Whether people like it or not, time will always flow like water, the cherries are red, and the plantains are green.

Entering April, when the spring is thick, the city will be full of smoke and willows, and the eyes will be filled with flowers, and the banquets and parties of various households will suddenly increase.

On Gu Ningxi's side, at the beginning of the month, the grandmother was sent to be buried with the grandfather, and buried in peace. The funeral reached its climax at this moment, and the next step was to observe filial piety.

In addition to the public rules, everyone is staring at me, and privately, I don’t sleep in bed or eat meat, it’s entirely up to me to stick to it. Having paid homage to the ancestors three times at the tomb where the soil was turbulent and the smell was suffocating, the skinny Gu Ningxi slowly got up, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, relying on his own control, he first secretly asked the emperor for help, then regained the dominance over his grandmother's funeral, and then found evidence in the requirements of the Confucian classics and his memory of watching He Niang manage his mother's funeral, earnestly and decently. Sent off Mrs. Gu for the last time.

In just ten days, Gu Ningxi felt that her state of mind had become more vicissitudes and more stable than a little bit.

Naturally, he would not go to a banquet to have fun, even if someone thought that he was not the grandson of the deceased in name, would he not have to be so strict in keeping his filial piety, and sent invitations to the government.

Gu Ningxi is no longer the same as before, either when there is a wife, she will have full power to deal with it, or she will not reply after divorce. Instead, she writes meticulously and politely and politely rejects every family.

The servants sent the posts back to the mansion, whispering privately, our master seems to have opened up in the world.

For the banquet that Zhang Shangshu's relatives' home was going to hold, Gu Ningxi also spent half a day drawing a palm-sized ink painting and attaching it as a gift. Instead of looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, he naturally didn't point out Zhang Shangshu, but only wrote about his expressiveness and regret that he could not be close to him.

But no one is stupid, the news quickly spread to Zhang Shangshu's office, the elder felt very relieved, murmured "return the favor, pass it on from generation to generation", and wrote letters to his old disciples in the study to praise Gu Ningxi and build momentum for him without mentioning it.

However, it is impossible for him to honor his grandmother according to the most serious standard of bereaved father and grandson. When the emperor is employing people, how can he bear the fact that the courtier he is vigorously supporting has to stay in the mansion for more than three months without seeing outsiders?

After some contact, the emperor already knew Gu Ningxi's temperament, he knew that sometimes he was surprisingly smooth and smooth, and sometimes he was stubborn and stubborn, and he was not afraid of the emperor at all.

Therefore, the emperor did not directly decree to seize love, not to mention that no one who expelled the family can be "seized".

The monarch and his ministers communicated several times through the servants, one passing oral instructions, the other presenting a table. Gu Ningxi could only observe his filial piety according to his own ideas within seventy-seven forty-nine days, without seeing outsiders.

The emperor will not interfere with the sackcloth or cold meals, but Gu Ningxi must not completely abandon the affairs of the court, stay in the study, and still analyze the materials sent by the emperor diligently. Build momentum for reform/reform.

After July 49th, that is, after the Dragon Boat Festival, Gu Ningxi will take up his post as an official. The new official position given to him by the emperor has already been prepared. On the one hand, it is used as a low-level civil servant for the emperor, and on the other hand, it supervises all officials and has part of the function of the censor.

Doing things rather than being a person is the emperor's positioning for such a blind and talented civil servant to adapt to the situation and maximize his strengths and avoid weaknesses.

The well-informed courtiers have already speculated that in time, will Gu Ningxi become the first important minister in history who has no clan or clan? His rising is unstoppable, which symbolizes the emperor's intentions?

Naturally, the undercurrent of the imperial court did not reach Tao Xinhe.

Even if Tao Cheng was not well informed, at most he knew some news that was put in the open, and he would chat with the children when he returned home, and then he would forget about it.

Therefore, Tao Xinhe only knows that Mrs. Gu's funeral is complete, and Gu Ningxi is so thin that she has been hiding in the mansion since the day she entered the grave. He heard that the mansion will not be opened to see people with foreign surnames until after the Dragon Boat Festival. It seems that this day was set by the emperor. Yes, that's all.

She tried hard to tell herself not to care, not to think about it, but to focus on her family.

The little wind and cold seemed to force her to avoid the funeral in Gu's residence. After the first seven days of Mrs. Gu's first seven days, Tao Xinhe felt that her body was much lighter, her nasal passages were unblocked, her mind was clear, and the wind and cold recovered within a few days.

So, before Tao Muxian returned from the academy to rest at the end of March, Tao Xinhe was arranging house affairs and waiting to welcome his younger brother, while asking his third sister Tao Xinqiang about the situation.

"I only found out from my father two days ago that the Chen family's family style is not prudent, so he asked him to accept the maid before marriage. I heard that you cried a lot, did you feel wronged? You can tell my sister what you think now, and I will make the decision for you. "Tao Xinhe's voice has returned to the crisp and sonorous sound she had when she was healthy, even if she was asking a girl's mind, she still spoke firmly.

Tao Xinqiang didn't answer her sister's question directly, she lowered her head and played with her belt, her brows and eyes were slightly worried.

Only then did Tao Xinhe realize that her younger sister had changed from a naive little girl to a woman who digested her own worries without her noticing.

In the dim twilight, as the sunlight was swallowed by the sky bit by bit, the room turned from bright to dark, and her sister's facial features became blurred. Tao Xinhe had nowhere to speak like a fox eating a hedgehog. After thinking and thinking, Finally breaking the silence, he said:

"Fortunately, the sixth ceremony has just started, Qiangniang, if you can't bear it, we can call off this marriage, it doesn't matter."

Tao Xinqiang raised her head when she heard the words, her eyes flickered, she shook her head again, grabbed her sister's palm, and finally said: "My sister just recovered from her illness, so you worry about me. I've already passed, it's not a big deal, and my sister doesn't have to worry about it." .”

Didn't Qiangniang always say carelessly that she wants to find a man who promises "a couple for life" like a brother-in-law? Even though she later used Cheng Jia as a template, she didn't give up on this thought.

"That maid..." Tao Xinhe hesitated to speak.

"Hey, don't mention her, sister. The uncle was mediating that day, saying that he had made an agreement with the other side not to have a child. It's probably an explanation." Tao Xinqiang responded like this.

Tao Xinhe frowned, clasped her back tightly, and asked: "So, this maid will not be sent out? Will she stay with your future husband? You still insist on marrying, and once you get through the door, there will be such a person who blocks your heart." , have you thought it through, Qiangniang?"

With a long sigh, Tao Xinqiang's voice was a little choked up. She said that most men will not stick to one person for a lifetime. Recently, many people, including Uncle Jichang, sister-in-law Hong, future mother-in-law and husband, have told her about this aspect, either explicitly or implicitly, directly or implicitly. mean.

Under this premise, there is actually no essential difference whether the husband has someone else before marriage or after marriage. For Tao Xinqiang, the important thing is the offspring, who is the belly of the Chen family's child is what she wants to fight for control.

The more Tao Xinhe heard it, the more unpleasant it became. In the end, she even patted the table to stop the sound, which made the tassels under the tablecloth tremble, and Tao Xinqiang stopped talking, and stared blankly at her sister.

Standing up, Tao Xinhe condescendingly said to Tao Xinqiang, just like a teacher scolding a student who has not lived up to expectations and gone astray:

"Qiangniang, I have always told you, Rongniang, that although we are women, we should not despise ourselves, we must respect ourselves, and then future generations will respect us. Regarding marriage, the most important thing is that you live comfortably. Far more than any heirs. Ask yourself, are you really willing to put up with the other party having concubines and concubines?"

Touched by her heartbreak, Tao Xinqiang burst into tears, talking while crying, her voice was ambiguous: "Sister, I was just like what you said, hoping that he would treat me wholeheartedly. We have always been happy. But the reality is not like this , it’s common for men in the world to hug left and right, sister, is it because you haven’t recognized the reality clearly?”

She raised her eyes and saw Tao Xinhe was about to open her lips, Tao Xinqiang was afraid that she would make a long speech to reprimand her, so she thought of giving an example to stop her, to protect her poor decency, and suddenly she spoke indiscriminately.

She said angrily: "Sister, wake up. Dad is a clean man, right? He also gave birth to a second sister with his aunt. My sister-in-law said that when my brother returns to the house this time, he will arrange for the servant girl to serve him openly, and even say that he is A few days ago, the morning sickness caused me to be mentally short, so I didn’t arrange it early, I’m sorry brother. This is a man from our family, and my sister is by your side.”

"Dad, he has a reason..." "Mu Xian won't accept it." "Beside me?" Tao Xinhe tried to talk to her sister, but couldn't get in. As soon as she uttered a few words, she heard the next one, until she mentioned herself, Tao Xinhe listened intently.

Tao Xinqiang stretched out **** to gesture and said: "One is the recent Uncle Jichang. Sister, don't look at his affectionate style at present. Ning Niang has told me that this one is originally a romantic character, but because of You are kind and peaceful because you are sick, I don’t know how you got into his eyes. However, if you follow him, you will either be a widow, or if you wait for him to return to his old ways, won’t you be dealing with people who come after you?”

For some reason, Tao Xinhe heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and raised her hand to press her sister's shoulder, "Be careful with what you say, what about being a widow, is something you, an unmarried girl, can say? Besides, what about Cheng Shicheng, my sister knows it well, she won't remarry easily, you still Tell me about yourself."

"Don't worry, sister, I haven't talked about the person who spoils you so much that you think differently from ordinary women. It's Gu Ningxi and Gu Sicheng, my ex-brother-in-law. His ground-breaking "a couple for life" has made many women envy You, including me. My sister should know."

Unconsciously, Tao Xinhe exerted force with her hands, clenched Tao Xinqiang's shoulders, as if looking for a fulcrum for herself, closed her eyes for a moment before recovering her voice: "Qiang Niang, you know why I reconciled. Him. Care to mention this to hurt sister?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. Sister, I just want to remind you that in this world, you, me, us women, who dare to make this promise is only Gu Ningxi. No matter how he practices it, We can't use this to ask other men."

"Sister, ask yourself, before Gu Sicheng made his wish, did you also think that it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, something that women have to endure and have to endure? What changed your mind? It was Gu For three years, Si Cheng has always kept himself clean and never touched flowers, right?"

The sun went down completely, the sisters said they wanted to talk privately, but the maids didn't come in to disturb the lighting, the room fell into darkness, Tao Xinhe was forced to a corner of his heart by his sister's rhetorical questions, and really asked himself.

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