"His bottom line is that you are not allowed to touch other people, so on the day of your wedding, you swear that you will not have any physical contact with other men! As for the rest, you can do whatever you want. Over the years, you have gained some emotional satisfaction , Alas! We can only see but not touch~"

Ning Meng: ...! !

She finally understood why Huo Beichen was so angry yesterday.

But what kind of strange plot is this?

He separated on the day of the wedding, and then made such a strange request. Huo Beichen wouldn't have any special hobbies, would he?

After Ning Wentao answered this sentence, he looked at her suspiciously: "Mengmeng, why did you forget this?"

Ning Meng said calmly, "I haven't forgotten, it's just to test you."


Ning Wentao sighed: "Mengmeng, there is one thing I never told you. When he forced you to get married, he actually told me that your marriage will only last six years."

"I don't think I can find anyone who is more powerful than Huo Beichen, so I haven't told you all this time. I just want you to stay together after marriage. If you can, just stay together."

"Looking at you now, oh, count the time, it will be here soon, you must not commit suicide again, you know?"

When Ning Meng heard this, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. She grabbed Ning Wentao's wrist: "Dad, what did you say?"

Ning Wentao hurriedly pushed her away: "Distance, keep distance, dad is also a man!"

Ning Meng: ...

Ning Wentao said with a smile: "You child, you are so happy! In a few days, it will be six years, and you will be able to divorce..."

Ning Meng: ...! !

She has worked hard for so long, will the plot return to the original route in the end? !

Ning Meng's face became extremely ugly.

Ning Wentao finally noticed something strange about his daughter, and sighed heavily: "Mengmeng, don't worry, I'll find you ten or eight boyfriends of different types immediately after divorce, and let you have enough fun! Are you new to me? Did you miss that starlet Lin Qingbei..."

Ning Meng: ...

The original body is so playful, it must be because of this daughter's slavery!

She held her forehead and decided to speak clearly: "Dad, stop!"

At this time, Su Tiantian had already fallen in love with the male lead. The male lead knew that the Ning family treated Su Tiantian badly, so he wanted to help her avenge her. If he was divorced, with Father Ning's method, how could he be the male lead's opponent?

Ning Wentao closed his mouth.

Ning Meng asked seriously: "Dad, based on my performance in the past few years, what do you think is the probability that Huo Beichen will agree if I say no to divorce?"

Ning Wentao: "...0.001 percent?"

Ning Meng: ...

Anyway, there is still a probability of 0.001, isn't it?


After leaving Ning Wentao, Ning Meng returned home.

She sat on the sofa, rubbing her chin and thinking.

If Huo Beichen came with the divorce agreement, she would still be able to delay it for at least a month with her hard work, so that the family could tide over the difficulties in the future.

The fear is that Huo Beichen will divorce directly.

After all, six years of separation is here!


A light flashed in Ning Meng's mind.

If we lived under the same roof with Huo Beichen, wouldn't they be separated?

She picked up the original owner's mobile phone and planned to call Huo Beichen to ask about the cohabitation.

As a result, as soon as I picked it up, I saw several invitations for her to play on WeChat.

Ning Meng: ...

She didn't reply one by one, and directly posted a circle of friends, announcing to the world: I have come to my senses and returned to my family.

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