She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 586: A team of fighters!

Chapter 586 A team of fighters!

 At this time, the association is the base of the second team.

 “Didi Didi—”

A rapid warning sound suddenly sounded, the scarlet light on the instrument kept flashing, the index changed rapidly, and rows of complex and confusing codes quickly passed by.

The fair-skinned man sitting in the center of a row of monitors instantly focused his eyes, his expression became serious, and he quickly moved over the keyboard, staring at the data displayed on the screen without blinking.

"What's wrong?"

The assistant next to him heard the news and came forward to check. The man’s hand movements did not stop at all, and he replied: "The bracelets of Team Leader He and Team Leader Qi have signals!"

“What?” The assistant’s eyes widened in astonishment, and he immediately froze on the spot.

The fair-skinned man took the time to locate the specific location of the bracelet, trying to find them before the signal disappeared. From the corner of his eye, he saw the assistant still staying where he was, and said in a deep voice: "What are you doing standing still! Go and notify the boss!"

 “Oh, okay.”

 The assistant stumbled out and ran straight to Li Jiu.

However, when he arrived, he discovered that Li Jiu was not there. Only Bai Muyou was there. She was lying on Li Jiu's recliner and reading a magazine. When he saw this, he put down the book in his hand and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?" ?”

The assistant was stunned for a moment and asked: "Team leader Bai, where is the boss?"

Bai Muyou: "I was called by the president."

 He became anxious instantly.

“The positions of the two team leaders have been located, what should we do now?”

Bai Muyou stood up instantly, pulling him out with a hurried expression: "Take me to have a look!"

At this time, Li Jiu was sitting in the president's office, with freshly brewed and steaming coffee in front of her. Opposite her, Zhong Qing was sitting there leisurely sipping coffee, and the two of them said nothing.

Li Jiu glanced at him lightly, then turned to look at Mia, who was standing aside and wanted to hide far away, and raised her eyebrows slightly at her. The meaning in her eyes was very clear: explain?

 Mia: “…”

She twitched the corner of her mouth, cleared her throat, and broke the silence: "Sir..."

Zhongqing put the cup down, making a crisp sound that was neither light nor heavy. She immediately closed her mouth and was as quiet as a chicken.

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes and said in an unclear tone: "Teacher, did you ask me to come here just to perform a pantomime?"

"of course not."

Zhong Qing raised his eyes and looked at her. A hint of complexity suddenly flashed deep in his eyes, and he said, "Ajiu, what do you...think about your grandfather being kidnapped?"

Before he could finish speaking, Li Jiu interrupted: "I will solve it myself."

  …“…This is not something you can solve alone.”

 Li Jiu: “I still have a second team.”

Zhongqing looked at her and sighed deeply: "Xiaojiu, I am your teacher. If you encounter anything, you can come to me."

Whenever she encounters this kind of thing, her first reaction is always to solve it by herself. She never considers asking other people for help. No matter how much pressure she puts on, she will deal with it alone. She is extremely stubborn and will never complain to the people around her. .

Li Jiu's expression remained calm, "No need, I can't help you in your current situation."

As she said that, she looked at Zhong Qing with her eyes vaguely, and finally stopped at his green and white face, which was so tender that it could stand on the spot. The meaning was obvious.

 Zhongqing: “…”

 He exploded at that time.

“Li Jiu! Why are you talking to your teacher?”

Li Jiu snorted coldly: "Old man, you should take care of yourself first. Others see me standing with you, and those who don't know think we are siblings traveling."

She paused, and her eyes became particularly disgusted: "Is there no limit to your ability to rejuvenate? See you later. Isn't communication a problem?"

 Zhongqing: “…”

Zhong Qing finally suppressed all the swear words and said to her calmly: "I can't see anyone like this, but that doesn't mean I can't find someone to help you."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Who are you looking for?"

Zhongqing: "A team." Li Jiu: "..."

 Mia: “…”

 President, you really are not worried that this may cause more trouble.

Li Jiu felt like she had heard a big joke: "Old man, are you sure you are helping me or not harming me?"

If a team of people really come to help, I'm afraid Mr. Li will never come back in this life.

 “…How can a dead girl talk?”

Zhong Qing glanced at her faintly and snorted coldly in his heart.

  If you knew that your man was a team of Q gods, I don’t see how you could say such a thing.

Li Jiu rolled his eyes and looked like he refused to communicate: "Sorry, I have a natural conflict with the first team, so I won't bother them."

 After saying that, she stood up and wanted to leave, but was immediately stopped by Zhong Qing.


His face suddenly showed an expression of hatred for steel, "I asked you, can you two of you help me save some worries?"

In the association, these two are fighting to the death, but in the Imperial Capital, they are like glue. They are not as two-faced as you!

Zhongqing took a deep breath, resisting the urge in his heart to pierce the window between them with one sentence, and forced a smile out of the corner of his mouth: "Xiaojiu, don't worry, God Q is also your master by seniority. Uncle, it’s okay to have small fights between the first team and the second team, but he will never be ambiguous about major matters. "

Li Jiupi pulled his lips with a smile: "Sorry, I can't believe it."

Just by getting in front of that guy and causing her trouble again and again, she never wanted to see him again in her life.


Why can’t this girl listen?

Zhong Qing pinched his eyebrows with a headache and wanted to continue to persuade her. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to speak, he heard a sudden explosion outside. At that moment, he seemed to feel the ground shaking.

The three of them looked out the window at the same time. Fire spread across the horizon in the distance, accompanied by explosions one after another, and billowing black smoke covered the sky.

 That’s the direction of the second team’s base!

Li Jiu's eyes darkened, and the next second, the communicator on her body was buzzing as if it was going to explode.


The person over there shouted something urgently, and the next moment he choked several times before continuing: "Many unknown fighter planes suddenly appeared near the base!"

Li Jiu frowned fiercely, who is so brave to openly challenge the association?

 Her doubts were still lingering in her mind, when she heard the person on the other side of the communicator shout again: "...Wait a minute! There seem to be markings on those fighter planes -"

The man zoomed in on the tail of a fighter plane on the monitor. The next moment, he opened his eyes wide in shock and exclaimed in a broken voice: "It's a team!"

 “A team of fighter planes!”

 Li Jiu: “…”

Zhong Qing and Mia heard this sentence clearly because of their loud voices: "..."

Zhong Qing raised his eyes and met Li Jiu's ghostly expression, "..."

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he turned back to look at Mia. The same thought was clearly felt in her eyes: Damn it, Qi Jingci, you are finished! You are absolutely doomed!

 Do you really know whose base you bombed?

In the silence, Li Jiu asked quietly: "Old man, is this the one you are talking about, my good uncle?"

You said to help me one second, but the next second you came to blow up my base?

 Zhongqing: “…”

 At this moment, the President has only one thought in his mind.

 Qi, Jing, Ci!

 Are you going to die or not?

 (End of this chapter)

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