Chapter 650

 The two old men looked at each other and really didn't know how to answer this.

 “Hello, hello.”

 Finally, Mr. Li smiled dryly and shook hands with him.

Zhong Qing was suddenly unaware of the awkward atmosphere, and continued without blushing: "This incident has frightened you two. In the final analysis, the responsibility lies with us, and I am here to apologize to you."

He was right. This time the two old men were kidnapped by Los. Due to problems within the council, the association failed in both pre-emptive supervision and post-event rescue.

Although he was very angry at Li Jiu and others for acting recklessly to save people privately, he also understood that if they had not taken action in time, the situation of the two old men would have been difficult to say.

 Zhong Qing bowed seriously.

Mr. Li quickly said: "No, no, no, I have to thank you very much this time so that we can come back safely."

 “No, no, you’re welcome, this is what we should do.”


Li Jiu was speechless for a while and couldn't help but said: "Old man, can you stop pretending?"

 Looking at her, she was quite tired.

 Zhongqing: “…”

 He turned around, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up."

Stop tarnishing his image in front of outsiders!

As everyone knows, the personal image of a certain president had been completely ruined by himself just now.

Li Jiu rolled her eyes, ignored his indirect convulsion, and asked, "Has the association been cleared out?"

She had known for a long time that there was something wrong with the old immortals on the board of directors. Not only did she know it, but Qi Jingci and Zhong Qing also knew that those people who thought they were flawless in their disguise had actually been exposed in front of the supervisory team long ago. I didn’t send it, just to see what they were capable of behind the scenes.

It is not challenging to uproot it all at once, but it is interesting to torture it slowly.

No, by keeping these people, we caught the big fish of Chameng and Los.

  When mentioning this, Zhong Qing's expression became much more serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Well, those on the board of directors... have their thoughts on your mother."

The air was quiet for a moment.

 Everyone was stunned.

 Li Jiu’s mother?

Mr. Li's face turned pale and his face was filled with disbelief.

 Xiaojiu’s mother? Wouldn't that be...gentle?

 She is still alive?

Li Jiu stood up abruptly, with a condensed expression on his face: "What's going on?"

"Be calm and don't be impatient." Zhong Qing said: "Every move they make is under my nose. I can't even touch a hair on your mother's head."

Even so, Li Jiu's face was still ugly, "Where are they?" "They are locked up in a secret cell."

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Old man, let's discuss it?"

Looking at her expression, Zhong Qing knew what she was going to do, and said helplessly: "...I'll do whatever you want with me."

 Speaking of which, he sympathized with that group of people. If you wanted to die, just die. Why did you want to target Ye Wan?

That's the girl's inverse scale. If they offend her, the girl will definitely not let them go.

Tsk tsk tsk, he can't stop this girl from going crazy...Those people won't survive today.


Mr. Li's voice was hard: "Is your mother... still alive?"

For twenty years, he thought that both mother and son died in the fire. As a result, Li Jiu was still alive. He thought this was a blessing, but he found that Wen Wen was also still alive?

Li Jiu was stunned, not knowing how to speak.

How can she explain this?

 Say that her mother’s name is not Wen Wen but Ye Wan? That she is the chief of the association and not an ordinary person?

 She fell into silence.

Mr. Li closed his eyes and said, "Xiaojiu, it doesn't matter. Just tell me. I can bear it."


 “Cough cough cough—”

Li Jiu opened his mouth and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Zhong Qing's sudden cough. He looked at Mr. Li and Mr. Qi and said with a smile: "You two, regarding this matter, it involves the past. It’s not convenient to talk about the experiment here. Why don’t we find a place to have a good chat?”

 The two old men looked at each other and nodded.

 It just so happened that they were confused about many things.

Zhong Qing immediately asked Mia to take them to the conference room.

After the two left, he immediately looked at everyone with sharp eyes. When he saw their droopy looks, his face darkened instantly, "Put away your dead...bah...what do you look like?" Words! Qi Xiaosi is not dead yet!”

 Everyone: “…”

 Zhen·Contemporary face-changing master·President Zhongqing.

Zhongqing: "Ajiu, Aci, take Miss Qi for a checkup to see if there is anything wrong. As for the others..."

He narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "I'd better go check it out too, so as not to waste the association's medical resources if something goes wrong."

 Everyone's lips twitched: "...Yes."

 (End of this chapter)

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