She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 138: No need for compassion

Chapter 138 No need for compassion

 “Can’t you do this?”

Su Qing bit her lip, not knowing what to do. She could only hold Jiang Sui's fingers hard and subconsciously.

With his head lowered, he saw the blood stains on the young man's legs. His eyes were dark and worried.

 “How do you go to the hospital?”

 The girl looked at Jiang Sui eagerly.

Jiang Sui felt as if a needle had been stabbed in his heart. There were deep emotions in his eyes, and his mood was fluctuating violently, but he still suppressed it.

 “What happens to me has nothing to do with you.”

This is what Su Qing told him, and Su Qing naturally has not forgotten it.

We have nothing to do with each other. Su Qing's eyelashes couldn't help but tremble, and she subconsciously bit her lip.

 “Jiang Sui…I….”

She really didn't know how to explain it, and her eyes were even more moist.

“Su Qing, let go, we have nothing to do with each other.”

 “You don’t need to pity me either.”

Her red eyes looked like they could shed tears in the next second.

Su Qing looked at her fingers being torn apart one by one, feeling a little sad. She shook her head hard and grabbed the corner of Jiang Sui's clothes, not wanting him to leave like this.

 “I have no compassion….”


 She is not pitying.

The young man stopped and looked at her.

"It's not about pity. What are you doing? Don't tell me that you found out you like me after you said we had nothing to do with you?"

Jiang Sui's sarcasm hit Su Qing **** the cheek, making her feel a little ashamed.

“Did Hu Yifan say something to you that I was kicked out of my family and played in an underground court?”

With a nonchalant tone, he glanced at Su Qing's earhole coldly and turned to look at Su Qing's eyes.

"Then don't listen to his nonsense. I'm very good, but I'm in a bad mood and want to vent."

Su Qing bit her lip, not believing what he said at all, but looking at those indifferent eyes.

 “Well, okay, I understand, but you have to go to the hospital now.”

She didn't care what he said at all, she was just worried about his ankle, which was horribly swollen.

Jiang Sui didn't care at all.

 “Can’t die.”

Su Qing's heart suddenly fell to the lowest point, she bit her lip and said nothing.

She would follow him wherever he went without going to the hospital. Even if Jiang Sui couldn't bear it and stopped occasionally, Su Qing would raise her eyes with sparkling emotions.

 “Are you going to the hospital?”

He was like a machine, he didn't know the pain at all, his brows didn't even wrinkle, and his face looked a little pale, which made Su Qing even more worried.

 But she couldn't carry him to the hospital.

Thinking about Jiangsu still protecting her at that time, if the owner of the stadium hadn't come out later, they might not have been able to leave that place.

Not knowing whether his injury was more serious, Su Qing couldn't help but worry. From time to time, she glanced at Jiang Sui's ankles, grabbed the corners of his clothes, and tried to keep her steps as small as possible.

From dusk to evening, the two of them followed the shade of the trees on the sidewalk until Su Qing's phone rang. She took out her phone and saw that it was Su Rao calling, presumably asking him to go home.

Su Qing stopped and wanted to answer the phone, but when she saw that Jiang Sui didn't mean to wait for her at all, she could only run after Jiang Sui, tugged on the corner of his clothes, and motioned for him to walk slower. Then he picked up the phone.

“Qingqing, when are you going home?”

If Su Qing didn't come home after dark, Su Rao would always call. Su Qing was not worried if Su Rao was alone at home, but she looked down and saw Jiang Sui's bruised ankles, bit her lip, and said Lie.

“Mom, I slept one night at Ran Ran’s house today, but she refused to let me go back. I will go back early tomorrow morning.”

Su Rao was stunned for a moment, but still agreed.

However, Jiang Sui stopped and looked at Su Qing with a strange emotion in his eyes. Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui and thought he was about to speak, so she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and then covered the young man's mouth with her hand. live.


  making a quiet gesture.

 He maintained this posture until he hung up the phone.

Su Qing looked apologetically at Jiang Sui, who was covered by her, then let go of his mouth and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Su Qing, which of your words is true and which is false?"

“Or is there any truth in your mouth?”

 He was obviously telling her a lie.

Su Qing's hurtful words made Su Qing's fingers grasp the corners of his clothes tightly, and a lot of his jersey was torn off in one go.

 Her little face instantly turned pale, she bit her lip and said nothing.

 The two were in a stalemate until Su Qing spoke.

 “I really like you.”

As these words were spoken, Su Qing felt as if her heart was being clenched tightly. She bit her lip and lowered her head subconsciously.

  Returned to a state of silence.

Jiang Sui's cold face was also stunned by the girl's sudden words.

 In the black pupils, sparks flowed dimly, almost flashing out, but they were suppressed.

“Su Qing, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

"Do you think I will still believe you? Let you treat me like a monkey?"

“Didn’t you say before that you went to college, then you said that we are fine, and then, Su Qing, now you say that you really like me?”

His eyebrows were clearly showing a slight smile, but in Su Qing's eyes, the complete mockery was accumulating in her heart bit by bit.


 It’s all what she said and it’s all what she did.

Starting at her without saying a word, Jiang Sui's eyes were very indifferent.

 “Let me go, it’s time for you to go home.”

His words were like declarative sentences, without any emotion.

 “I won’t reply….”

 She rebutted Jiang Sui without thinking.

 “No return? Do you really plan to go back with me if you don’t return?”

Jiang Suilang smiled, with an inexplicable expression on his lips, a bit naughty, and looked Su Qing up and down.

He has never looked at Su Qing with such an unscrupulous look, even as if he was looking at an object.

 “Jiang Sui….”

Su Qing was a little sad.

She looked up at Jiang Sui with some trembling eyes.

 “Jiang Sui, don’t do this.”

He was not like this before. Su Qing bit her lip, feeling very uncomfortable and not knowing what to do.

 “What don’t I want?”

Her chin twitched and Jiang Sui's eyes made Su Qing want to run away for a moment, but she blinked and saw a pharmacy not far away.

 Biting her lip, she made up her mind.

Following the corners of the boy's curled lips, she stood on tiptoes.

 She kissed the young man's chin lightly and held his fingertips.

“In this case, if you don’t go to the hospital, can you go buy medicine?”

 The young man was stunned...

 (End of this chapter)

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