She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 661: Finished (10)

Chapter 661 Ended (10)

Before knowing Ning Feng's identity, Lu Qingran had heard about the comments about the second team in the association. The most common comments he heard were "a bunch of lunatics" and "they are all freaks". At that time, he and the people in the second team I don’t know them at all. I just brushed off these remarks and didn’t take them seriously.

 After knowing that Ning Feng was a member of the second team, he felt that those rumors were pure fart. His A Feng was so good, how could he be related to a "madman"?

It was only at this moment that Lu Qingran realized that it was so groundless!

Ning Feng is really crazy when performing tasks! He was like a wolf whose seal had been released, rushing forward desperately.

Lu Qingran was out of breath after chasing him, and wanted to stop him, but then remembered that this was a temporary passage with extremely low safety, and any sound that was too loud might cause a landslide. They didn't even dare to step when they ran. It was too heavy, so I could only shut my mouth angrily and follow Ning Feng resignedly.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ning Feng suddenly stopped. Lu Qingran followed behind him. He was about to say something, but his expression paused and his eyes flashed slightly.

 The two of them noticed slight movement on their left side at the same time.

Ning Feng held his breath and observed for a while, then affirmed: "This is it."

This is the back of the cellar.

 The hostages are inside.

Lu Qingran thought so too. He wanted the earth-type superpower behind him to open a passage, but when Ning Feng raised his hand, he immediately shouted out loud: "Wait!"

It would be bad if the people of the Chameng were alerted and the hostages were harmed!

It would be difficult if any one of them lost a hair!

  However it was already too late.

A powerful hurricane instantly erupted in the cramped corridor. There was a loud bang, dust suddenly flew up, and everyone could not open their eyes at all.

 In the cellar.

 Everyone has been locked up for several days. Except for the daily ration of water and food, they have not even seen the sky outside.

I thought they were all wealthy and powerful families in the capital, but at this time they became prisoners in a miserable state.

Although everyone was scared, they did not lose their minds. The other party caught them but did not kill them directly, which meant that their lives were still useful and they would not be allowed to die for the time being.

 It’s just’s probably not going to be easy for people outside.

Mrs. Qi opened her eyes. She had been locked up for several days, her hair was messy, and her clothes were dirty in many places, but she did not show any panic. She remained calm and calm. Looking at the entrance of the cellar, she let out a long sigh.

Qi Jingyuan, who was sleeping lightly next to him, heard this sigh and quickly stood up and asked: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Qi looked at him, and then at the two people beside her - Qi Anyan and Zhao Yilan. She said in a worried tone: "I don't know how the others are doing."

The capital was already in that situation when they were captured. After such a long time, they couldn't even imagine what would happen.

Qi Jingyuan was silent and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Mom, it will be fine."

 “By the way, how is Mr. Shen?”

 “Still burning.”

Li Tingzhi walked up to Li Chen with a broken porcelain bowl and handed it to him, saying, "Dad, this is some white wine I found in the back. You can drink some."

When Li Chen was arrested, he was attacked by an experimental subject and was bitten on his arm. Later, the wound became infected and he was locked up here again. He had a high fever and rested weakly in the corner. The smell of alcohol spread in his nose. He opened his eyes. Open your eyes, take a few sips.

With a feeling of warmth in his throat and stomach, Li Chen felt much better and asked in a hoarse voice: "What time is it now?"

Li Tingzhi shook his head and said, "They should be thinking of ways to save us outside. Dad, please hold on..."

Before the last word "support" was finished, they felt the wall behind them shaking violently. Everyone panicked and ran around screaming.

 Li Tingzhi frowned, feeling alert for no reason in his heart. Before he could think about it, he quickly led Li Chen to the side. The next second he heard a roar, and a huge hole instantly appeared where they were.

 “What, what’s going on?”

  “Is it an enemy?”    Everyone was shocked and confused.

The next moment, Ning Feng walked out of the cave, glanced at them indifferently, and then moved his eyes to Li Chen and his son. When he saw Li Chen's injured arm, his eyes darkened and he walked over. .

Li Tingzhi looked at this young man who suddenly appeared in surprise. He had met him briefly at the last cocktail party. He remembered that this young man was... Lu Qingran's dance partner?

While thinking, Ning Feng was in front of him, and he asked with concern: "Master Li, are you okay?"

Li Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at him, and asked hesitantly: "Are you..."

"I am Ning Feng, here to save you."

Li Tingzhi was a little surprised: "Are you the only one?"

“Of course it’s impossible, Mr. Li.”

Lu Qingran's voice sounded from behind. He appeared in front of everyone with the remaining team members, and said with a smile: "The big troops to save you are here!"

 “Lu Qingran?”

 “Second Young Master Lu?”

Seeing him, the crowd became commotion. The Lu family's parents were also among the hostages. Seeing this, they helped each other out and walked out. Lu's father frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Qingran, what's going on?"

 “Dad, it’s too late to explain.”

Lu Qingran stopped smiling and turned to the crowd directly: "Everyone, we are entrusted by the Alien Bureau to perform a rescue mission. Please don't panic and leave here in an orderly manner. We will protect everyone's safety."

 After speaking, he waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately stepped forward to help the people who had already lost their strength and evacuate them.

 Before everyone could react to his identity, they were helped out directly. They were a little confused for a while, but as long as they could be saved, nothing else was important.

 “Speed ​​up time! We’ve been discovered.”

The people of Chameng had already noticed the big commotion just now and were quickly approaching here.

After Ning Feng handed Li Chen over to a team member, he said to Lu Qingran: "I will deal with them, and you will be responsible for evacuating the hostages."

 Before Lu Qingran could speak, he had already rushed out.

 “Ah Feng!”

Lu Qingran looked at his leaving figure and stamped her feet in anger. Can't he act together?

Just when he was about to follow, his arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. He turned around and saw that it was Mrs. Qi.


Lu Qingran took a deep breath when he saw that her figure was a little unstable, and quickly supported her: "Old madam, please tell me."

 “Xiaici them…”

“They’re all outside, don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Qi’s heart finally fell back into her stomach, and she was helped out by Qi Jingyuan and Zhao Yilan.

Director Hu was so excited that the hostages were successfully rescued. Before he was overjoyed, he heard Li Jiu say: "There are still two minutes."

 Director Hu: “What?”

 What two minutes, weren’t the hostages rescued?

 (End of this chapter)

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