She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 173: selective notification

Chapter 173 Selective Notification

Winter has just entered Wuzhen, and the temperature has been much lower than before.

 When the plane landed, I could feel a cold wave.

Jiang Sui did not go with Pei Dai. Pei Dai went to investigate and coordinate the work. It was not convenient for Jiang Sui to follow, so the two separated.

Su Qing was still doing papers when she received the call from the boy.

Although she asked for leave, Su Qing deeply understood and understood the importance of study.

Looking at the cold air outside, Su Qing, who rarely closed the windows, closed the windows.

 “Have you gotten off the plane?”

The girl's voice was slightly sweet, and her voice was soft and passed into Jiang Sui's ears.

“Well, are you feeling better about your cold? Do you drink more water?”


When Su Qing heard Jiang Sui ask about her cold, Su Qing was still stunned for a moment, because she actually didn't have a cold, and her mood didn't have too many ups and downs. She was just worried that Jiang Sui would pay too much attention to her own affairs, so she asked him to Some of his emotions were dispersed in his own mood and body.

Su Qing pinched her phone and pretended to cough twice.

“I’m feeling much better now. I’m drinking water now. Is it very cold after getting off the plane? Did you bring thick clothes?”

While changing the topic, Su Qing thought that in Jiang Sui's wardrobe, the boy's clothes he saw were mostly spring and summer clothes, and he didn't seem to like to wear too thick clothes, so he always wore very thin clothes.

 Especially today’s temperature is actually dangerously close to freezing at night.

Jiang Sui knew that Su Qing was changing the subject, so he didn't pursue the question. The cold wave did make him shiver, but it was okay.

 “What should I do if I don’t bring thick clothes?”

 Getting into a taxi and telling the driver the address, Jiang Sui changed his hand to answer the phone.

Su Qing, who really thought Jiang Sui didn't have thick clothes, pursed her lips and said without thinking, "Then let's go shopping tomorrow and buy you some clothes."

Maybe it was because it was windy outside, so before Jiang Sui got in the car, Su Qing could still hear the smell of cold air with a little airflow inside the phone receiver.


 Jiang Sui would not miss such a good opportunity.

 When he got there, he didn't hang up the phone and was still chatting with Su Qing.

 “How many days did you take leave?”

This is something Jiang Sui never asked. Su Qing didn't know whether he did it intentionally or unintentionally, but he still told the truth, "I'm asking for a week."

 “Why did it take so long?”

Listening to Jiang Sui's question, Su Qing had already found an excuse, "Didn't I go check it out with my mother, and then planned to go there again in a few days, and I was in a bad mood, so I simply asked for a few more days. "

  Su Qing was still a little nervous when she spoke, but the girl had always been very good at controlling her emotions.

“I also asked for a week, so I can stay with you for a few more days this time.”

  ? !

Jiang Sui also invited me for a week?

Su Qing's head was a little confused, and she was at a loss for a moment.

“You, why are you asking for leave? Didn’t you miss so many courses before?”

Su Qing felt very uneasy. Some suspicions flashed through her mind, but she couldn't confirm it. She pursed her lips, looking at the textbooks on the table with a bit of confusion and indifference. .

 He won’t know...

Su Qing's mind was uncertain. Before Jiang Sui could say anything, Su Qing looked up at the sky outside the house. It was blue with a little gray and dull. It was said that it would snow tomorrow. Looking at it like this, it seemed that There are some signs.

“Jiang Sui, do you know something?”


  She is not stupid, so she can guess what happened. She is a little flustered and unnatural.

 “Jiang Sui, you know, don’t you?”

 From the initial doubts to the current determination, it has to be said that Su Qing also understands Jiang Sui well enough.

 In any case, neither of them would make any fuss in front of each other. They both seemed to know each other's inner thoughts.

"Oh, I see."

 The young man's answer seemed to be without much emotion, which made Su Qing a little flustered. She bit her lower lip, feeling a little at a loss.

"You're angry?"

The weak voice had no confidence after all. Su Qing's eyelashes were trembling. Before she heard Jiang Sui's reply, beads of sweat were dripping from her palms.

“No, I was thinking, my little guy is really smart. He said he wouldn’t lie to me last time, and he really didn’t lie to me anymore. He told me selectively.”

Jiang Sui seemed to be getting off the car. Su Qing heard the sound of paying and the sound of the car door closing. She felt a little ashamed when she heard the young man's voice. She said she would not lie to him, but this...

Su Qing pursed her lips, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional to change the subject.

 “Are you home?”

She seemed to hear him going upstairs. The house Jiang Sui rented was an old house with only six floors. He lived on the third floor, so there was no elevator.

Su Qing could hear the footsteps of young people in the quiet corridor.

“Qingqing, are you changing the subject?”

Jiang Sui unlocked the door, obviously not wanting to let her go. He just entered the door and turned on the light in the entrance. He found some food on his table with words written on it.

Su Qing, on the other hand, listened to the sound of Jiang Sui turning the key in the door lock, and her heart was beating fast.

 Actually, she didn't expect to be able to keep this matter a secret for long, but she didn't expect that Jiang Sui would know it so quickly, and subconsciously retorted to the young man.

 “I didn’t, didn’t change the subject.”

With an innocent voice and a soft voice, Jiang Sui looked at the food on the coffee table and opened it. In fact, it was just simple fast food, hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets and the like.

Perhaps it was because it was too quiet and there was no noise. Su Qing could also clearly hear the sound of Jiang Suizai unpacking.

 “Okay, no changing the subject.”

 In fact, those fast food are already cold and packed in insulated bags, but because the weather temperature is too low now, they don't feel warm to the touch, but Jiang Sui's heart is still warmed and ignited a little bit.

Thinking about it, the last time I told the girl, she remembered the location of the key. The corners of Jiang Sui's lips were slightly pursed, his eyebrows were pressed down, and his handsome face was clear.

"when did you come?"

Su Qing pursed her lips. Naturally, she knew what Jiang Sui was talking about. She blushed a little. After all, it was the first time she cared about someone like this and secretly went to his house to buy something for him.

"Is it already cold? I saw there is a microwave in the kitchen. Please heat it up."

Su Qing avoided the question, and her soft voice broke into Jiang Sui's ears.

 (End of this chapter)

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