Ning Meng, who received a call from the police station, instantly felt that the big stone on her chest was lifted, and she relaxed.

Instead of painting, she called Zhen Shanmei, intending to tell the good news.

As a result, as soon as the phone was answered, Zhen Shanmei said, "Mengmeng, how did Qi Shan, a straight man, find a girlfriend?"

Ning Meng: "What's wrong?"

Zhen Shanmei was full of anger: "I asked him why he tried to be with me, and he said it was because I was a very nice girl. Then I asked him what is good about me, guess how he answered?"

Without waiting for Ning Meng to answer, Zhen Shanmei scolded herself: "He said that my teeth are very good! Can I eat like this? No, is this my only advantage?"

Ning Meng: " have another advantage."


Ning Meng picked up the paintbrush and painted: "You don't waste food, you will gain weight if you eat it. Now the price of pork has risen, like you, if you sell it by the catty, you can get a good price."

Zhen Shanmei: "? Fuck!! Ning Meng, you are looking for death! I am not fat! I strictly control my diet! And I exercise every day."

Ning Meng has an unflattering personality, and she has to say a few words to feel comfortable: "But diet and exercise don't work. You have to know that the second senior brother hasn't lost weight after traveling thousands of miles to learn scriptures. Moreover, he is still a vegetarian!"

Zhen Shanmei: "... Are you calling me to anger me?"

"That's not it, it's just to tell you good news, the police uncle wants to clear my name!"

Zhen Shanmei's voice became excited: "Really? That's great! Let me tell you, I'm almost dying of anger these days!"

After finishing the last color, Ning Meng put down the brush and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhen Shanmei said in a melodious manner: "For the past few days, I didn't dare to tell you, because I was afraid that you would piss me off to death. That good sister of yours rubbed against you every day, which caused your incident to spread even though it wasn't trending. It’s raging. The slap on her face hasn’t subsided after a week. Who would believe it, it was definitely intentional and used to gain sympathy. Then there was an interview today, when the reporter asked you, she was reserved I opened my mouth and said that my sister was born into a wealthy family, and she has a bad temper... I really want to spit on her face, who is the meaning? Now you have a bad temper and often bully her, and it is on the hot search again , her fans and passers-by scolded you bloody."

Ning Meng: "Okay, I'll download Weibo and have a look."

After she downloaded Weibo, she logged into her account.

The mobile phone started to ring, and the reminder sound kept going, and it almost died. After waiting for half an hour, the sound stopped. She picked it up and took a look, and found that she had privately messaged her, and every message from Aite was 99+.

Su Tiantian just posted a Weibo response to the interview video.

@苏天天V: "Don't worry everyone, I'm fine, everything is over."

Here are all the comments:

——I feel sorry for you, a low-quality person like Miss X bullied you when you were young, she doesn't deserve to live!

——If Ms. X does not apologize to the migrant workers, then I will reject any products from Lemon Entertainment and the Huo Group!

— ditto.


Among the series of criticisms, the police station issued a statement: "Our team captured a human trafficking gang today, and it was all because of Comrade Ning's help that we were able to solve the case. Comrade Ning has not given a positive explanation for the incident of migrant workers that occurred some time ago. For cooperating with our team, I would like to express my gratitude to Comrade Ning! @标签家象石V."

I can't write meat, it will be harmonized! ! You understand! ! Good night, I finally ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! mwah! !

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