She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 613: New Experimental Subject No. 3

Chapter 613 New Experimental Subject No. 3

I have to say that Qi Sijin’s worries are very reasonable.

After He Yao and the other three escaped from the third wave of pursuit, the wound on her body was torn due to violent movements. The pain instantly made her bend over, her face was pale and bloodless. She covered the wound with her hand and spat hard. , I cursed mother in my heart.

 These sons of bitches!

 When she regains her strength, she will definitely kill them!

After cursing in her heart, He Yao raised her eyes and glanced at Qi Mowei, who was also in a state of embarrassment beside her, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, she, Ji Yunshu and others had never been so embarrassed and defeated when they went on a mission. Now they were forced to flee across the mountains and plains by a few lackeys. It was really a disaster.

Before she could finish feeling regretful, the pain in the injury began to intensify again, and she couldn't help but let out a breath.

Hearing the sound, Qi Mowei quickly stepped forward to check nervously: "What's wrong? The wound has opened again?"

He Yao couldn't help but twitch the corners of her lips when she saw her eyes wide open and staring at him unblinkingly, with worry still shining in her clear eyes.

 This situation is not quite right.

 Shouldn’t she be the one to protect them?

Qi Sijin carefully entrusted the two of them to her before leaving, and she swore that they would not miss a hair.

 As a result, after so long, the person being taken care of became her.

He Yao smiled bitterly.

What a shame.

I thought that I was an A-level superpower after all. I was the weakest in the team and the youngest, but at least it was better than other superpowers. I had taken on countless S-level tasks, and my immature hands It has long been covered in blood.

 But now, the person she needs to protect is treating her like an underage child with caution.

  It is simply embarrassing and humiliating.

 Although she is indeed considered a minor at the moment.

He Yao took a deep breath and endured the pain to comfort Qi Mowei, who was about to cry: "I'm fine."

Qi Mowei's eyes were red, and her delicate and beautiful little face was covered by dust. She was embarrassed and haggard, and her whole person was in a fragile and helpless state, as if if anyone broke through her layer of protection, she would collapse in the next moment.

She sniffed and muttered: "Brother Makino went to explore the road, and I don't know when he will be back."

The three of them had been hiding for a day and a night. He Yao was injured again, so running around like this was not an option, so they thought of finding a temporary base nearby. Fortunately, He Yao and the others were used to wearing supernatural bracelets. Store weapons in them for emergencies. In this way, even if they encounter people from the Cha League, they will still be able to fight.

So Li Muye volunteered to go. Although the children from the Li family usually have some second-generation ancestors, they still have some kung fu skills. Coupled with the particle gun given to him by He Yao, even if he encounters enemies on the road, he will not hesitate. No power to fight back.

Qi Mowei lowered her eyes, her eyes gloomy.

At this time, she misses Ajiu and Sange very much. In the past, if something happened to her, they would always appear by her side to protect her immediately.

 But not now.

They were captured and brought to a foreign country, far away from the imperial capital. Even if they thought about it, Ajiu and Sange would not be able to fall from the sky in this inhospitable place in the next second.

He Yao knew she was scared when he saw her expression, and said quickly: "Sister Weiwei, don't be afraid, someone will come to save us."

Qi Mowei nodded dully, "I know, I just..."

 She clenched her fists subconsciously.

It was just the first time for her to face this strange situation and experience the dangerous situation on the edge of life and death. She was a little confused and at a loss.

 Fortunately, when she was awake, she was not alone and had them as companions, otherwise she could not imagine how broken she would be.

He Yao looked at her pretending to be strong and smiled wanly, "Do you know? When I first killed someone, I was very similar to you now."

 Looking confused and at a loss, unable to believe whether he was in a real or illusory world.

 Simply put, it means not wanting to face reality.

Qi Mowei's face stiffened and she said dryly: "You, kill, kill."

In fact, it is normal for big families in the upper class to play with people's lives. Among wealthy families, few people have clean hands, but no one will say it openly. Qi Mowei is certainly no exception. She has heard about it, but she doesn't. Would love to learn more.

 First of all, she naturally dislikes this kind of thing and finds it disgusting. Secondly, Mr. Qi protects her too well and doesn't want her to get involved in this kind of thing.

This was the first time she heard someone talking about murder so openly.

Moreover, this person has stayed at her house for a long time, and she has always regarded her as her sister's future nephew-in-law.

 …This generation seems to be a bit chaotic.

 This is not the point.

Qi Mowei's face looked unnatural for a moment, but soon returned to normal. She realized that her reaction might hurt He Yao's heart, so she immediately explained: "A Yao, I didn't mean that..."

He Yao waved her hands indifferently, "It's okay."

 She had expected it.

Qi Mowei was still a little embarrassed. She was actually very curious about what kind of experience could make a girl stain her hands with blood at a young age, and she seemed to be used to it, discussing murder with others indifferently. But in this situation, it was not convenient for her to continue asking, so she silently closed her mouth.

The two of them leaned against the thick tree trunk behind them, quietly listening to the wind in the forest.

 After a while, He Yao felt a little cold, her vision gradually blurred, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and her head became very dizzy.


Qi Mowei noticed something was wrong with her and quickly pushed her a few times.

He Yao had no reaction.

 “Ayao, don’t sleep!”

Qi Mowei’s anxious voice kept replaying in her mind and became the last words she heard before she lost consciousness.


 My consciousness is so heavy and my head is so dizzy.

 In the darkness, it seemed like memories that had been forgotten in the corner came flooding out.

 “You’re not dead, are you?”

She heard someone ask.

 “No.” someone replied.

His tone was cold, so indifferent that it made people shiver.

He Yao slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a handsome and clear face.

She blinked her big innocent eyes and looked at him curiously, then smiled brightly and stretched out her little hand to reach for him.

 But it’s out of reach.

 Because her hands are too small and short.

But she was completely powerless, as soft as a puddle of water.

So, He Yao, who was only two or three years old, could only listen to this good-looking elder brother talking to another person.

"She is the new Experimental Subject No. 3? She is too small. I think she will die after just one try."

 “No. 4, don’t say that.”

“No. 2, what I said is the truth.”

 “Oh, they don’t even let such a small child go!”

 The good-looking elder brother seemed very angry, and his tone was gritting his teeth.

“What can you expect from a guy who has long lost his humanity?” This was another voice, and it sounded like a good-looking older sister.

“No. 7, are you awake?”

  No. 7 hummed calmly.

“What to do with this little brat? She was just captured and will be taken to the experiment tomorrow, but I think she may not be able to survive tonight.”

  “It’s better to die now if it’s not the best.”

“No. 5, don’t say that.”

No. 2 glanced at the other party helplessly, then returned his gaze to He Yao, sighing: "Let's give her something to eat early."

 “Are you kidding me! Where can we get food here?”

No. 4 seemed to have heard some big joke: "We have nothing to eat ourselves, where can we get food for her?"

And such a small cub cannot eat ordinary food to satisfy his hunger.

Suddenly there was a sneer from the side: "Don't say that. When you first came here three months ago, didn't we get you something to eat?"

The voice paused, and then said: "You were almost dead at that time, and you didn't care. You would eat whatever was given to you."

No. 4 immediately blushed.

 He snorted coldly and said no more.

No. 2 ignored their bickering and reached out to touch her forehead, as if praying: "I hope you can survive here."

 Survive tenaciously in this **** that never sees the light of day.

   A large number of memory kills are coming, all from different perspectives, please pay attention to check~



 (End of this chapter)

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