She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 640: sorry

Chapter 640 Sorry

Moze's whole body was trembling. The weapons of the Cha League were specially made to deal with superpowers and experimental subjects. Although he was shot once, it was no different from being hit by a particle cannon. His whole body hurt almost Unable to maintain his body shape.

Ah Jiu immediately supported him, "Second brother! How are you? Are you okay?"

Moze wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and looked back at Los, who had a complicated expression across from him.

 Loss was extremely angry, "Do you care about her that much?"

He even didn’t want to take his own life.

"Moze! I'm warning you! What I want is you. If you die, I will definitely let these people bury you with you!"

Moze twitched the corners of his lips and said with a sneer in his eyes, "Then I want to thank you for looking up to me."

This was the first time that he showed such an aggressive side in front of him. Loss laughed in his heart. Sure enough, in his heart, he could never compare to others, but after changing his identity and status, he immediately turned against him.

Loss felt a sense of irritation for no reason, and looked at Ah Jiu with even colder eyes.

 “Young Master, do you need to kill them?” The subordinate spoke at the right time.

 The two people on the other side became tense instantly.

Los glanced at it and said, "Keep the big one and kill the little one."


Everyone turned their attention to the two men, their eyes indifferent, as if they were looking at two dead objects, and raised their weapons. As long as they moved, their heads would be gone immediately, and the two of them had no way out.

Moze opened his arms to block Ah Jiu. With the current situation, only one of them could escape.

 He gritted his teeth and said to her at a volume that only two people could hear: "I will attract their attention later. You turn around and run away immediately. Don't look back."

Ah Jiu suddenly widened his eyes and refused immediately: "No, I can't leave you."

“It’s my lack of knowledge about people that has caused trouble to you, Ah Jiu, be obedient.”


There was a hint of pleading in Ajiu's eyes. She had been an experimental subject for the longest time and had been with Mo Ze the longest. She already regarded him as her closest relative. She couldn't do it if she was allowed to escape alone. !

But the reality did not allow her to think too much. As those people gradually approached them, Moze gritted his teeth, and all his spiritual power surged out instantly. A dazzling white light instantly enveloped his figure, and everyone was pierced by the white light. Unable to open his eyes, he immediately raised his hand to block his sight.

At the same time, Ah Jiu shouted heartbreakingly: "Second brother! Don't-"

This scene is very familiar to everyone.

 This is...self-destruction.

 Gather the whole body’s mental power in one place and release it suddenly without leaving any trace. Without the support of mental power, the body will become an empty shell and lose its vitality.

Los’s face suddenly changed and he shouted: “Stop him quickly!”

 He did not want Moser to die.

 But no one took action because they knew full well that it was already too late.

  Moser had a certain death mentality from the beginning, and no one could stop this.

The people closest to him moved away as quickly as possible and opened their mental barriers. Los was also picked up and evacuated eight feet away.

“Let me go! I asked you to stop him, are you deaf?”

 The man holding him said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, young master, our first task is to ensure your safety."

Loss cursed harshly.

Ah Jiu stood there, staring blankly at Mo Ze who chose to exchange for her chance to escape in this way, and two lines of clear tears flowed down her cheeks.

She reached out to grab Moze's sleeve, but missed.

 “No, second brother, you can’t do this... Please, don’t.”

 The worst case scenario is that we'll die together, don't leave her behind!

The figure shrouded in white light seemed to tilt its head slightly, as if he wanted to show her one last smile, but it was too late. The range of the white light expanded instantly, covering the entire experimental tower.

"Fuck! He actually has A-level mental power! Hurry! Get out!"

 “Damn it! Run!”

Everyone thought that Moze was only a B-level at best and could block his self-destruction with a mental barrier. However, they discovered that they had miscalculated and immediately fled like a bereaved dog.

 But it’s still too late.

 The surging mental power spread to every corner and was everywhere. They were already locked prey and could not escape. There was only one way to die.

 A moment, only a moment.

 Can't hear anything, all senses are lost, the whole person seems to be wrapped in a mass of invisible things, quiet, dark, and isolated from this world. Ajiuli's recent self-destruction center, logically speaking, she should be shattered to pieces at this time, but at the last moment, the spiritual power was as gentle as a thin thread, wrapping her into a white cocoon, avoiding the devastating spiritual power. .

  She was well protected and did not suffer any injuries, but her heart was dead and her eyes were filled with deathly silence.

She stayed in a world where she could neither see nor hear anything for a long time. She did not return to reality until everything was over.

 But there is nothing.

The experimental tower was blown up, leaving only ruins. The second brother also disappeared, leaving no trace.

Ah Jiu stood sluggishly on the already scorched black ground, looking ahead. His whole body was so dead that he couldn't even hear his breathing.

 No, my second brother will not die like this.

 He will come back! Will!

 She just stood like this, and kept standing.

With her as the center, a huge crater was formed within a radius of one mile by Moze. The place she passed was devastated and lifeless.

Ah Jiu seemed to want to stand there until eternity.

 The war between the Chameng and the Association became more and more fierce, which did not attract her attention.

 Chameng was beaten back steadily, and the association took advantage of the situation. Her eyes did not move at all.

Until the Chameng was destroyed and the association began to wipe out the remnants, she remained unmoved.

Ah Jiu stood for three days and three nights, but in the end there was no life in his eyes, and his whole person was like a puppet.

People from the association found her on the fourth day. When they found her, the little girl was standing alone in the center of the crater, surrounded by charred earth and riddled ruins. It was clear what had happened.

By the time Zhong Qing learned about the situation, everyone had already tried every possible means to get her out of the pit, but none of them succeeded and they all ended in failure.

“President, I’ve tried every possible method, but she didn’t respond at all, just like...”

 Like a dead person.

 He did not dare to say the last sentence.

He is a senior member of the association, and he has some understanding of the reason why Zhong Qing is eager to destroy the Cha League. He wants to save a little girl. According to rumors, she has a close relationship with the association's chief Ye Wan, but for some reason she fell into the hands of the Cha League. Zhong Qing wanted to save a little girl. Qing and Ye Wan are like father and daughter, and they will try their best to save this little girl.

What I didn’t expect was that this little girl would be in this situation after she was rescued.

Zhongqing looked at Ah Jiu's small figure, sighed, and asked the person behind him: "Where are the children who were just rescued?"

 “Still cleaning their wounds.”

 “Call them over.”

Mia immediately brought Qi Sijin and others over. The moment she saw Ah Jiu, Mo Wei immediately broke free from the medical staff's hands and ran towards Ah Jiu.

 “Hey! Danger!”

The medical staff wanted to drag her back, but Zhong Qing stopped her and said, "Let her go."

The remaining people also followed.



“Ajiu, are you okay?”

They surrounded Ah Jiu with all kinds of chatter and kept asking her questions. Mo Wei took her hand and said with a cry in her voice: "Ah Jiu, are you okay? I'm worried about you..."

Hearing her voice, Ah Jiu’s eyelashes trembled.

Mo Wei continued to ask: "Ajiu, why don't you speak? Are you injured? Where is my brother? You are scaring me to death, do you know?"

Hearing her mention Mo Ze, Ah Jiu was finally brought back to this world. She held Mo Wei's hand and began to tremble. Her voice was incredibly hoarse: "...Wei Wei."

"I am here."

Ah Jiu hugged her fiercely, fell on her shoulder and started sobbing. The cry became louder and louder, venting heart-wrenchingly, as if he wanted to cry out all his internal organs.


 I'm sorry, your brother died because of me.

The memories will end in the next chapter, and we will be closer to the ending.



 (End of this chapter)

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