She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 594: Xue Yao's College Entrance Exam Results

"Hu Yiting did well in the exam, congratulations, Teacher Li." Teacher Hu patted her colleague on the shoulder.

However, although she and Teacher Li are colleagues, they are also competitors. Because only one outstanding teacher of the year is awarded, everyone wants to get a house.

"Mr. Hu, check out Xue Yao's score first. Hu Yiting ranked third in the province with a score of 705. Xue Yao's score should be higher than hers." Director Zhang seemed to know Xue Yao's score at this time.

"Yes, Mr. Hu, check Xue Yao first." Mr. Xie and Mr. Zhou also said.

Everyone was curious about Xue Yao's score.

Teacher Hu returned to her seat, she took out the candidate information sheet, and then found Xue Yao's name.

And soon, all the teachers in the office gathered around.

"Why am I a little nervous?" Teacher Hu found that his hands were shaking a little. It's just checking students' grades, as if checking their own grades.

"Come on, I'll register for the candidate number, you can enter it." Director Zhang took the candidate information form in Teacher Hu's hand.

He read: "22701101050816."

Teacher Hu entered these numbers, and after a while, the interface popped up.

Xue Yao's personal information and academic records appear above:

Xue Yao: 139 in Chinese, 150 in Mathematics, 146 in English, 298 in Comprehensive Science, with a total score of 733 points, ranking 1 in the province.


As soon as the score came out, there was fierce applause in the office.

Director Zhang was speechless with excitement, while Teacher Hu patted his chest.

She was so emotional, her heart was about to burst.

"Okay, we have completed the first task, Xue Yao did not live up to everyone's expectations." Director Zhang laughed hard.

Last year, the school set two tasks for him. The first was to get the No. 1 in the college entrance examination, and the second was to increase the enrollment rate to 90%.

"I have to drink water, I am so excited." Teacher Hu picked up the water glass and drank a large glass of water directly.

Xue Yao is the most proud student she has taught for more than ten years. She is very happy to see that this student can get such a high score.

"I'll call Xue Yao's parents." Teacher Hu forgot to check the scores of other students.

She picked up her phone, ready to make a call.

But it was stopped by Director Zhang.

"Don't disturb your parents' rest so late, besides, Xue Yao might be checking his grades at home by himself."

The phone was not dialed, and Teacher Hu continued to check the grades of the class.

It's just that she is in a good mood now, and she is not nervous at all when checking the grades of other students.

The teachers were working overtime to check their grades, but everyone was very excited and did not feel tired at all.

And as long as there are candidates with high scores, everyone will applaud.


On July 22, Tang Su got up very early to read.

She ran three laps in the playground, then took the morning reading materials sent by the system today, and sat in the stands outside the playground to read.

The outdoor air quality is good, and the morning is cool and comfortable, everyone likes to read outside.

At least half of the students in the second grade of senior high read outside early in the morning. Some people like to read while sitting on the steps, some sitting under a tree, and some like to memorize texts while walking.

Changde Middle School is full of reading aloud.

But everyone's voices were drowned out by the crackling of firecrackers outside.

It was only after six in the morning that the parents set off firecrackers at the gate of Changde Middle School excitedly. Some even set off fireworks.

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