She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 102: Seems to be jealous

Chapter 102 Seems to be jealous

The sky outside has darkened, and the street lights on the roadside have gradually turned on.

Thinking of something, when Su Qing stood up, her fingers were pulled by a pair of wide hooves.

 “Are you leaving?”

The young man's voice was indescribably deep and lost, and Su Qing was stunned for a moment.

 Is he afraid that she will leave?

Su Qing was sure that she could hear the anxiety in the voice clearly.


Su Qing didn't know what it felt like when he was afraid that she would leave, but it felt like he was hit in the bottom of his heart, feeling a little uncomfortable and a little good at the same time.


"Don't leave. Someone will call you then. I'll get your cell phone."

Su Qing thought that she had secretly silenced his cell phone and wanted him to rest more. After taking so long, she went to get his cell phone.

He didn’t want to leave, but wanted to get his cell phone. This signal was passed to Jiang Sui.

Jiang Sui slowly let go of his hand, sat on the sofa, and looked at the girl who handed him the mobile phone. The school uniform she was wearing today was very loose, and her face was always expressionless, and her expression was very indifferent.

 Just the fingers on one side of her body were gently curling the clothes beside her.

Her nervous move made Jiang Sui's lips curl up and he took the phone. The numbers inside were from the arena and Jiang Chenghua, as well as several text messages from Hu Yifan.

 After finishing reading, he put the phone aside and saw the girl at the other end of the coffee table, sorting out the textbooks. Some of them were taken out and placed on the coffee table.

 When she is doing something seriously, she is not distracted and tilts her head from time to time.

After a long time, Su Qing finished sorting and found that Jiang Sui had been looking at him. He couldn't help but handed the things he had sorted out to Jiang Sui.

 “These are the most recent course notes.”

“These are the recent homework and papers. You have to finish them this week. I will check them for you after you finish them.”

She looked at him seriously, with no trace of dust in her eyes.

“Qingqing, do you want to make peace with me? Or have mercy on me?”

After Jiang Sui finished speaking, he couldn't help but tighten the fingertips at his side. Thinking of all the concerns today and Hu Yifan's text message, he was thinking masochistically in his heart.

 She took care of him because she liked him.

  Or what…

 He likes her care, but he doesn't like it...Jiang Sui himself doesn't know what to do.


His words seemed a little aggrieved, and his expression also seemed aggrieved, which made Su Qing feel a little embarrassed. A young man full of heroic spirit looked a little embarrassed at the moment, and there was a kind of sadness in his eyes that was deliberately shown to her.

“No, Jiang Sui, I don’t pity you.”

She even wanted to think about it at one point, how could he need her to be pitiful.

With his beautiful and well-jointed fingertips, the young man flipped through the notebook she gave him and picked up a notebook that contained neat contents. It was obvious that Su Qing was serious.

 Just the boy's actions made Su Qing sober up in an instant.

 What she did today was actually completely beyond her own will or what she could do.

 Come to his home alone, take care of him, get close to him, do not reject him...

Su Qing pursed her lips, not knowing what to do for a moment.

 “Jiang Sui….”

Jiang Sui, who had been waiting for the girl to speak, couldn't help but raise his head when he heard her shouting.

Su Qing wondered if his attachment today meant something, so she could ask her what was going on with that girl.

 But when the words came to my mouth, it was so difficult to speak. I didn’t know how to ask.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Sui still didn't wait for the girl's answer.

He couldn't help but sigh lowly, put the notebook in his palm on the table, stood up and fell off with the half-covered clothes, and walked to Su Qing's side.

 Bare feet, squatting down, eye level with the girl.

“Su Qing, I’m not good enough.”

On that day, Hu Yifan called him and said that his sister-in-law asked him if he wanted to call the police. She was concerned and silently concerned.

 It was him who had wrongly blamed her.

Su Qing didn't understand why Jiang Sui suddenly said this, and her heart suddenly became cold... She looked at Jiang Sui lightly in her eyes.

This is like a scumbag's apology.

Su Qing didn't want to hear it and even wanted to leave immediately.

She was a little repelled and wanted to struggle to open Jiang Sui's hand.

 It's just that the young man didn't seem to give her a chance at all, and held her in his arms almost forcefully and domineeringly.


 The voice was very heavy, the breathing was very deep, and the voice was blowing in her ears, and her body temperature could not be ignored at all.

 Her head was buried in his beautiful collarbone.

 The eye sockets turned red instantly.

 She told him more than once that she didn't like such tough attitudes and methods.

Su Qing gave up the same lazy struggle.

 Only heard the sound of voices gradually coming to my ears.

"Qingqing, I'm not tired. You said you were tired that day, but I'm not tired at all. If you feel tired, then just stand still. I walk towards you. You can't move a step, but I just There is only one requirement, and that is that you look at me.”

“When I don’t have you looking at me, I feel like there is an abyss in front of me, life is a pool of stagnant water, and I don’t know which step to take next.”

"You have been very cold to me since last week. I know it is because I have ignored you."

The young man's voice went from being a little urgent at the beginning to slowly slowing down, causing Su Qing's eyes to gradually calm down, and slowly recovered from the almost red eyes.

Su Qing's heart was tormented and angry.

 Her mind was filled with that photo, and she was angry with herself because she was confused by his beauty because he was ill.

 At this time, I will be held in someone's arms again.

“So, why are you ignoring me? Is it because of other people?”

 At the same time that sanity is restored.

 The girl's voice was clear and cold.

At this moment, Jiang Sui frowned. In this gap, Su Qing came out of Jiang Sui's arms.


 The boy's doubtful eyes met the girl's cold expression.

Seeing that she would not arrive, Jiang Sui was a little anxious. Someone else in her mouth suddenly grabbed her shoulders and made her look directly at him.

“Qingqing, who else can you tell me clearly?!”

Jiang Sui was very anxious. The cold look in her eyes made his eyes dark and heavy.

Su Qing shook her head indifferently.

 “It’s nothing, let me go, I should go home.”

Su Qing doesn’t want to explain or defend too much about the cooling solution.

 I don’t want to appear that I have become a different person. It seems that it’s because of that photo. It’s a bit like I’m jealous again...

 Once such an idea came into his mind, Su Qing was shocked...

 She seems to be jealous?

 Because it’s really because of the photo…

 Crazy, Su Qing lowered her head, her heart was twisted into chaos, she wanted to escape, and she escaped...

 (End of this chapter)

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