly raised the corners of his lips and asked deliberately: "How is it? Are you disappointed that I didn't lose control?"

Bai Muyou: "...That's not the case."

 She was just worried that if she went crazy she would demolish the headquarters.

 (End of this chapter)

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