She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 199: chance encounter

Chapter 199 A chance encounter

 The morning of the next day.

Pei Dai left while Mei Yeqin was still sleeping.

Like when he was young, Pei Dai left carefully and left a note for Mei Yeqin on the bedside table.

  【Qinqin, there is something going on in the bureau, I will take care of it first. When you get up, remember to drink water and have breakfast. If you have anything to do, call me. A new hotel has been booked for you. The location is XXX. 】

 He is extremely careful, Mei Yeqin knows that.

 The man's handwriting is wild and awkward, unlike the man himself.

It was a bit of a smell, because Mei Yeqin didn't feel comfortable sleeping all night because of the bed.

Mei Yeqin, who had washed his face in the bathroom, held the piece of paper. Perhaps because of his beautiful handwriting, he accidentally put the piece of paper written by Pei Dai into his bag.

  Left on high heels.

 Hands of his cell phone, he makes a call to Jiang Sui, who answers quickly.

 “Asui, I’m coming to Wuzhen.”

 She said it very directly.

Jiang Sui was sitting on the sofa. He had not completely forgotten the memory of last night. The young man had just taken a shower, and there were water droplets on his fine hair.

 He lowered his head and wore home clothes.

“Well, I know auntie, Pei Dai came to see me last night.”

Mei Yeqin was very thoughtful, and he almost guessed most of it now. It seemed that the young man didn't know that someone had hypnotized him last night.

“Well, I was a little worried about you, so I asked him to find you.” Mei Yeqin did not deny it.

"I know, auntie, I have nothing to do. You have come to Wuzhen. Where are you?" The young man's mood seemed to be heavier than yesterday, and Mei Yeqin pinched the center of his eyebrows.

 Looking around him, "I'm in a chaos shop downstairs from your house. I'll bring you something if you want to eat."

The taste was pretty good, maybe because she didn't eat much yesterday. Mei Yeqin ate a lot. When she heard the boy over there responded, she hung up the phone.

Even though she has gained a lot of reputation, her medical skills cannot be considered bad, but when it comes to Jiang Sui's matter.

 She always felt that her knowledge, ideas, and various things were all lacking.

Mei Yeqin essentially felt that if she was not in need, she would have treated the young man long ago and would not have let him suffer like this.

  Wiping the corners of his mouth, Mei Yeqin paid the money, pinched the steamed bun in his hand, and when he turned to go out, he met Su Qing walking towards him.

Su Qing didn't expect that she would meet Mei Yeqin downstairs at Jiang Sui's house. She was stunned for a moment, and then said hello obediently, "Doctor Mei."

  She was a little embarrassed, carrying a schoolbag and wearing a down jacket, like a child.

It’s just that the owner of the store seemed to know her and said, “Little girl, what are you eating? What are you bringing to your boyfriend today?”

Su Qing's face suddenly turned red.

 She waved her hand, "No, no..."

“It’s nothing, little girl, you’re still shy. I saw that boy secretly holding your hand that day.”

 In some green years, there was always a slight embarrassment of pulling.

Mei Yeqin looked at the embarrassed Su Qing and said, "Hello, Su Qing. Are you here to buy breakfast for Jiang Sui?"

Su Qing nodded.

Su Qing was still a little worried because of the young man's mood last night, so she decided to come to see him today, but she didn't expect that she would meet Mei Yeqin here. She was so embarrassed that she almost drowned herself.

Mei Yeqin looked at Su Qing's crimson face and said, "I've already bought it for him, so you can go up with me."

Su Qing originally wanted to refuse, but she nodded for some reason and followed Mei Yeqin like a little follower.

Before, I didn't feel as embarrassed as I do now. I don't know what happened today. Su Qing felt like she wanted to find a hole in the ground to bury herself.

“When I first met you, I knew that Asui liked you.”

Mei Yeqin's sudden voice made Su Qing's face turn even redder.

 At that time, she was still covered in bruises. “At that time, thank you Dr. Mei.”

It was the first time she met such a warm doctor. He didn't ask any questions or look strange. He just asked her if it hurt and gave her medicine. For the first time, Su Qing felt the word respect from an adult. .

Perhaps it was because of the change in her relationship with Jiang Sui. When she met Mei Yeqin in the past, Su Qing didn't have too much trouble, but this time she seemed to be as nervous as meeting her parents.

The girl’s pink face and her eyes are particularly clear and water-like, making people want to pity her.

Mei Yeqin had a lot to say, which was stuck in her throat. She wanted to say it, but she didn’t know how to speak.

She wanted to say it, but she was worried. Asui blamed her.

  Or what if the girl doesn’t like Asui that much.

 Moral kidnapping is not something adults can do.

Su Qing, who is more than half a head shorter than her, didn't notice Mei Yeqin's worried look, but the girl spoke slowly.

“Doctor Mei, I felt something was wrong with Jiang Sui yesterday.”

She struggled tremblingly for a long time before speaking out. Mei Ye was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment and astonishment on her face.

Su Qing didn't miss Mei Yeqin's expression, and the worry in her heart became more serious, thinking that Mei Yeqin didn't know.

She pinched her fingers and said, "Last night at the milk tea shop, Jiang Sui was shaking all over and his eyes were red."

There was no fear or fear in Su Qing's eyes, but only worry.

“Doctor Mei, I am very worried about Jiang Sui, so I secretly came to see him early today.”

 In the past, young people must have pestered me.

 But last night, she went to bed right away, which made Su Qing feel very strange, and the young man didn't say that he would have a date with her today.

These signs made Su Qing think about visiting Jiang Sui.

I just didn’t expect to meet Mei Yeqin.

Mei Yeqin listened to Su Qing's words calmly, with a complicated look on his face, but he concealed his emotions very well.

“Well, what happened yesterday, you can tell me in detail later.”

Su Qing saw that she was about to arrive at the door of Jiang Sui's house. She nodded and said hello.

Mei Yeqin pinched her eyebrows, took the things, and went in first. Her voice was clear and gentle, "Asui, look, who came to see you. I met Su Qing downstairs."

Her words made Jiang Sui, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly recover from his dazed expression. In shock, he stood up with his thin body, and then saw behind Mei Yeqin, a red-faced and at a loss what to do. little girl.

Jiang Sui looked at Mei Yeqin with gratitude in his eyes.

Mei Yeqin opened her mouth, and naturally she understood the boy's eyes. As her nephew, Mei Yeqin understood it better than anyone else.

 He didn't want it, Su Qing was worried.

“While you guys are chatting, I’ll heat up the buns.”

 (End of this chapter)

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