She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 592: Li Jiu: Qi Jingci, you loser!

Chapter 592 Li Jiu: Qi Jingci, you loser!

 “Speak clearly, why is it too late?”

 A group of people were confused by their words and asked dissatisfiedly.

“That’s right, don’t be pretentious here.”

Ji Yunshu smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, the fun is yet to come."

She turned around and blinked at Bai Muyou and Ning Feng, and the two immediately laughed knowingly, and everyone in the second team also followed suit.

 They could almost foresee how dramatic it would be next.

Isn’t this more exciting than an S-level mission?

  God Q and their nine gods!

It’s incredible to think about it now.

These two fairy-level bosses and demon-level captains actually got together in private!

 I really don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a misfortune.

As early as when Li Jiu and Qi Jingci got engaged, everyone in the second team had already learned the news. At that time, they were both happy and shocked. They were lucky that there were people in the world who could accept their Nine Gods without fear of death, and they were shocked that there were people in the world who could accept them without fear of death. Dare to accept their Nine Gods!

 Now it seems that... it really does not mean that one family does not enter the same house.

These two are an absolute match made in heaven.

Therefore, everyone in the second team looked at the opposite side with eyes full of admiration, especially when their eyes touched Qi Jingci, their eyes were so intense that they almost solidified.


a team:"…"

are you crazy!

Just when they couldn't help the strange and passionate gazes on the other side and wanted to curse, suddenly, a cold voice sounded: "What's going on?"

Qi Jingci's expression changed instantly. He turned around almost immediately and locked his eyes on that familiar and slender figure.

He rushed forward desperately, held her in his arms with his long arms, and touched her back with his big and generous hands. His tone was a bit frightened: "Jiujiu, you scared me to death. "

Li Jiu fell into a warm embrace before she could react. She was stunned, and her nose was filled with a familiar scent. After she realized who the other person was, her tense emotions immediately relaxed.

But then, she suddenly frowned, pushed Qi Jingci away, distanced herself from him, and asked with a look of astonishment, "Why are you here?"

Qi Jingci did not answer her, but looked over her whole body. After confirming that she was not injured, the breath he had been holding finally relaxed.

He held Li Jiu in his arms again, buried his head in the crook of her neck, and said in a low voice: "The second team took you away. I was almost scared to death. Fortunately, you are okay."



 What the **** are you talking about?

A huge question mark suddenly appeared on Li Jiu's face. She struggled to get out of his control and ask what was going on. However, this guy's arms were as if they were made of iron and would not move at all no matter what.

Li Jiu: "...Qi Jingci, let me go first."

 “Don’t let go.”

How could he easily let go of a person who was lost and found again?

As a result, Li Jiu suddenly felt that the force holding him was getting stronger.

She couldn't bear it any longer: "...Let go, I have something to ask you." Only then did Qi Jingci react, relaxing his grip slightly, looking at her with gentle eyes, and his expression was so boring that he said: "You ask."


Li Jiu took a deep breath and repeated the question: "Why are you here?"

Qi Jingci didn't hide anything: "I saw on the Yun family's surveillance camera that you were taken away by the second team, so I came to rescue you."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Wait a minute and let her figure it out.

 He said that she was taken away by the second team, so he came to her? !

As if she suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter, Li Jiu pushed Qi Jingci away from her and immediately saw the surrounding situation clearly.

The members of the two teams were clearly on one side, and the atmosphere was tense and filled with smoke. Several people led by both sides...

 It feels so familiar!

After his eyes touched Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran, Li Jiu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth twice to express his current fucked-up mood.

 She closed her eyes, unable to bear to look at all this.

 Okay, she got it :)

Her third master is the culprit who came to blow up her lair today.

A stiff smile appeared on Li Jiu's lips, and he turned to look at Qi Jingci, almost squeezing out the words through his teeth: "You come... to save me?"


 “What can I do to save you?”

Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, unable to realize the meaning of her words. However, Lu Qingran, who had just come up to her, replied: "Of course it's a fighter plane."


“Sister-in-law, you haven’t seen how handsome the third brother was when he ordered the bombing of the base to save people!”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 A mouthful of old blood is stuck in the throat.

Bai Yuxiu also stepped forward and looked at Li Jiu, and asked with concern: "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Li Jiu shook his head stiffly.

Bai Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, otherwise the third brother might have bombed the second team's base into ashes."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Swallowed the old blood again.

 I thank you:)

Li Jiu’s heart suddenly felt like a knife.

That’s all money!

 Her base!

 Qi Jingci, you are a loser!

 (End of this chapter)

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