She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 192: tiny seeds

Chapter 192 The Little Seed

Looking at Jiang Sui's mood, he felt much better.

Su Qing observed Jiang Sui's expression, finally breathed out, and her heart dropped to her stomach.

Although Su Qing was not tall, it was still a little uncomfortable to squat half-crouched under the table in such a cramped space, so her squatting legs were a little numb and she frowned and sniffed.

“Qingqing, what’s wrong with you? Where does it hurt?”

 The young man’s panicked voice showed that his mood was obviously much better than before.

 “If you don’t obey me and get up, my legs will be so numb that they will break!”

Su Qing is not that squeamish. She just looks at the young man gradually coming back to his senses and his eyes are focused on himself, which makes him inevitably a little squeamish.

Jiang Sui really liked Su Qing's tricks.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the girl, whose face turned a little red due to the numbness of his legs, he anxiously stretched out his hand to pick the girl up from under the table.

 In such a cramped space, such a big movement would inevitably make a sound.

This is the peak time for buying milk tea. Su Qing's face suddenly turned redder.

Many people who heard the noise at this moment looked towards where Jiang Sui and Su Qing were.

Jiang Sui directly picked up Su Qing and asked her to sit on the sofa, "Let me go quickly..."

Su Qing just wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it. It felt like something was about to explode inside her head. Jiang Sui looked at the girl's red face and said yes in a low voice.

 The air has become so thin.

To ease the embarrassment, Su Qing picked up a cup of milk tea from the table and took a few sips. The sweetness that filled her mouth made Su Qing squint her eyes.

Just out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jiang Sui looking at her. Su Qing thought that Jiang Sui wanted to drink milk tea just like herself.

 She moved another cup of milk tea to Jiang Sui's hand.

 The young man's eyes paused, and then he obediently picked up the straw and took a few sips.

Boys didn't seem to be that interested in most sweets, but seeing Su Qing squinting her eyes in pleasure, Jiang Sui tried a little more.

 He frowned, still feeling it didn't taste good.

 “Isn’t it delicious?”

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui drinking milk tea with such pain that his handsome brows never even opened.

Jiang Sui would not admit that he was caught at the scene. He dodged his eyes and said, "It's okay."

“What’s okay? You obviously don’t like drinking this kind of thing, so don’t force it. I’ll drink your cup too.”

The girl was so lively that she directly picked up Jiang Sui's half cup and drank a few sips without waiting for Jiang Sui's consent.

Jiang Sui was startled. When he saw what he had drank being picked up by Su Qing to drink, a trace of strangeness flashed through his mind. He lowered his eyes and looked at the girl who was habitually biting the straw.

“Jiang Sui, are your ears red?”

When Su Qing put down the milk tea, she discovered something like a new world. She stared at Jiang Sui's pink ear tips as if she was bewitched. When Su Qing stretched out her hand and wanted to touch it, she was quickly touched by the young man's hand. The hand stopped him.

 He looked at Su Qing extremely seriously.

 “Qingqing, don’t touch it.”

Jiang Sui rarely refused Su Qing. This time, Su Qing was stunned, and her eyes turned sad in an instant.

"No, it's not that I won't let you touch it, it's because I'm afraid of myself if you touch it..."

Jiang Sui didn't know if he could restrain his inner impulse, and the fireworks went out in an instant.

 “Qingqing, touch it.”

Su Qing couldn't understand Jiang Sui's entanglement, but he couldn't understand his idea of ​​refusing and then agreeing obediently. She just looked at the young man's pink ear tips, and still wanted to touch them with her fingers involuntarily.

The young man's voice had already become low and hoarse even before Su Qing touched Jiang Sui's ears.

Su Qing's brief contact clearly felt Jiang Sui's entire stiff body. The young man's spine bent a little, and then he pursed his lips hard, then instantly grabbed her fingers and placed them on the edge of his lips, deeply He took a deep breath and made no other movements.

Su Qing was shocked by Jiang Sui's series of actions.

 She just touched his ear.

 I don’t know why, maybe it was because the boy’s reaction was too strong, and Su Qing felt very shy.

 “Then I won’t touch your ears anymore.”

Su Qing spoke to Jiang Sui nervously, as if she was making a promise.


The young man's voice rose in vain. In the small milk tea shop, his voice was a little high-pitched. For a moment, many people's eyes glanced at the two people again.

Jiang Suiye naturally realized that his voice was a bit too high. He pursed his lips and looked at Su Qing with dark eyes, and hugged Su Qing gently.

  "I want you to touch my ears, but don't do it outside anymore, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but want to do something..."

 The young man breathed so deeply.

Su Qing could even feel that the boy seemed to have a fever.

His words made Su Qing shrink her head, and her mind was filled with random thoughts for a long time.

Her face was flushed, not what she thought. Su Qing bit her lip, but she was still in a daze, and was led out of the milk tea shop by Jiang Sui.

 “Don’t think blindly, you know?”

The back of the young man's hand gently patted Su Qing's forehead, which made Su Qing's thoughts escape a lot, but her face was still quite red, involuntarily.

Fortunately, the cold air outside made Su Qing's mind clearer. She saw the long figure of the young man standing in front of her, "Qingqing, where are your gloves, scarf and hat?"

Su Qing seemed to suddenly wake up from computer sleep state. Jiang Sui would wrap her up like a rice dumpling every time because he was afraid that she would be too cold. It was just because of the exam that she felt it was inconvenient to carry it with her, and there would be nothing to do after the exam. I just went home, so I was too lazy to bring it with me.

At this moment, Su Qing subconsciously tugged at the corner of Jiang Sui's clothes.

 “I didn’t bring….”

The young man sighed, and then put Su Qing's hand directly into his pocket, "Qingqing, don't bother me next time, you know, if you really don't want to bring it, just put it in your schoolbag to keep it ready. Take it out when the time comes.”

 The young man is so patient, and his whole person exudes a soft light.

 This snack street, even in winter, has a brightly lit feel.

Su Qing obeyed the boy's instructions obediently, cherishing the time they spent together, and then was led by the boy to go shopping in the night market.

 He seemed to ask her something about everything he saw.

 “Do you like it, do you want this, do you want that?”

The gentleness is not like words, it seems that it has always been like this, but Su Qing's psychology has a slight uncertainty. Regarding the state of the young man, Su Qing's psychology buried a small seed.

 (End of this chapter)

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