She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 629: Otherwise shut up forever

Chapter 629 Or shut up forever

Shen Lue is a man who is particularly good at making waves. When they were captured and used as experimental subjects more than ten years ago, he dared to cause some trouble for the people of Chameng in full view of the public. You can imagine how courageous he is.

 After being rescued by Zhong Qing and returned to the association, his nature was completely liberated. Not long after, the entire association was brutally murdered by him. The second team has not had a good reputation since its establishment, and most of the reasons are due to him.

For a period of time, Li Jiu was in seclusion due to a serious injury. Ji Yunshu also devoted himself to developing medicine for her. The rest of the people were all busy doing tasks and had no time to manage the affairs of the base. Therefore, Shen Lue saw the opportunity and led The newcomer in the base offended the entire association, and the relationship with the first team and the Silver Moon Guards of the Council was also forged at that time.

Later, when Li Jiu came out of seclusion, Shen Lue knew that he would not get any good results according to her temper, so he slipped away very carefully. Since then, he has not been seen again. He only occasionally sent letters to express that he was still alive, until Li Jiu After his anger completely subsided, he ran back dejectedly.

But it didn't take long before he couldn't control himself and caused trouble everywhere, causing a mess in the association. Everyone complained to their second team. Li Jiu couldn't bear it anymore. This time, he kicked Shen Lue out and ordered him not to return to the base unless he had nothing to do. There are so many people out there that no one cares.

He said he didn't care, but in case he really caused more trouble, someone had to be sent to watch him, so Fang Yang volunteered to go.

 On the one hand, he is the most idle one in the team because he is not very strong and usually takes few tasks. He just has time to watch Shen Lue. On the other hand, he also wants to go out and see the world and practice himself.

So the two people left the association for several years. In the past few years, they have kept in touch with them. It was not surprising to know the current situation of the second team. What made her strange was, why did these two people appear here?

No matter how well-informed the news is, it is impossible to reach the Shameng ahead of them, right?

Bai Muyou looked at them with confusion in his eyes: "Why are you here?"

Shen Luechong pursed his lips at the experimental subject in front of him and said, "Well, it's because of them."

"What's the meaning?"

Bai Muyou's eyes paused, and some suspicion in her heart was suddenly amplified. She glanced at Bai Yuxiu, who immediately understood and directly released a supernatural barrier, covering them and isolating the attacks of the experimental subjects.

The experimental subjects were isolated from the outside and kept slapping the barrier with their hands. However, the moment they touched it, it was like receiving an electric shock. They immediately retracted their hands, roared unwillingly, and stared at them eagerly.

Bai Muyou turned around and said, "There's something wrong with these experimental subjects, right?"

Although ˜˜ is a question, it has an affirmative tone.

 The two of them appeared here at this time, which just verified her conjecture.

Fang Yang nodded. He had something to say, but he hesitated and glanced at Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran vaguely.

Bai Muyou saw what he meant and introduced him: "Lao Ba, this is a team of Q God's men."

 She pointed first at Bai Yuxiu and then at Lu Qingran, "My brother, my friend."

  Shen Lue: “…”

 Fang Yang: “…”

 The expressions of both of them were shocked and confused.

Shen Lue felt that he might be in a dream, "What did you say?! A team? Q God? Your brother? Friend? Bai Muyou has not seen you for so long and your language organization skills have problems?"

These phrases are fine when taken individually, but when combined together, he can't understand them at all.

Is it possible that he has been away from the team for too long and the world has changed drastically?

 Can a team be friends with them?

 No, a team can actually breathe the same air as them?

Shen Lue looked at Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran with his eyes widened, "A team?"

 The two nodded.

He instantly looked like his world view had been reshaped, "It's incredible, you can actually let us live in peace for more than three seconds."

 Everyone: “…”

Bai Muyou clenched his fists loudly, gritted his teeth and wanted to kill him, "Who is all this because of?"

If he hadn't planned to die to provoke the first team, would they have become more and more estranged from the first team?

 It ended in embarrassment in the end.

"Can't you blame me entirely? At that time, a team was really beaten up. After grabbing some good things, they went everywhere. Idiots know that wealth should not be exposed. Didn't they deliberately provoke people to steal?" Shen Lue said. .

 Everyone: “…”

So you went to a group of base warehouses in the middle of the night and moved everything in their warehouses without leaving even a hair behind? It was just a matter of stealing the key, and he shamelessly wrote at the crime scene, "The first team is not good at this, it can't catch up with the rookies who are at the bottom of the second team." This kind of self-reporting sentence will make anyone vomit blood.

Who would be able to bear this?

Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu's expressions turned dark when they mentioned the dark history that they couldn't bear to look back on. Especially after they found out that the person in front of them was the culprit who had caused them to lose face many years ago, they couldn't calm down even more.

Bai Muyou was worried that if Shen Lue continued to speak, blood would be spilled on the scene today, so he immediately stepped forward and took Bai Yuxiu's arm, and said with a dry smile: "Brother, calm down."

The veins on Bai Yuxiu's forehead were throbbing, but he couldn't have an attack in front of his sister, so he closed his eyes and endured it, "'s okay."

Lu Qingran smiled but said: "...I know, the overall situation is more important." He understood...what a ghost!

 This man is too arrogant!

 You dare to say this in front of them, do you really think they can't kill him?

 If your sister hadn't had the third brother and their main team members away, how would it be this little brat's turn to run wild in their base?

Following Bai Muyou, Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran also clenched their fists and glared at Shen Lue while grinding their molars.

Someone didn't care and wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Fang Yang and stopped the topic.

 “Stop talking about this, let’s talk about business.”

Since Bai Muyou said that these two people are friends, it means that they are trustworthy, so there is nothing to hide.

“Do you still remember that the boss discovered traces of strange stones at the Imperial Capital auction some time ago?”

Bai Muyou nodded.

"This matter was not over at that time. The boss felt that something was fishy, ​​so he secretly handed it over to me and Xiaowu to investigate."

But too many things happened immediately after that, and the progress of the investigation was temporarily shelved. Not long ago, a murder case of a person with supernatural powers occurred in the Imperial Capital. They vaguely caught a clue, so they followed the clues to investigate. .

As more and more information was found, they gradually pieced together a shocking truth.

Bai Muyou: "What did you find?"

For the first time, Shen Lue regained his careless expression and said seriously: "There are people in the council who are colluding with the Cha League."

 The expressions of everyone present changed.

Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you sure?"

They have also speculated about this matter, but there has been no evidence.


Fang Yang said: "After the boss handed over the case of the strange stone to us, Xiaowu and I started investigating the suspicious people who had come into contact with the auction, and finally found that the source was in the association."

Shen Lue: "I was surprised at the time that no one would come into contact with this kind of strange stone easily except for the president. I racked my brains and thought about it, and later I found out, oh, it turns out that the old immortals on the council can also do it. This is causing trouble, especially in recent years when the president rarely interferes with the association's affairs due to his special abilities, so the board of directors tries to cover up the situation with one hand. "

Fang Yang agreed with him: "With this guess, we quickly found evidence that people from the council smuggled exotic stones. This is not a trivial matter. After reporting it to the boss and president, we still felt uneasy and did it on our own. I suggest you check it out.”

Shen slightly clicked his tongue and glanced at him, "Old man, stop pretending at this time. What's wrong with you? You can't help but be curious... Ouch!"

He grinned and rubbed his calf, glared at Bai Muyou angrily, and accused: "What are you doing?"

 Bai Muyou raised the ice blade, and the tip of the blade shone with a frightening cold light, almost blinding him. She warned with a smile: "Shut up, or shut up forever, choose one."

  Shen Lue: “…”

 Shen Lue was immediately attentive.

 Can't you afford to be cowardly if you can't offend him?

 (End of this chapter)

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