She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 615: strange

Chapter 615 Strange

He Yao followed the vague memories in her mind and reluctantly remembered the entrance to the underground secret room. Just as the three of them were about to enter, there was suddenly a chaotic sound outside.

 It was the people from the Chameng who were chasing him nearby.

 “Get in quickly!”

He Yao quickly let the two of them in, quickly restored the disguise at the entrance, and dived in.

The secret room has been abandoned for many years. There is dust floating everywhere in the thin air, and there is also a strange smell that makes people frown.

Li Muye sniffed it, quickly covered his nose and asked in disgust, "What is this smell?"

 “Don’t worry, it’s not poisonous.” He Yao replied calmly.

She rubbed it for a while, then stretched out her hand to press it, and the surrounding area suddenly became bright as day.

He Yao: “Tsk, I didn’t expect it could still be used here.”

 The systems in the laboratory are all self-contained and there is no central control. This is to prevent the data in the laboratory from being damaged in an emergency.

Qi Mowei and Li Muye both opened their eyes wide and looked around in disbelief. If the two old men were still here, they would definitely find that the furnishings here were basically the same as what Los showed them.

It's just that it's more like an attack here.

 All the instruments were damaged beyond recognition, papers were scattered all over the floor, and the ground was littered with broken pieces and was in a mess.

He Yao just glanced at it, then strode over the scattered things on the ground, came to a corner, glanced back and forth, suddenly, her eyes paused, she raised the corners of her lips, stretched out her hand and pressed it lightly somewhere. .

I saw that the originally ordinary wall suddenly dented, and a layer of drawers popped out from inside, containing an exquisite gun and several dark green abnormal stones.

He Yao's eyes lit up with joy, and she handed the gun to the two people behind her. She held the stones in her hands, slowly closed her eyes, and felt the spiritual power flowing in them.

From the moment she took out these things from the wall, Li Muye's jaw had not closed. He was so shocked that he almost lost his voice: "You, how did you know that there is-"

 Do you have these things? But He Yao was concentrating on recovering her mental strength and had no time to be distracted to answer him. She just said succinctly: "There are many similar places here. Look for them and collect all the weapons."

Li Muye stopped talking, didn't ask any more questions, and did as she asked.

 The two men then searched through the entire laboratory, not missing every corner, and soon collected dozens of weapons of different types.

When Li Muye saw this, his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost.

At this time, Qi Mowei had found the last location. She took out the weapons inside, but was stunned at the few remaining exotic stones.

Her eyes were on the strange stone, and she always felt vaguely familiar in her heart.

She pursed her lips, frowned slightly, and stretched out her hand to Yi Shi without any clue.

The moment she touched it, it was as if millions of fine needles were piercing into her mind at the same time, causing her face to turn pale and she retracted her hand instantly.

 But the uncomfortable pain did not disappear.

Qi Mowei covered her head, feeling a splitting headache. Sweat gradually broke out on her forehead, and the blood on her face faded.

Li Muye saw her squatting there with her back to him, looking a little strange, so he walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qi Mowei: "No, it's okay. I just feel dizzy after squatting for a long time."

Li Muye did not doubt her and turned around to search elsewhere.

Qi Mowei held on to the wall in exhaustion, barely holding herself up. Because she was afraid of being worried, she endured the pain and bit her lower lip tightly without making any sound.

Gradually, the needle-pricking pain in her mind slowly disappeared. She gasped and looked at the strange stone in front of her, her eyes blank.

 What's wrong with her?

 (End of this chapter)

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