She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 659: End (8)

Chapter 659 Ended (8)

 This truth is too cruel for Qi Mowei.

Because of this, Li Jiu and others chose to hide it. Now, Qi Sijin looked at Qi Mowei breaking down and crying, her heart clenched into a ball, and regardless of her body that had not fully recovered, Qi Sijin stepped forward and embraced her. In his arms, he reassured: "You will be fine, trust us."

 I could save her back then, and I can still do it now.

Bai Muyou stood aside, crying uncontrollably. She wiped away her tears, stepped forward and hugged Qi Mowei, comforting: "That's right, don't think that we haven't done anything in these years. The Seventh Sister's reputation as a ghost doctor is not As a vegetarian, she has long..."

The words suddenly stopped.


Qi Mowei pushed the two of them away violently, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, just like before.

The pool of blood stung Qi Sijin's eyes, and he immediately panicked. He immediately stepped forward to support her, and said in a panicked and trembling tone: "Don't scare me!"

Qi Mowei could no longer hold on and fell weakly in his arms. She looked up at him weakly and chuckled: "Don't worry, I just...cough cough cough!"

Before he could finish his words, he was drowned out by a violent cough.

Qi Sijin's face was extremely gloomy. Without saying a word, he picked her up and rushed out.

 The news from the hospital quickly alarmed Zhong Qing. He dealt with the matter at hand as quickly as possible and ran over.

When he arrived, Qi Sijin and Bai Muyou were leaning against the wall of the corridor and waiting anxiously, especially Qi Sijin, whose eyes were scarlet and his expression was frighteningly cold.

Zhong Qing walked over, glanced at the emergency room where the lights were still on, and asked in a deep voice, "How's it going?"

Qi Sijin said nothing, as if he had been isolated from the outside world.

Bai Muyou shook his head at Zhongqing and said, "We are still rescuing her. The doctor said... the situation is very bad." Zhongqing frowned and said in confusion: "The nightmare has been suppressed in her body for so many years. It has never been better. There have been mistakes before, why is it so sudden this time?”

 Due to the danger of nightmares, Qi Mowei has been under the surveillance of the association over the years. They will also check her physical condition regularly, so there is no chance of any omissions.

But why was the nightmare so unexpectedly resurrected?

  “It’s a supernatural ability.”

A hoarse voice sounded, and Qi Sijin clenched his fists, with a look of pain in his eyes, "When she was in the Sha League, she came into contact with strange stones. It may be that she awakened her powers at that time. The nightmare itself relied on mental power to parasitize , the supernatural power was activated, and the nightmare resurrected at an alarming speed."

Moreover, judging from this situation, if the antidote to the nightmare cannot be found, Qi Mowei will become a complete human virus bomb just as Lulant envisioned back then!

Qi Sijin closed his eyes, "We were all wrong. The main target of that Los guy's kidnapping was not the two old men at all. What he wanted from the beginning to the end was Weiwei!"


Zhongqing's pupils shrank and his expression became cold. Following Qi Sijin's train of thought, if Los had known about his father's plan, it would indeed be possible for him to take action against Qi Mowei, but why did he have to wait so many years?

Furthermore, now that Qi Mowei is not in his hands, why would the Chameng want to cause chaos everywhere? Is it to disrupt their sight and take the opportunity to attack Qi Mowei again?

 No, it’s impossible.

Zhong Qing quickly denied it. He had already pulled out all the nails in the association. Now the association was like an iron wall inside and outside. If they chose to take action again, the gains would outweigh the losses.

Just when he was puzzled, the lights in the emergency room suddenly went out.

A doctor in a white coat came out. Before Qi Sijin and others could speak, he said anxiously: "No, the virus in her body has evolved and we can't control it at all. Now she needs to be quarantined." , President, please leave here immediately.”

With a loud bang, all the blood on Qi Sijin’s face faded.

“䱱,What did you say?”

 (End of this chapter)

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