She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 114: We actually met

Chapter 114 We actually met

Su Qing hung up the phone, wrote the address in a book, and tore off the page.

Perhaps it was because Su Qing had been going out in the past few weeks. Su Rao seemed to have gradually accepted that she was going to study at her classmates' house, so when she went out today, Su Rao didn't ask any questions.

Su Qing was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. This place was a bit far away. It would take her about an hour by bus.

After Su Qing got on the bus, her heart was still pounding.

This is not the first time she has faced difficulties head-on, but it is the fastest time she has made up her mind. Perhaps because of the weekend, there are not many people on the bus in the afternoon. The rickety bus makes it extremely easy for people to fall asleep, but at this moment Su My mind was clear and clear.

She has kept the recording of the call, and now she needs to find out who this person is and why he threatened her.

Thinking of the phone call Jiang Sui gave her, Su Qing was a little curious about what he was going to do tomorrow and why he couldn't review, but he still put aside his inner doubts.

I sat in my seat, edited for a long time, and then secretly sent a text message, the content of which was.

  【I don’t know the questions, the questions you asked are so difficult】

 This is what she came up with after thinking for a long time, and it was also due to the fact that when she was chatting with Liu Ranran before, she said that boys seem to like girls who can act coquettishly and show weakness.

 Su Qing bit her lip and sent a message over there with great anxiety.

Just for a moment, the reply to her was not a text message, but a call from a boy. Su Qing was stunned for a moment. She originally wanted to ask what Jiang Sui was doing, but she was too embarrassed to ask, so she could only send a text message to see who the boy was. Not really busy.

But she never expected that Jiang Sui would call back right after she sent the text message.

Su Qing was a little surprised and looked around. The buses in the town were relatively old and loud, and there were car horns honking outside the window from time to time. Su Qing didn't know whether to answer it for a moment. How do I answer the phone...

 In an instant, the phone in my hand felt like a hot potato.

  She didn’t know what to do. She told Jiang Sui that she had to do homework, but now she ran to the bus.

After a while, Su Qing thought about it and secretly ran to the back of the bus, where the sound was very weak. Fortunately, there was no one on the bus. She covered the receiver of the phone.


 Just the banging sound outside the window startled her and she hung up the phone decisively.

 Then he quickly replied to the boy with a text message.

  【My mother is here】

Looking at the moment when it was sent, her whole body was very frightened. She didn't know if the young man heard the banging sound just now.

Jiang Sui in the taxi frowned the moment he answered the phone.

At this moment, I was looking at the text message sent by the girl, and my forehead couldn't help but twist into the character "Sichuan".

 The voice on her side didn't sound like she was at home, it sounded like she was outside, and she hung up the phone so quickly.

 “Why, brother Sui, my sister-in-law doesn’t answer your call?”

Hu Yifan, who was sitting next to him, tilted his head on the seat he was leaning against and looked at Jiang Sui's solemn face. Then he showed off to him that he had a girlfriend. What else could he say? His girlfriend took the initiative to send him a text message. .

 Is this already the case?


 “No, it’s just not quite right.”

Jiang Sui squinted his eyes and stared at the screen of his phone without saying anything. He was afraid that the **** the other end would not believe him and would send him another text message.

  【Mom asked me to take a nap, I will take a nap first and I will talk to you when I get up later】

  She was so well-behaved that she had the habit of taking naps. Jiang Sui looked at the time on the screen of his phone, but it was not at all like this.

He has been watching the girl's reaction in the past few days, and always felt that she was hiding something from him, but with those clear eyes, he was always easily deceived.

Jiang Sui didn't want to force her, but his focus was a lot more on her.

Hu Yifan was standing beside him, looking at Jiang Sui with raised eyebrows.

“Something is wrong. Isn’t that normal? For a girl, there are a few days every month that are not normal. It’s normal. At this time, you should pay more attention to her and love her.”

Hu Yifan, who has never eaten pork but has seen pigs running around, talked about it.

Jiang Sui's eyebrows paled a lot, his lips pursed into a slit, eyes fixed on the phone, and he quickly sent a text message to Su Qing.

  【Are you feeling unwell? I see that you haven't eaten much in the past few days. Then take a good sleep and drink some brown sugar water when you get up. 】

In the last sentence, Jiang Sui thought about it for a long time, and just wanted to wait for a while to find her.

  When Su Qing on the bus received Jiang Sui's text message, her eyes also fell on the last few words.

 Hence, her fingers felt a little hard and her ears were a little red. She didn't have the rebellion...

But Su Qing could also imagine that it might be because of his recent reaction that the young man realized something was wrong, so in order to dispel his concerns, he just admitted it.

 I responded with a backhand, okay, I went to sleep.


It wasn't until he arrived at his destination that Su Qing realized why this place felt so familiar to him. It was almost in a phone booth near the basketball court where Hu Yifan was injured.

At this moment, on the basketball court, there was Jiang Sui, whom she was most familiar with.

Without enough time to escape, the young man's eyes fell on her the moment she appeared.

With long legs and long strides, she headed towards Su Qing...

Su Qing was in a daze. She wanted to hide anxiously, but apart from the open space, the phone booth was still opposite. She seemed to have no time to run.

 She could only watch helplessly as the young man got closer and closer to her, until he grabbed her arm.

Su Qing was a little stunned, her head lowered without saying a word, not knowing how to talk to Jiang Sui. Hu Yifan on the side naturally saw this scene.

Depend on…

 Sister-in-law, you must know something. He was slightly worried in his heart, but he couldn't get over it. He could only stand aside and bask in the sun alone.

Hook Su Qing's wrist and lead her to the shade of the tree.

 The young man's face was expressionless, and his eyes showed displeasure.


 The voice was light and no emotion could be heard.

Su Qing bit her lip. Her lie was discovered and exposed on the spot. Su Qing scratched her fingers, her palms soaked in a light sweat.


"I am,…."

Su Qing couldn't explain why. She felt that this place was familiar to her on the way, but she never expected that it was here.

I didn’t even expect that they would meet in this place.

Moreover, what is he here to do?

 Doubts filled my mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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