She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 167: Meet Tian Shasha

Chapter 167 Meeting Tian Shasha

"I know Sui's temper. You have to know that he can't see you being hurt in any way. If he knew, he would definitely blame me, and he would be sad and sad."

Hu Yifan didn't know what happened, but his intuition told him that it was serious. Moreover, considering all the things that happened to Su Qing in the past, Hu Yifan felt very confused when he thought of what A Zhao said.

  "Nothing will happen to me. I will be at home for a short period of time and study hard."

Su Qing pursed her lips as if to give Hu Yifan a dose of reassurance.

"Now that the exam is about to take place, the matter is still relatively complicated, and the police are also investigating, but the strange thing is that the public opinion cannot be stopped at all, and it cannot be chaotic anymore, and this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for me, is it?"

 In the end, Hu Yifan was convinced by Su Qing.

Hu Yifan looked up when he saw Su Qing carrying the book treasure on his back.

 “If you need anything, you can call me.”

Possibly because of previous guilt, Hu Yifan listened to Su Qing and did not tell Jiang Sui that Su Qing had been asked to take leave.

 At night, Su Qing received a call from Jiang Sui as usual, the girl's tone was soft.

“Jiang Sui, I have a cold and have asked for leave.”

She hid the emotions in her eyes, and her words were half true and half false.

“I have a cold. Have you gone to the hospital?”

Su Qing pursed her lips as she listened to the sociable voice over there.

“It’s just a common cold. It’s okay. I’ll go home and rest for two days.”

 Perhaps because of her depressed mood, every move she made or her slight mood swings caught Jiang Sui's attention.

 “Are you in a bad mood?”

Su Qing didn't refute, just gave a faint hum.

"It will be over soon, Qingqing. I heard Pei Dai say that he has been contacting the police in Wuzhen recently."

Although this speed is already very fast, it is still too slow for Jiang Sui, but it seems that there is no other way except waiting.

 The process that needs to be followed must always be completed, and there is always contact with Pei Dai.

Knowing that the girl had a cold, Jiang Sui quickly hung up the phone and urged Su Qing to go to bed.

Su Qing stared at the hung up phone and sighed softly. The first day was over, but what about the next few days?

Su Qing, who was never one to sit still and wait for death, dialed Tian Shasha's phone, but the phone was always turned off.

This makes Su Qing very strange. It seems that since the last photo and then the public opinion started, Tian Shasha has never contacted him again.

 Even the things they agreed to meet, it was as if they had never been mentioned at all.

Since those voices and photos came out, Tian Shasha seems to have disappeared, and now she can’t get through the phone.

 Very strange.

Su Qing didn’t think much and went to bed.

Su Rao's body needs to be re-examined. Su Qing plans to take this opportunity to do a re-examination on Su Rao.

Perhaps it was because the girl's words last time had an impact on Su Rao, so early the next morning, when Su Qing said he would take her for a review, Su Rao did not refuse.

 Fortunately, the results of the examination were also good. Su Qing's heavy heart finally dissipated a lot of the gloom, and she took a deep breath.

 Just at the door of the hospital, Su Qing met an acquaintance.

  It was none other than Tian Shasha, whose phone was out of reach last night.

At this moment, when Tian Shasha saw Su Qing, she walked straight in front of Su Qing and Su Rao, with a faint smile on her face with glasses.

 “Hi, Su Qing, hello, auntie.”

Being polite made people feel as if she had changed. Su Qing was always indifferent, and Su Rao only greeted her gently.

“Su Qing, are you okay, auntie? And you, are you in a good mood? But don’t let your thoughts get to you…”

Tian Shasha seemed hesitant to speak, and the sympathy on her face caught Su Rao's attention.

 Being in a bad mood or not being able to think about anything, it was obvious that something had happened to her daughter, but she didn't know it, which aroused deep doubts in Su Rao's heart.

 Tian Shasha said this deliberately. Su Qing did not expect to meet Tian Shasha at the entrance of the hospital, and did not want to stay, so she wanted to leave.

Su Qing's expression turned cold instantly, and she doubted that they had not met by chance at all.

Looked up at Tian Shasha.

“Nothing, let’s go first.”

Just Tian Shasha's eyes narrowed, but she wasn't angry because of Su Qing's indifference. She seemed to be a different person.

"Su Qing, I'm so sorry. I lost my mobile phone. Can you let me use your mobile phone to make a call and ask my friend to come over?"

Her cell phone was lost?

Su Qing's eyes narrowed, feeling that Tian Shasha's words were meant for her.

Before Su Qing took out his mobile phone, Su Rao handed the mobile phone to Tian Shasha. This move made Su Qing excited. He quickly snatched Su Rao's mobile phone and handed his own. The phone was handed to Tian Shasha.

“Mom, your mobile phone has no phone bill, use mine.”

Su Rao did not doubt Su Qing's words and put away his mobile phone. However, Tian Shasha glanced at Su Qing thoughtfully.

Just when Tian Shasha dialed the phone number, her eyes looked at Su Qing in surprise.

“Su Qing, are you looking for me for something? I lost my phone a long time ago and haven’t found it back. I saw you called me last night.”

Speaking, Tian Shasha took Su Qing's mobile phone and pointed at the familiar phone number.

Su Qing pursed her lips and couldn't understand what Tian Shasha was up to now. She looked innocent, as if she didn't know anything.

 “No, the dial is wrong.”

Her cell phone was lost a long time ago?


This made Su Qing vaguely feel that something was wrong, but she didn't know.

“Oh, it turned out to be the wrong dial.”

Tian Shasha smiled and repeated what Su Qing said.

Su Qing just pursed her lips and didn't say anything. Tian Shasha didn't say anything more. She just took her mobile phone and made a call. She also said that she had lost her mobile phone and the card had not been replaced yet. She was now at the door of the hospital and asked the other party to pick it up. he.

After Tian Shasha returned the phone to Su Qing, Su Qing turned around and left with Su Rao.

“Qingqing, do you have a bad relationship with that classmate?”

When Su Rao returned home, he kept thinking about the incident at noon, her daughter. Su Rao clearly felt that Su Qing didn't like that girl, and seemed to be hostile to her, especially what the girl said, "Don't do it." I couldn't think about it, whether I was in a good mood or something like that, which made Su Rao's heart a little heavy.

 I always felt that Su Qing was hiding something from her.

 (End of this chapter)

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