She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 595: Claimed to be an exercise

Chapter 595: Claiming it is an exercise

Zhong Qing showed an innocent expression, spread his hands, and swore: "Heaven is my witness, I just learned about it not long ago."

Qi Jingci: “How long?”

 “About…how many months?”

 Li Jiu: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

How long has it been called? !

Now not only Li Jiu, but also Qi Jingci, who had always disdained to do anything, felt his hands were a little itchy.

“Hey, hey, hey! Why do you look like you’re going to hit me?”

Zhong Qing yelled a few times and patted his chest. He was frightened by the two of them, "You are obviously having such an exciting time on your own, what does it have to do with me?"


Li Jiu gritted his teeth and looked gloomy: "Do you think we are just playing?"

Who would make fun of something like this!

The moment she learned Qi Jingci's identity just now, although she looked calm and calm on the surface, in fact, she was trembling inside, and her scalp felt numb, running straight through the top of her head.

Her hair was about to stand on end!

Qi Jingci is obviously the same, and his expression is still a little dazed.

The status of one's own boyfriend/girlfriend is actually a bit exciting, making them both feel angry at the same time, but preventing the other from knowing where to vent their anger.

 Zhong Qing happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

 As a result, the eyes of the two suddenly became a little colder.

Zhong Qing was stared at by them at the same time. He couldn't help but cough slightly, his voice was much softer than before: "I see you guys are having a lot of fun..."


  “Hey boss, okay, okay, don’t be angry!”

Seeing that Li Jiu couldn't help but take a step forward, Bai Muyou and others were worried that she would attack Zhong Qing in public, so they immediately surrounded her.

Ji Yunshu took her arm and said in a more serious voice: "Don't be impulsive, let others see it, or you will cause trouble again."

Although the relationship between Li Jiu and Zhong Qing is called master-disciple, it is no different from a relationship that has lasted for many years. It is normal to have small fights, but outsiders do not know the inside story. If she takes action, it will definitely spread to the council. It will be made a big fuss about again.

 The two old men have important matters now, and they don't have time to waste time with those old men.

Bai Muyou also said: "Seventh sister is right. Today's incident has given enough trouble to the people in the council. Boss, you must pay attention."

Ning Feng took a step behind them and did not step forward. Instead, he turned around and walked to Lu Qingran, who was huddled behind Bai Yuxiu, and kicked him mercilessly: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Tell your people to evacuate immediately! Isn't that too cool?" Haven’t seen enough jokes?”

Lu Qingran’s face twisted for a while, enduring the severe pain and showing a smile that was uglier than crying, “…oh.”

 He turned around and ordered everyone to evacuate.

Bai Yuxiu's eyes flickered and he added: "Remember, when you go back, declare to the outside world that this is an exercise discussed with the second team."

In the past, when I didn't know that Jiu Shen was my sister-in-law, they and the second team were able to maintain a state of non-confrontation for a long time. No matter how many stumbling blocks the two sides gave each other in private, they still wouldn't break up because they couldn't let the council catch them. Flaws within the inspection team.

Team 1 and Team 2 are actually forces directly under the president. Even though there have been incidents of overt and covert fighting and private subjugation over the years, they are still a unit and cannot afford to lose the big for the small.

If Qi Jingci hadn't really panicked this time, they wouldn't have made such an impulsive move today.

Ning Feng unexpectedly gave him an appreciative look, and turned around to tell everyone in the second team: "Listen carefully, today's matter is just a drill. If anyone talks nonsense, don't blame me for being rude!"


Bai Yuxiu glanced at him and said nothing, but his eyes were no longer as cold as before.

 This small traffic is still somewhat capable.

 Sure enough, no one in the second team is ordinary.

  A large group of people arrived with great momentum. They thought they would be able to fight vigorously, but in the end, they ended up in disarray. But this time, a group of people did not complain at all. On the contrary, they wished to get away from this Shura field as soon as possible.

Even God Q can't protect himself, let alone Boss Bai and Boss Lu?

They don't want to stay and be witnesses of "the bosses were brutally killed in Shura Field". The risk of being silenced is too great, so they should leave quickly.

"Speaking of which... after a long time, the Nine Gods turned out to be our sister-in-law. Then what kind of infighting did you have with the second team before? Isn't this sick?"

"What you said sounded like farts. We didn't know she was my sister-in-law before."

“I’m only focused on one issue right now... Jiu Shen is our sister-in-law. Just now I saw how strict the captain’s wife was. In the future... he won’t use the entire team to please Jiu Shen, right?”

“…I can’t say for sure, after all, we grabbed a lot of goods from the second team before.”

"...Speaking of grabbing goods, have you forgotten that the second team seems to have grabbed more, and not only the captain, but also the other two bosses and the people from the second team... Ahem! In short, even if the captain wants to grab a The team gave it to the Nine Gods, and I guess the two bosses didn’t dare to object, so we are in danger.”




 A few words to awaken the dreamer.

Everyone was silent, their faces were gloomy, and their expressions were full of grief.

 It’s really over now!

The captain and the two bosses were collectively abducted by the second team and used as a barbarian!

 The scene returns to Li Jiu and others.

After Ji Yunshu and Bai Muyou's dissuasion, Li Jiu calmed down even though he looked impatient, and asked Zhong Qing coldly: "Old man, I am your apprentice after all, so you tricked your apprentice like this?"

Zhong Qing had hid behind Mia a long time ago. Now that his superpowers were reversed, his mental power was so low that he was no different from ordinary people. He was no match for Li Jiu. Despite this, after hearing this, he still stuck his head out from behind Mia. He complained angrily: "Why did I cheat you? I couldn't afford to fight for the sake of you two, and I didn't dare to expose you at all. In addition, I also -"

Zhong Qing pointed at Qi Jingci angrily: "I want to say something nice to you for him. I want to ease the relationship between you two so that it won't be too embarrassing if you lose your vest in the future. Who knows I haven't finished talking to you yet..."

His face darkened, he glared at Qi Jingci with an unkind look, and said with an expression of hatred: "You are such an unlucky thing that you brought someone to knock on the door!"

It is true that if God does evil, it will be violated, but if you do evil yourself, you will not live.

Qi Jingci: "..." Blame him?

Li Jiu's faint gaze swept over her, with an inexplicable accusatory tone. It was completely opposite to her usual image, creating a disconcerting contrast.

Qi Jingci: "..." Blame him.

 He shouldn't be too impatient.

Zhong Qing's words made Li Jiu finally focus on Qi Jingci. Her eyes fell on his handsome face, and then slowly moved down, and then she was startled.

 He was wearing the same clothes he wore when he last met him three days ago.

 In other words...this person hasn't rested for three whole days?

Li Jiu thought about his mysophobia, her eyes suddenly became complicated and obscure, and the anger she was originally holding was much lessened.

It seems that after she was taken away by Ji Yunshu, he has been searching for her sleeplessly...

Li Jiu sighed, and took out his hands that had been kept in his pockets. They naturally hung by his side, and his body moved slightly.

Everyone's eyes suddenly changed, thinking that she couldn't suppress her anger and wanted to fight Qi Jingci.

Even Qi Jingci thought she was really angry.

Unexpectedly, she only took half a step forward, then paused, sighed deeply, and said in Qi Jingci's surprised eyes, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the base."

Li Jiu glanced at Ji Yunshu: "Lao Qi, take care of this place."

 Ji Yunshu: "...Okay."

 Are you angry or not?

Master Jiu feels sad, hahahahahaha

There was no update yesterday because the system crashed. Today’s chapter is two in one. I believe you can tell by looking at the word count.



 (End of this chapter)

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