She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 584: szhou

Chapter 584 Continent

The people driving in front were still chatting and didn't notice anything unusual behind them. Their ears were filled with mixed conversations and the roar of the car engine. The dark light in the car obscured half of Qi Sijin's face. The curled eyelashes hid the expression in her eyes, and her mind was racing with thoughts, analyzing the current situation.

If you easily get rid of them and then escape with Qi Mowei and the others, there is a high chance that they will be alerted. The enemy's situation is not clear, and even if they escape, just he and He Yao may not have a chance of winning.

 But if they did not escape, they would be taken to the people behind the scenes, and he and He Yao would still be unable to protect these two people.

Qi Sijin narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling in a dilemma.

While he was pondering the countermeasures with an expressionless face, there was a very light rubbing sound of clothing, and he suddenly felt the unconscious person beside him move slightly.

Qi Sijin’s pupils narrowed slightly and he lowered his gaze in astonishment.

The space in the back seat is very small. The four of them are squeezed together, and any slight change in any one of them can be clearly detected. Lying next to Qi Sijin is Qi Mowei.

Qi Sijin: “!”

Qi Mowei's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the roof of the car. Before she could react, she subconsciously blurted out: "This is... um!"

Before she could ask her doubts, a generous hand covered her mouth.

Qi Mowei's eyes were immediately filled with panic, and the next moment she kept struggling, trying to scream in panic, but her voice was stuck in her throat for some reason, and she couldn't make any sound.

She was so scared that her whole body was shaking. The last scene before she fell into coma also appeared in her mind. She suddenly realized that she had been kidnapped, so her resistance became stronger and stronger. However, the drug in her body had just expired, and her whole body She couldn't use any strength at all, so she was quickly subdued by the person behind her covering her.

Just when she was about to despair, the hand suddenly relaxed a little, giving her some room to breathe.

Qi Mowei was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she felt a warm body approaching behind her, pressing tightly against her back.

Her whole body suddenly stiffened, and she did not dare to move rashly.

The other person slowly lowered his head and stopped next to her ear. His breath sprayed on the back of her neck, making her shiver.

Just when Qi Mowei's scalp was numb and she wanted to resist again, she heard a familiar and deep voice: "Weiwei, don't be afraid, it's me."

Qi Mowei's eyes trembled, and her whole body immediately relaxed, and she let out two moans.

Qi Sijin: "Be good, keep your voice down, we are in danger now."

  She nodded, indicating that she understood.

Behind her, Qi Sijin's eyes fell on the top of her hair, his eyes softened for a moment, and he let go of his hand.

Qi Mowei took two breaths, suppressing the joy and excitement in her heart. She wanted to turn around to see if he was okay, but was stopped.

 “Don’t move, you will be discovered.”

She immediately stopped moving and held her breath. The voices of the people in front of her came clearly to her ears, and her expression immediately became a little panicked.

Those people are still there.

 “Ah, Ajin…”

She did not dare to speak too loudly, and kept her voice trembling: "I, what is our situation now?"

 “And, where is grandpa?”

The space for free movement was too small, and the light in the carriage was dim. She knew nothing except Qi Sijin who was close behind her.

Hearing her mention Mr. Qi, Qi Sijin paused and was silent for a moment. He put his hand on the top of her hair, rubbed it gently, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, don't worry."

Having said that, everyone knew something was wrong with the situation at hand, not to mention that his comfort was not convincing at all.

Qi Mowei's body trembled even more violently, and she bit her lower lip tightly, trying not to make any sound.

Seeing this, Qi Sijin sighed softly, put his arms around her, and hugged her tightly. Qi Mowei curled up in her arms desperately, as if this way she would feel safe.

At the same time, Li Muye also woke up and was also covered by He Yao.

After figuring out the situation, the two people who had just woken up maintained their previous postures without making any major movements, for fear of disturbing the people who were driving.

 “Fourth brother, what should we do now?”

He Yao asked Qi Sijin in a low voice. Now that both of them were awake, what he said before would definitely not work.     Because they would not see these two men in danger.

Qi Sijin hissed, signaling for her to be silent.

He Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she understood what he was going to do next, and an unexpected smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

Although the other two people didn't know why, they subconsciously held their breath.

Qi Mowei felt the person behind her move slightly, and then there was nothing behind her, and Qi Sijin sat up.

She was about to turn around, but her eyes were covered by that familiar big hand.

Qi Sijin's deep voice sounded in her ears: "Be good, don't look."

Qi Mowei stayed still.

Qi Sijin smiled briefly, and his face was covered with coldness. He quietly walked around behind the people who were driving, his eyes were cold, his hands were raised in the air, and two daggers suddenly appeared out of thin air in his palms.

The next second, the hand raised the knife and dropped it, with a puff sound, the blade was like the body, and several people lost their breath in an instant.

The driver almost slipped on the steering wheel. Qi Sijin quickly held him down and shouted in a deep voice: "Third brother!"

He Yao responded, quickly stepped forward to steady the steering wheel, and then kicked the body aside.

The driver just changed.

 The perfect cooperation between the two shocked Qi Mowei and Li Muye.

However, it was not this that shocked them the most.

The moment she saw the corpse, Qi Mowei immediately screamed and covered her mouth with her hands. Her whole body was shaking. An extremely disgusting fear surged from the bottom of her heart. She looked at Qi Sijin in horror: "Ah, Ah, Ajin, you, me! Did you kill someone?”

The eldest lady, who had never seen such a scene before, was so frightened that she lost her speech.

Qi Sijin sighed bitterly and lowered his eyes. He knew it would be like this.

He put the dagger back into his bracelet and planned to step forward to coax Qi Mowei. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the latter fell into his arms.

Qi Sijin subconsciously caught it and his expression paused for a moment.


"No! Murdering is against the law! Ajin, you will get into trouble."

Qi Sijin’s mouth twitched, so, is this the point?

But forget it, we can't just argue with her right now.

While patting her back, he said softly: "I'll be fine, don't worry."

Compared with Qi Mowei, he was more worried about Qi Sijin, but Li Muye was shocked by his crisp and clean way of killing someone, which was obviously not his first time. His jaw almost hit the ground, and he opened his mouth stumblingly: "...I, I'm talking about you, What are you..."

  After holding it in for a long time, he couldn't find a suitable word to describe it. In the end, he could only come up with one: "...a crime."

Although these scumbags indeed deserve to die, they are also committing a crime by doing this.

He Yao, who was driving ahead, glanced at their situation in the rearview mirror and said calmly: "Don't worry, this is not within the empire, and the law can no longer punish murderers."

Li Muye and Qi Mowei were stunned at the same time and glanced at each other. Apparently they were so shocked by her shocking words that they didn't know what to say.

 “Then, where is this place?”

He Yao turned the steering wheel and put her arms casually on the window. Her eyes casually scanned the moving scene outside the window. She snorted lightly and said in a sarcastic tone: "Here."


 Here, killing becomes the tacit rule.

 A person who kills without blinking an eye, hell.

 (End of this chapter)

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