She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 642: I want you to die

Chapter 642 I want you to die

 The memory ends here.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, she could still see the source of her nightmare.

At midnight dreams, Mo Ze's self -explosive picture will repeat the performance in front of her again and again. There are collapses and explosions around her, and every time she is woke up with her cold sweat.

 This day has come.

Li Jiu closed her eyes, her mind a little confused.

 Actually, she had a premonition of all this. She had already had a guess in her mind, but she didn't expect it to be confirmed so quickly.

The screen suddenly went black, and Los's face, which was different from the one in his memory, disappeared in an instant.

Shen Lue punched a hole in the console, "Damn it! What does he want to do?"

With such a blatant provocation, do you think they are vegetarians?

Li Jiu pinched his eyebrows and said, "He wants to settle things with us."

 “I want to end things with them.”

Loss smiled and looked into Qi Sijin's murderous eyes, his tone unchanged: "This also determines whether you can survive, take him away."

Qi Sijin and others were taken to a cliff. He was pushed along the way. Seeing the familiar scenery around him, he subconsciously said: "This is..."

this is not…

He Yao asked in a low voice: "Do you know this place?"

Qi Sijin hummed, "You were still young at that time and didn't remember what was normal. This was—"

 “This is where we often discuss things privately.”

Loss in front suddenly turned around and continued his unfinished words, "I was fortunate enough to be brought here to participate."

The two people's eyes instantly darkened, and their expressions turned extremely ugly.

Qi Sijin felt so disgusted that he wanted to vomit, and said in a cold voice: "Are you **** sick? Who are you disgusting with!"

The person holding him behind him increased his strength and shouted: "Be honest!"

Lose didn't answer him and kept walking at the front. After arriving at the place, he closed his eyes and waited quietly for the arrival of Li Jiu and others.

They came faster than he expected. The group of people was so fierce that they blocked all escape routes. In comparison, Lose only brought a few people plus Qi Sijin and a few hostages. He was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but he still had a serious attitude. He looked calm and composed, showing no signs of panic.

The moment He Yao saw Li Jiu, her eyes lit up instantly, "Boss!"

Qi Sijin also shouted: "Boss!"

But after he finished shouting, he realized something was wrong. Why did his third uncle come with him?

Even if Grandpa and the others are arrested, this is the Chameng, and the third uncle is an ordinary person. Isn’t he seeking death by following us?

The third uncle came as soon as he came. Why are Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu here? Are they looking for death and forming a team?

Qi Sijin looked at them with confusion. At the same time, after he called out the boss, Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu were dumbfounded at the same time. They stiffly turned their heads to look at Li Jiu, "Sister-in-law, Ajin..."

Before he finished asking, Li Jiu hummed in advance as if she had expected what he would say next.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

  This time they really didn’t expect it.

This is so outrageous!

Qi Sijin is actually from the second team? What a joke!

He and Qi Jingci usually look up and down at the Qi family. No matter how good their acting skills are, there will always be a day when the secret is exposed. How could they not find it? !

 The two of them looked at Qi Jingci at the same time.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, turned his head to the side, and there was a softness in his eyes unconsciously, and asked: "So...this is the reason why he has been abroad all year round?"

Li Jiu nodded: "Well, he is all with us."

This time, even Qi Jingci had to squint his eyes and say, "This kid's acting skills are really good."

 Even he didn't see it at all.

The two people spoke calmly, as if they were talking about what to have for breakfast, but the two people behind them were different.

Lu Qingran doubted life: "This is unscientific! We have been with him for so long and didn't notice it at all. Did we make a mistake?"

Ning Feng glanced at him sideways, no doubt looking at an idiot, "Who do you think the fourth brother that the third child called in the previous communication was?" Lu Qingran was completely silent now.

The two sides were **** for tat, and no one spoke to break the calm, and the atmosphere fell into stagnation.

 Finally, Los suddenly spoke: "I didn't expect that the famous Q God and Nine Gods from the association would come. I thought I, Mr. Luo, was really honorable."

Li Jiu sneered: "Didn't you deliberately lure us here? What are you pretending to be?"

Lose said helplessly: "Ajiu, the only ones I want to attract are your second team. God Q and the first team are really not within my scope of consideration."

His eyes swept around the two of them and said with unclear meaning: "I didn't expect that the two of you actually have such a relationship."

His eyes fell on the two of them, sizing them up, making people feel a chill for no reason. Qi Sijin's eyes turned cold, and he moved Li Jiu into his arms, blocking his sight.

Los raised his eyebrows, looked at him for a moment, and chuckled: "God Q... No, Third Master Qi, my goal is just Li Jiu and the second team, and I have no intention of implicating you, so I advise you not to care too much. Nosy.”

 The last few words imply a threat.

Qi Jingci seemed to have heard a very funny joke, "The people tied behind you are my Qi family, and the person you want to kill is my fiancée. Do you think it has nothing to do with me?"


As soon as these words came out, Lu Qingran couldn't help but laugh.

What kind of idiotic problem is this? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha made him laugh to death!

Others also had trembling shoulders.

Los's smile stiffened for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal. He gave a cold voice and said: "Since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty for the toast, let's stay together!"

After saying that, he took out something like a controller from his pocket and quickly pressed it. The next moment, a mental barrier rose from the ground, covering the sky, like a big net covering them all.

Li Jiu took a look and found that this barrier was different from ordinary mental power barriers. It seemed to be mixed with other substances.

 After being isolated, the scene inside was different from the outside world. It was darker and more gloomy. The air was filled with an uncomfortable wet and greasy feeling, constantly getting into every pore.

Shen shrank his neck slightly, took out his weapon, and cursed secretly: "Fuck! What kind of thing from the underworld is this!"

The rest of the people entered a defensive state the moment the mental barrier appeared, staring at the opposite side with vigilance.

Only Bai Muyou stared at the mental barrier thoughtfully. This feeling was so familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, a very familiar aura came from beside her. It was Bai Yuxiu. He quietly moved a few steps toward her, completely protecting her behind him.

 Suddenly, a white light flashed in Bai Muyou's head, that's right! This mental barrier appeared when she was kidnapped, and was later broken directly by Bai Yuxiu from the outside.

Then can this also be...

Before she could finish thinking about it, Ross said, "This is my special mental barrier, tailor-made for you. It can only be broken from the outside. You can never escape from the inside."

He looked at Li Jiu and Qi Sijin meaningfully, and added: "... Even if you are a 3S level superpower, it will not help."


Shen Lue couldn't bear it anymore and cursed: "Loss, are you sick? You brought us here just to trap us and you in this broken mental barrier? What? Do you think you can't beat us? Are you going to trap us?"

He sneered: "Then you can try to see whether we will be trapped to death by you first, or you will be killed by us first."

Los looked indifferent, opened his arms to him, exposed all the vital points on his body, and said: "You can do whatever you want."

“—If I don’t want these people to be buried with me.”


Shen Lue was furious, but was stopped by Li Jiu.

She looked at Los with calm eyes, as if she was not surprised by his crazy behavior, and asked: "Tell me, what do you want."

Loss put down his arms, his tone was extremely calm, but he seemed extremely gloomy and crazy. He said word by word: "I want you to die!"

“I thought you had been dead for a long time, why? Why wasn’t you the one who died then?”

"If it weren't for you, how could Moze die! He was my favorite toy! My favorite! But it's gone! There's nothing left! That old beast Lorante is also dead, and I have nothing! Why? Why don't you die?"

  Okay, I’m crazy.



 (End of this chapter)

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