She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 582: wake up

Chapter 582 Wake up

When Qi Sijin opened his eyes again, his eyes were covered with cloth and plunged into darkness, unable to see anything.

 The base of his ears moved slightly, and there were only a few shallow breathing sounds around him, so he could tell that he was unconscious.

His hands were tied tightly behind his back, and the feeling of powerlessness in his body had not completely subsided. He could only temporarily maintain the previous posture, and his brain was running rapidly, trying to recall what happened before he lost consciousness.

The other party injected them with something similar to an anesthetic, and the dose was very large. If the superpower hadn't had a rejection reaction to this kind of drug, which could shorten the duration of the drug's effect, I'm afraid he would have woken up even later.

 So, the dose injected into them was intended to keep them unconscious for a longer period of time.

Qi Sijin's eyes moved slightly, he gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, secretly strengthened himself, clenched his hands tightly, and the veins on his wrists were exposed, and the handcuffs that bound him instantly broke.

 He stood up quickly, moving very lightly, always alert to the enemy, and at the same time, he immediately understood the surrounding environment.

 The other party took the two old men away and threw the four of them directly here. Except for him who had just woken up, the other three were still in a coma and fell around him.

In the darkness, Qi Sijin frowned fiercely. He could barely identify He Yao's position by the sound of her breathing, and slowly approached her, trying to wake her up:

 “Lao San! Lao San!”

After shouting twice, there was still no response from the other party. Qi Sijin frowned deeper and gathered his energy in the palm of his hand, wanting to help her get rid of the drug. But who knew the next second, he heard a sudden sound coming from the darkness? croon.

Qi Sijin looked happy and immediately unlocked her handcuffs, helped her up, and asked, "Are you okay?"

He Yao's brain was still in chaos and she couldn't distinguish the situation. She only felt that her whole body was extremely sore, as if she had been thrown to the ground from a high altitude and fell several times, especially her wrists and the back of her neck, which didn't look like that at all. My own.

She reached out and rubbed the back of her neck, took a breath of air, and cursed loudly: "What the hell... ugh!"

That turtle grandson dares to tie up my mother!

 However, before the second half of the sentence could be uttered, a big hand covered his mouth.

She stared at Qi Sijin, who put his index finger to his lips, as if he hated iron, slapped her on the forehead, and scolded her in a low voice: "Keep your voice down! I'm afraid you won't attract anyone. Human?"

When will this **** girl's blustering character change? He Yao's expression paused, her eyes flashed lightly, she turned around to scan the surrounding situation, and after realizing her current situation, she became as quiet as a chicken for an instant while blinking at Qi Sijin desperately.

 I know Fourth Brother! Let me go!

 It's going to suffocate everyone.

 Her face was full of tears.

Qi Sijin glared at her fiercely and let go of her hand.

He Yao took a deep breath, but because she was afraid of making any noise, she moved very lightly, which looked very funny.

But now is not the time for jokes.

Qi Sijin took advantage of her to calm down, looked around again, and whispered: "The two old men have been taken away. We should be temporarily locked up in this place."

He Yao was startled, and her expression became more serious. She followed his line of sight and noticed the other two people lying on the ground, and asked, "Do you want to wake them up?"

"No need." Qi Sijin said: "Walking them up will only increase the panic, so just let them faint."

He stood up and tried to walk a few steps in the dark. He didn't encounter any obstacles. The surrounding area was relatively empty and there were no windows, but he could feel the slight flow of air around him.

 There should be ventilation openings.

He Yao also stood up, walked to Qi Mowei and Li Muye and checked them carefully. After finding that they were unconscious and not injured, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, left them there and ignored them, and turned around. Find Qi Sijin.

 “How is it?” she asked, “Can I go out?”

Qi Sijin closed his eyes, slowly released his mental power and spread it around, saying, "I'll give it a try."

 (End of this chapter)

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