She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 701 I Can't Contact My Daughter

"Is Tang Su still unable to get through?"

Knowing her daughter's grades, Qin Hui especially wanted to know Tang Su's grades at this moment.

"She's turned off." Tang Youliang sighed.

Intuitively, he felt that his daughter might not have done well in the test. He cried during the meal that day, and now he turned off his mobile phone, presumably he called her to ask for the score.

"Tang Lin, do you know your sister's test number?" Qin Hui asked again. Although the policy stipulates that only students themselves can check the scores, but if they know the test number and ID number information, others can check it too.

"I don't know." Tang Lin shook her head.

How could she know Tang Su's test number? Everyone's test number is different, and it's not in order. She and Tang Su are not even in the same test room.

"You can call Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu should know our scores." Tang Lin knew that the school would check the scores of all candidates after the results were released. This was the case in previous years, because the school needed to release the results in the morning on the day of the results. So the score will be checked at night. A few years ago, the education department directly issued scores to schools, but the policy has been changed in recent years. If schools want to release the rankings earlier, they can only check by themselves.

"Yes, call Mr. Liu." Tang Youliang immediately picked up his phone and rummaged through the address book for the number of his daughter's head teacher, Mrs. Liu.

Without hesitation, he dialed it right away.

After a few seconds, the phone went through.

At the other end, Mr. Liu didn't seem to know who was calling.

"Hello..." Mr. Liu held the mobile phone between his shoulders, and both hands were still typing on the keyboard to enter the students' scores.

"Hello, Mr. Liu, I'm Tang Su's father. Tang Su doesn't live at home, and her phone is turned off. I can't get through to her. I want to trouble you to check Tang Su's college entrance examination results for me."

Tang Youliang took a deep breath after speaking, because he was also very nervous and worried that his daughter would not pass the exam.

" don't know yet..." On the other side, Teacher Liu asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, I can't contact Tang Su now."

"That's it, then congratulations, Dad Tang Su. We have just checked Tang Su's grades. She has a total score of 711 points and is this year's No. 1 Scholar in Science." Teacher Liu replied with a smile.

However, after she answered, she found that the other party seemed to have hung up the phone, and there was no sound.

Tang Youliang was stunned.

He was stunned, and the phone in his hand was almost unsteady. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"That... Mr. Liu, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true, how dare I lie to you about such an important matter."

Tang Youliang held the phone tightly with one hand, he was afraid that he would lose the phone if he could not grasp it firmly.

At this moment, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Qin Hui saw her husband's expression was a little strange, so she patted her husband's arm and asked, "How is it, has Tang Su's grades come out?"

Tang Youliang continued to say thank you to Teacher Liu, and then hung up the phone.

"Tang Su did very well, very good." Tang Youliang was so excited that he didn't know what words to say to praise his daughter.

"How many points is good?" Qin Hui frowned.

Seeing her husband like this, she was both surprised and delighted.

"Mr. Liu said that Tang Su is the champion with a total score of 711."


As soon as these words came out, Qin Hui and Tang Lin stopped at the same time, and both mother and daughter seemed to be petrified at once.

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