She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 175: alone time 1

Chapter 175 Time alone 1

 Early the next morning.

 Early in the morning, Su Qing told Su Rao that he was going out.

Su Rao didn't like Teacher Su Qing guarding an old woman like him. Hearing that she was about to go out, he was in a very good mood.


Su Rao, I don’t ask for anything else, I just hope that Su Qing will be healthy and happy.

 Perhaps this is what most parents want.

Su Qing felt very nervous after she went out.

  This is the second time I secretly came to the young man's house. I did things in such a quiet manner, as if I was sneaking around. My heart was pounding.

 The door was opened, probably because it had snowed the night before, although there were no traces of snowflakes left on the curb.

 But the air in the house still has a damp feel to it.

Su Qing quietly put the breakfast she bought in the dining room, and then quietly came to Jiang Sui's bedroom.

 This is the first time Su Qing has seen this face at such a close range.

The angular cheeks exuded a cold aura, the smooth and white face, the deep black eyes with a charming color, the thick eyebrows, the high nose, and the beautiful lip shape, all exuded nobility and elegance. .

 He was so soundly asleep that he seemed to be really tired, so he didn't notice.


 The deep, mellow and magnetic voice fascinates men even more.

He was still a boy, not a man. Su Qing was shocked, why did he wake up?

 Lying beside the bed, looking at Jiang Suidu and Su Qing, his face turned red instantly.

“Qingqing, I’m dreaming, right? Come on, sleep with me for a while.”

A pair of broad, warm palms covered her head without Qionono's permission. The touch of the soft hair made the man squint his eyes. There was indescribable tenderness in it, but at first glance there was nothing. No.

 Brief contact.

The young man picked her up from the bed with a pair of thugs. He moved quickly, and Su Qing was quickly held in Jiang Sui's arms.

Perhaps it was because of the fragrant smell of her body that the young man rubbed his head against the crook of Su Qing's neck.

 “Be good, be good, and sleep a little longer.”

Su Qing was stunned. Her eyes were filled with panic and shyness, and a blush spread all over Su Qing's head and face.

Jiang Sui's breathing was heavy.

 In the bedroom.

 The quiet fear may be because the young man's breath exuded a kind of warmth. Su Qing got up too early in the morning, so she didn't pay attention. She blushed and fell asleep while blushing.

 The curtains in the dark bedroom have not yet been opened.

Until Jiang Sui's eyes gradually opened, and in shock, he discovered the person in his arms.

Jiang Sui, who thought he was dreaming, finally had a sense of reality. He had always felt that he was in a dream and saw Su Qing coming to find him.

  I didn’t expect it to be true.

The boy didn't dare to move at all. He was stunned. Looking at the person in his arms, such a small one, so well-behaved, Jiang Sui felt as if he had been soaked in water. soft.

Jiang Sui, who stared at Su Qing for a long time, looked at the alarm clock on the bedside and saw that it was already ten o'clock.

When did she come here? She got up softly and muted the mobile phone on the bedside. When she saw Pei Dai's text message on it, Jiang Sui's lips curved slightly.

Su Qing didn't know how she fell asleep.

 Until she felt someone calling her.

 “Qingqing, Qingqing, wake up, the sun is shining on your butt!”

Su Qing's eyes were half-covered, squinting, looking at Jiang Sui who was shaking him. Su Qing felt vaguely, maybe it was because he got up too early in the morning, or maybe it was because he hadn't been there all this time. How to sleep well? Today's warmth made her want to stay in bed. She turned around and covered herself with the quilt, wanting to continue sleeping.

 Her emotions were so beautifully released in this warm environment.

Jiang Sui's eyes looked at the girl's cute and innocent look, her eyebrows were stained with sleepiness, and she was lazy, but when she saw the alarm clock, it was already past noon.

"Qingqing, get up, be good, have breakfast first, then go to bed after breakfast, be obedient, wake up."

 The deep male voice was filled with a hint of pampering, and Jiang Sui's face was filled with smiles.

However, listening to this voice, Su Qing's sleepiness was immediately driven away by the voice. Her whole head suddenly woke up, because that voice was really familiar to her. Who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Sui? …

Su Qing rubbed her eyes. The sun was really shining brightly. The sunlight outside, even through the window screen, revealed a light golden color.

Su Qing pursed her lips and came back to her senses at this time. She covered herself under the quilt a little shyly, "Jiang Sui, when did you get up..."

At that time, she was thinking that she would wake him up to eat after waiting for him to sleep for a while, but somehow, she fell asleep without knowing it, and now Jiang Sui woke her up.

 There is a buzzing in my head.

 She felt that she was too pampered.

Seeing the girl wrap herself in the quilt, like a silkworm chrysalis, with a muffled voice, Jiang Sui, who was worried that the girl would be suffocated, pursed his lips and pulled the quilt.

The girl had so much strength, especially when she had just woken up. Naturally, she was no match for Jiang Sui. With a gentle tug, Jiang Sui took Su Qing out of the bed.

 “Suppress yourself, get up, eat first, and then go to bed after eating.”

It was really suffocating inside, there wasn't enough oxygen, and Su Qing's eyes were glowing with gold.

 “If you don’t sleep anymore, when did you get up?”

After a long pause, Su Qing used her fingers to confirm, and pinched her green-white face with one hand to express disbelief.

  Yes, that is the case.

She was indeed awake. She pursed her lips and buried her head in Jiang Sui's arms.


Su Qing took a deep breath, which was tight in his chest, and his face was a bit shy, "Jiang Sui, let me go."

I always feel that this kind of gesture is too intimate.

 She could even feel the temperature on the boy's body, and Su Qing's face became even hotter.

However, Jiang Sui looked deeply at Su Qing at this moment, and did not let go of Su Qing. Instead, he hugged her like a child, turned around and led her towards the door.

 “Jiang Sui…”

Her warning sounded like coquettishness, more like tickling.

It has no effect on Jiang Sui at all.

The young man also let her go and indulged her very much.

When passing by the full-length mirror at the door, the young man was wearing dark blue casual clothes, which made him look handsome and upright. Through the air, Su Qing looked at herself being held by the young man.

 (End of this chapter)

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