She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 632: Your master is a character

Chapter 632: Your master is a person

Hearing this, Ji Yunshu curled her lips and showed no emotion in her eyes, but Lu Qingran glanced at her secretly while treating the wound, and she didn't know how she felt.

He had just learned about the identity of the ghost doctor not long ago, and was naturally shocked at first.

The frightening ghost doctor, who is both good and evil and unpredictable, is actually beside them. If it were anyone else, they would not even dare to think about it.

But at this moment, for the first time, he felt like sighing.

A dignified ghost doctor who has healing powers. He has healed countless people, but he cannot heal himself.

Ning Feng woke up over there, and felt a sharp pain like being pricked by needles in his mind, and he couldn't help but let out a slight hiss.

 “A Feng, are you okay?”

 Bai Muyou hurriedly stepped forward to check. The situation was urgent just now. He suddenly opened a different space. Although it absorbed all the power of the experimental subject's self-destruction, it also caused considerable damage to his own mental domain and could easily leave sequelae.

Ning Feng blinked his eyes and adjusted to the current situation. Knowing that he had escaped from death again, he smiled and said: "It's nothing serious."

He stood up holding his head, and suddenly caught sight of two figures from the corner of his eye. He was stunned: "...Fifth brother? Eighth brother?"


 “Hey, that little brat is really capable, isn’t he?”

The former gave a faint hum, and the latter slapped him on the back regardless of the severity of his injury, almost drawing a mouthful of blood.

Ning Feng almost felt angry on the spot: "..."

Shen Lue didn't care, the joker put his arm around his shoulders, and the two brothers seemed to get close to each other, whispering: "I knew you were destined to die so easily."

Ning Feng took a mouthful of old blood, not only was he a little moved, but he didn't expect that the fifth brother had been away from home for many years and hadn't seen each other for a long time, but his trust in him had not diminished at all.

Who would have thought that Shen Lue's next sentence would be: "The disaster will last for thousands of years, and it will definitely not die."


Ning Feng suppressed the sour feeling in his heart with an expressionless face, slapped his paw away, and walked straight towards Lu Qingran.

Honestly, how could he believe Shen Lue?

“How is Seventh Sister’s injury?”

Lu Qingran looked at it carefully and said: "They are all skin injuries, it doesn't matter, the arm is dislocated..."

 He paused and said to Ji Yunshu, "Please bear with me for a while."

Then the hand holding her arm was raised upwards. Ji Yunshu groaned and twisted his brows imperceptibly.

 It will naturally not hurt to reattach the dislocated arm, but...

Ji Yunshu frowned and said, "...Young Master Lu, you pressed on my wound."

This man is also a real tiger. By chance, he pinched her wound and reattached her arm. The arm was reattached, but the wound might have been even worse.

Lu Qingran's hand shook: "..."

 He apologized quickly: "I'm sorry!"

Ning Feng walked up behind him silently. He was panicking and didn't notice that he was pinching in the wrong position.

 …Ahem, embarrassing.

Lu Qingran lowered her head in shame, took the gauze Ji Yunshu handed him, and quickly bandaged it for her. Then she stood up and took Ning Feng to look at her, fearing that there was still some part of his body that was not healed.

He has no doubts about the strength of the healing power users, it is purely a psychological effect.

Ji Yunshu, who was left hanging aside, raised his arm, looked at the extremely poorly wrapped gauze, and then looked at the two sticky people next to him, and fell into a feeling of sadness: "..."

  Why didn’t she have a boyfriend to accompany her during the same life-or-death operation?

Li Tingzhi, who was far away in the imperial capital, sneezed inexplicably and felt a chill on his back.

Who is talking about him?

Ning Feng felt a little guilty at first. He let Lu Qingran look at him. He was only separated from him for a while, but he was so seriously injured. It was his fault that he was worried.

But gradually, he couldn't bear it anymore and mercilessly swatted away the man's hands that were causing trouble on him. He asked with a cold face: "What should I do now?"

 The two teams have already met, and Shen Lue, Fang Yang and others have been added. The target is a bit big and it is not suitable to act recklessly as it is easy to be discovered.

 …But they made such a big noise, it’s strange that they weren’t discovered.

 It’s just that they haven’t seen any action from the Chameng people even after staying for so long. This is probably due to Li Jiu and Qi Jingci.

Bai Yuxiu suggested: "Contact Third Brother and the others."

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci seemed to have discovered the secret of the experimental subject at this moment. After disrupting the central system of the Cha League, they wanted to take the opportunity to control Lin Yan and force him to reveal the whereabouts of the person behind the scenes, but they accidentally made a mistake. , met them in a hurry to transfer some experimental subjects out of the chaos. Li Jiu had a different intuition, so he directly detained them. Qi Jingci tacitly caught Lin Yan and others and brought them in front of her.

 “Tell me about it, Mr. Lin.”

Li Jiu sat there, twirling the dagger in her hand leisurely, with a lazy and leisurely expression, without any sense of nervousness, as if she was not the one trapped in the local base camp.

"Who is your master, and-" She pointed to the pile of unknown objects that were beaten into shapeless shapes next to her, licked her canine teeth with her tongue, and asked with a smile: "Where did these group of suicide bombers come from?"

She already knew what these things were when she took action, but she did not show mercy. Instead, she beat her harder because she knew that the experimental subjects that were made into human bombs were just containers. Unless they were completely destroyed, they would be smashed into pieces. Piles of minced meat can also detonate.

 In this case, what else does she care about? She might as well have a good time.

Li Jiu puffed up his cheeks, his eyes showing no emotion or anger, "Your master is really a person. Over the years, he has rebuilt the Cha League, restarted the seed plan, and manufactured experimental subjects and new weapons. He has not been idle at all, and he has not been idle in any aspect. Fall, tut.”

  The sound of the last character is extremely emotional.

Lin Yan snorted coldly, turned his head and ignored her, looking like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Li Jiu Zhuang was in trouble. He raised his eyes and asked Qi Jingci: "Ah Ci, what do you think we should do?"

Qi Jingci smiled and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, and said in a calm and gentle tone, "Kill."

"Hmm...isn't this impolite?" Li Jiu frowned, "I killed someone's dog before I even met the owner. Wouldn't he be angry?"

 “Then don’t kill.”

 “If I don’t’s hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart.”

Li Jiu's last words were a little louder, and his tone sounded like ice had been tempered, making people fall into an ice cellar.

She remembered that it was Mr. Lin in front of her who kidnapped the two old men.

Qi Jingci was also in trouble. He turned around and asked the master: "Mr. Lin, why don't you tell me how we should deal with you?"

Lin Yan was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

 The two men in front of him were discussing his life and death in a calm tone. Although they did not reveal any murderous intent, he was almost unable to hold on.


 These two people together are absolutely devilish.

He grew up with everything he wanted, and rarely feared anything. Even if he was pulled into the Cha League and came into contact with a strange realm of superpowers, his first impression was that it was just challenging, and he never felt like So scared now.

However, Lin Yan remembered what Los had told him, gritted his teeth, and still said harshly: "The matter has come to this, whether you want to kill or behead, please obey me...ah!"

 Before he finished speaking the last word, he suddenly screamed.

 The dagger penetrated his lute bone accurately, poking a **** hole.

Lin Yan was kneeling on the ground with his hands tied, unable to move, his face was pale, and he could not help but groan in pain.

 “If you are not satisfied with this answer, think again.”

Li Jiu retracted his hand calmly.

At this moment, Qi Jingci received a message from Bai Yuxiu and said to her: "Jiujiu, stop playing, something happened."


They quickly gathered together. Li Jiu's eyes faintly swept over Ning Feng's pale face and Ji Yunshu's bandaged arm, and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on?"

 Everyone told her what they had experienced.

"In short, our side is better. With Lao Ba and the others here, the experimental body was not detonated." Bai Muyou concluded.

Ji Yunshu added: "But the situation is not good. There are still countless experimental subjects hidden in the alliance. If the other party wants to, they will turn us into powder in minutes."

Li Jiu lowered his head and pondered, a dark light flashed under his eyes, and he looked at Lin Yan coldly, the corners of his lips raised: "Now, if you don't want to take us to see your master, we have to meet him."

So many people were sent to search and rescue the two old men, but so many humanoid bombs were found.

Li Jiu said, very good.

 I haven’t experienced the feeling of being threatened in several years.

  She admitted that the person behind the scenes had successfully aroused her anger.

 (End of this chapter)

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