She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 183: Warm my hands

Chapter 183 Warm your hands

 The last rest day of the weekend.

They made an appointment with Pei Dai in the morning, so Su Qing went out early again, but it was too early. She didn't want Jiang Sui to pick her up, but the young man refused.

 Finally, I picked up Su Qing at the corner of the alley.

The young man actually carried the same schoolbag he had bought yesterday, and the new one he bought, and he was also wearing a new down jacket. Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at the down jacket she was wearing, and was distracted for a moment.

She also put it on. They both put it on at the same time. No one reminded the other or just put it on.

When Jiang Sui saw Su Qing wearing a down jacket of the same style as his, he was obviously in a better mood, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

The blushing clouds made Su Qing's cheeks blush a little on her already porcelain white skin, and the tips of her ears softened slightly. When she stepped forward, Jiang Sui's big hand took her small hand.

“It’s too cold, please warm your hands for me.”

Su Qing raised her head and glanced at the young man.

It's a bit too obvious to say that he is really a natural clothes hanger. Except for the trademark on the chest, there are no other logos anywhere on his clothes.

 Both of them have pockets.

Pursing her lips, Su Qing did not expose it and let Jiang Sui hold her hand. In fact, his hand was warmer than her own.

  It is better to say that he is warming his hands.

The sky is a little hazy and foggy, making some people breathless.

When the two of them arrived at the appointed place, Pei Dai had already arrived and said hello.

 The air in the private room was filled with heat. "Qingqing, take off your coat."

The young man put his coat on the chair and turned sideways to take it off, "It's hot here. It'll be cold outside when you go out."

It turned out that she was worried that she had caught a cold. Su Qing pursed her lips. Even though she knew that the young man's attitude towards her had not changed at all, no matter where he was in front of outsiders or where he was, it was embarrassing, but it still made Su Qing's face turn red. .

After putting the clothes away, Su Qing pursed her lips and wanted to pour a glass of water. Jiang Sui had already put the poured water in front of Su Qing.

After all, Pei Dai is still here, especially as a parent and has an identity. Su Qing felt that she needed to stop Jiang Sui from acting like this. She couldn't help but raise her elbow, touch him lightly, and whisper with two people. Sound can be heard.

 “Jiang Sui, I can just do it myself...”

Jiang Sui retracted his hand, his eyes showing confusion.

The situation between the two of them before was very similar to when he was young. Pei Dai couldn't help but smile. In order to make the atmosphere more pleasant, "It doesn't matter. Qinqin and I were the same when we were young, but Qinqin Never shy.”

“Men, just do what you have to do, you don’t have to worry about him, you can just enjoy it.”

Pei Dai said, in some cases, Qinqin's temperament is like that. Outsiders look so cold, but in fact she is also very cold. He is the only one in these years.

 If others don’t dare approach, approach yourself.

When Pei Dai said this, Su Qing pursed her lips, and Jiang Sui just smiled.

  Opened the conversation, feeling a little bit sad after feeling relaxed. The reason why Pei Dai didn't call them yesterday was because he wanted the two children to get along with each other for a day.

 Otherwise, you may not be in a good mood.

Tian Shasha's matter has become difficult, and the only evidence has become difficult.

Pei Dai tried his best to make his expression look relaxed and not so serious. He looked at Su Qing and then at Jiang Sui, "Things are getting a little troublesome, but don't worry."

 Becoming troublesome?

Su Qing's brows couldn't help but jump. She felt that what she was going to say next was definitely not good news.

Jiang Sui naturally realized it, and thought of what he said in yesterday's text message, asking them to seize the time to get along first, and usually tell them if there is good news.

 “You said, I’m not afraid.”

Su Qing pinched her fingertips and gently pushed the water glass to the edge of the table. Her palm-sized face became serious.

“Su Qing, Tian Shasha’s cell phone was lost before she sent you any messages or text messages.”


 The key word "before" proves that this matter is basically divorced from Tian Shasha.

“Your previous recordings can at best prove that you two have some contradictions, so other things are not true at all.”

 That's right, to put it bluntly, it's just a minor conflict between classmates, and it can't prove anything.

Su Qing's face suddenly turned pale. She bit her lower lip and suddenly understood why Tian Shasha appeared in front of her so blatantly two days ago.

 And he seemed to know nothing, looking very innocent.

ˆ He also specifically emphasized the matter of losing his mobile phone.

Su Qing pursed her lips and said nothing. Jiang Sui's eyes became deep, and he pinched her fingers deeply, "We will find out."

Things have been going very smoothly. Who would have thought that such a scene would happen again now? No one would have thought.


Su Qing pressed her chin, raised her eyes, and looked at Pei Dai.

“Two days ago, on Thursday, when I went to accompany my mother for a check-up, I met Tian Shasha at the door of the hospital.”

bumped into…

Su Qing felt her fingers hurt from being pinched by Jiang Sui, and the young man stared at her.

Pei Dai also didn't expect that Su Qing would meet Tian Shasha in such a short period of time.

Seeing that the two people's eyes were on her, Su Qing did not exaggerate too much, but simply stated the matter, "That day at the entrance of the hospital, she asked me to borrow my mobile phone, saying that she had lost her mobile phone. Then I made a call to a mobile phone number.”

 There is actually this one.

Su Qing took out her mobile phone and handed it to Pei Dai. Pei Dai glanced at the mobile phone number, took out his own mobile phone, and then dialed the number.

It just beeps and the call cannot be made.

 His brows were furrowed tightly.

 “Can’t get through, this number is empty.”

 Empty number?

 For a moment, several people basically thought that since the number dialed was an empty number, Tian Shasha did it on purpose.

 “How did she know you were going to the hospital?”

Pei Dai was a little confused and wanted to know the answer, but saw Su Qing shaking her head, "I made an impromptu decision with my mother the night before about going to the hospital. I didn't tell anyone about it except when I entered the hospital. Jiang Sui, I didn’t tell anyone else.”

If there is any suspicion, then the first one is Jiang Sui.

 The rigorous Pei Dai also needs to take this into consideration.

 (End of this chapter)

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