She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 607: Prepare for the worst

Chapter 607 Prepare for the worst

Seeing his silence, Li Jiu finally noticed something was wrong and glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

“…Nothing, I suddenly remembered some old things.”

 Some old things that made his intestines turn green with regret.

Qi Jingci never expected that the person Zhong Qing shamelessly begged him to take care of was actually Li Jiu.

 And he refused in a very stupid manner.

If there is a time magic in the world, he must go back and let the "he" who is seventeen or eighteen years old know why the flowers are so red.

but none.

 He can only be immersed in immense regret now, and has no intention of listening to anyone analyzing the battle plan.

“Since you have been in this base camp before, do you still remember some details?”

Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Yuxiu: "For example?"

“For example, there are some unattractive paths or secret passages in the base camp.”

Before Ji Yunshu could answer, Ning Feng scoffed at his whims: "Young Master Bai, are you dreaming? Let's not talk about the fact that we were just children at that time, and our mobility was infinitely close to zero. Let's just talk about us. As an experimental subject, do you think it is possible for the Shamen to let us run around? "

 “This idea of ​​yours is too stupid...hiss!”

Before Ning Feng finished speaking, he took a sharp breath of air, his expression became distorted due to pain, and he quickly begged for mercy: "It hurts, it hurts! Sister! Let go!"

 His ears were about to be ripped off!

Bai Muyou snorted coldly and pinched his ears fiercely. The strength of her hands did not weaken at all because of his begging for mercy. She said word by word: "Ning, Feng! How many times have I told you not to be too big or too small! "

Bai Yuxiu is her nominal brother and can be considered his elder, but this guy is good. He has been acting strangely since they met. He really needs a lesson!

 “I was wrong, I was wrong!”

Ning Feng suddenly broke free from Bai Muyou's clutches, immediately got up and hid behind Lu Qingran, and said angrily: "Sister, who is your biological brother?"

How dare you protect that **** like this!

Bai Muyou smiled: "If you want to, I will sever ties with you right now."

  Ning Feng: “…”

 What a cruel woman!

Lu Qingran was sandwiched between the two of them and coughed awkwardly: "Um... Xiaoyou, stop arguing now, business is more important."

Bai Muyou glanced at him coldly: "It's none of your business."

 “…” He shut up.

Ji Yunshu and Li Jiu were watching the show with great interest. They looked at each other with amusement on their faces.

There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere between these four people. Something must have happened. In addition, when Ning Feng announced his relationship with Bai Muyou just now, Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu were not surprised at all. They had obviously known about it for a long time.

 So they have made it clear?

The corners of Li Jiu's lips curved with an unknown meaning. She thought that according to Bai Muyou's temper, in order to maintain the relationship with Bai Yuxiu, she would not confess so quickly.

 After all, this girl’s thoughts about someone are not pure.

   A certain Bai Yuxiu sighed helplessly, "Xiao You, I'm not angry."

Bai Muyou: "That won't work either."

"..." Bai Yuxiu noticed that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and everyone's eyes began to focus on him and Bai Muyou. He immediately cleared his throat and decisively changed the subject: "I was reckless just now, but the situation is unclear at the moment. We don’t know how powerful the alliance is, so it may not be beneficial to have a head-on conflict.”

 As soon as business was mentioned, everyone stopped joking and became more serious.

Li Jiu nodded, agreed with Bai Yuxiu's point of view, and said, "Well, so, we have to split up."

Hearing this, Qi Jingci, who had been distracted, moved his eyebrows slightly, and finally had some reaction to Li Jiu's words, and asked: "How do we split up?"

Li Jiu: "You, me, and Lao Qi will attack head-on together and force the people behind the scenes out. As for Lao Liu and the others..."

She smiled mysteriously, her eyes slightly cold: "Each of you will lead a group of people and disperse around the base camp to feign attacks at the same time. The louder the noise, the better. Do you understand?"

Qi Jingci smiled clearly: "To attack the east and attack the west, or to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

 In this way, we can not only find out the distribution of their strength, but also take the opportunity to save people.


"But, boss, I still have a question." Bai Muyou suddenly spoke up.

She pursed her lips, her eyes looked complicated for a moment, and asked: "Have you...ever guessed who the person behind the scenes will be?"

Li Jiu was silent, lowering his gaze, unable to see the emotions in his eyes clearly.

Of course she had guessed that the Shamen League was destroyed twice, and she thought there was no possibility of a revival. However, in the past two years, it has recovered its strength at an unimaginable speed, and spread its power silently. If it hadn't been for this time If something happens to the two old men, they will not realize that they have been infiltrated by the Chameng.

Furthermore, they know the secret past of the five major families and their ambition to restart the Seed Project. All these signs indicate that the person behind this series of events must be someone who knew about it back then.

 But most of the insiders back then had been secretly executed by the association, and the rest...

Li Jiu closed her eyes and didn't dare to think about it.

The remaining insiders are all people who have deep cooperation with the association and know almost all the high-level secrets of the association. If the people behind the scenes are among them...the consequences will be disastrous.

“Lao Qi, inform the teacher and prepare for the worst.” She said solemnly.

 (End of this chapter)

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