She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 634: new partner

 Chapter 634 New Partner

 More than ten years ago, Chameng.

“Doctor, there have been a lot of changes in the experimental subjects in the third group recently.”

Laurent closed the book in his hand and whispered, "Oh?"

 The rabbit in the cage actually grew fangs.

It’s so interesting!

 “Need to clean it all up?”

They are just a group of experimental subjects. They can be replaced if killed, so there is no loss.

However, Lorante thought for an unprecedented moment and said: "Go and bring Los."

After a while, his subordinates came to him with a thin young boy. The young boy was only seven or eight years old. He lowered his head and said thoughtfully: "Father, father."

 The response was a merciless slap from Laurent.

Los's weak body fell to the ground, his cheeks were burning with pain, but he didn't react at all. His expression did not change at all, and his eyes were lifeless, like a lifeless puppet.

Laurent's voice was calm: "From today on, you are also an experimental subject. Call me doctor."

 “Yes, Doctor.”

 “Throw him into the third group and leave me alone unless he’s dead.”


 The subordinates left with Los.

After learning his fate, Los still had no reaction and his expression was indifferent.

 You have expected it, haven’t you?

 My life was destined to be a tragedy from the beginning.

Over the years, his nominally good father has done countless experiments on him. His survival to this day is all due to his own luck.

 In fact, he was a little lucky. Maybe being an experimental subject would be safer than staying with Lorante.

 “Here, little devils, here comes another one to keep you company.”

The experimenter unceremoniously grabbed Los by the back of his collar, threw him into the room, locked him from the outside, and left leisurely.

The room is not big and the condition is very poor, but it can easily accommodate a dozen children without feeling crowded at all.

 After Ross was thrown in, the air was silent for a moment, and then no one paid attention to him, and they were still doing what they were doing.

At this moment, a teenage boy approached him with a gentle smile on his face, which made people feel like spring breeze. "Hello, are you new here? My name is Moser."

 He pointed to the number on the lab coat, "I am 02, what about you?"

 Loss replied mechanically: "11."

“Oh, then I’ll call you Xiao Shiyi?” Lose didn’t answer.

Mo Ze laughed twice. He didn't expect this new kid to be quite aloof, but still, in this kind of environment, how could any kid be normal?

He didn't think about it, and pulled Los to greet the others: "Let me introduce to you, the one over there lying on the bed playing with dolls is my sister Mo Wei, code name 01, and those two over there are 06 and 10, damn. The one who is not talking by the wall is 04, the one who is coaxing the child is 07, the one who is being coaxed is 03, and the one who is sleeping is 12, 05 and 08 are not here, we will talk to you later. you say."

Moser introduced them one by one, and then asked with a smile: "Do you remember everything?"

 Loss nodded.

 Moze led him to his bed again and said, "This is your bed. Do you need me to help you make it?"

 “No need.” Lose refused.

 He took out the distributed sheets, quilts and pillows and planned to do it himself. After all, he had always done this kind of thing by himself.

  …It’s funny to say that the son of that guy Laurent is considered a young master, but he doesn’t even receive the treatment of a servant.

Loss was about to take action, but Moze snatched it away.

"Children, don't do this. My brother will help you, and you can go play with other people." Moser said.

Loss stood aside and looked at him quietly, then looked at the people around him who were doing their own thing, and sneered in his heart.

 Having fun?

with who?

I'm afraid no one here would welcome him.

Moze did not notice his specialness and weirdness, because he was new and relatively young, so he paid special attention to him.

 “I’m telling you, second brother, have you been too kind to the new guy lately?”

Qi Sijin quietly approached him and asked in a low voice: "What is so good about him that you care so much?"

Moze was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "You are overthinking. I just think that such an older child has a dull and gloomy personality, so I want to take care of him."

Qi Sijin rolled his eyes: "Second brother, this is a Shameng hospital, not a psychological clinic. Why are you still meddling in such nosy matters?"

 They are all experimental subjects. There must be no normal people living in this situation, so why should he pay attention to them.

“Oh, I know, but when you meet someone, just take care of them.”

Moze rubbed his head and said, "Didn't I take good care of you guys?"

 “Can it be the same?”

"Why is it different? Xiaosi, don't reject your new partner, and get along with him more. Do you understand?"


 (End of this chapter)

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