She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 209: Breaking Dawn 3

Chapter 209 Breaking Dawn 3

When Su Rao came to Jiangcheng, Su Qing did not wake up.

Su Rao sat on the bench.

She has been thinking in her mind that Su Rao has met Mei Yeqin. Her eyes trembled as she looked at Mei Yeqin and then at Jiang Sui.

She was also an influential young man with handsome features. The street lamps and other things in the alley at that time were still fresh in Su Rao's memory.

 “You are the handsome guy who fixes the street lights.”

Jiang Sui lowered his head, not daring to look at Su Rao, and nodded.

"Yes, I am still a classmate of Su Qing. I am also a student of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. I have been in Wuzhen No. 1 Middle School before."

 The young man’s eyes are magnanimous.

 It’s just that he was in his late teens, so Su Rao naturally knew what the young man was thinking, as he was still wearing protective clothing.

In the old community where I live in Wuzhen, there are no repairmen at all. Suddenly, someone repairs street lights and monitors. Naturally, there is a problem.

 Now that I think about it, I understand everything.

 In fact, the young man never knew how to get along with others, except of course when he was with Su Qing.

His expression was extremely distracted, and his whole heart was close to the girl in the ward.

Mei Yeqin could only tell Su Rao the general story and what happened.

When he heard Li Su's name, Su Rao's shoulders couldn't stop trembling, "Why hasn't he let go of my daughter? My daughter is so good."

 The helpless Su Rao bit her lip and cried. She coughed vigorously, and her whole body was extremely weak.

 At this time, Mei Yeqin could tell that there must be something wrong with Su Rao's body. It was not like Su Qing had told him before that he had recovered.

According to Mei Yeqin's experience, Su Rao's condition may have worsened and does not seem to be getting better.

“Doctor Mei, how is my daughter? Is she out of danger?”

Su was tired from traveling around the boat. Her expression was extremely bad, and she felt exhausted, so she struggled to hold on.

Mei Yeqin supported her falling figure, not daring to say too serious words, "Mother Su, don't worry too much. You can be released from the intensive care unit when your life is almost out of danger."

“Mother Su, are you not feeling well?”

Mei Yeqin saw Su Rao coughing violently. Her lips were pale, not the color that a normal person should have at all.

Su Rao shook his head and said, "I'm fine. Have you called the police? I want to see the police."

  She had always thought that as long as she was careful, nothing would happen, but after so many years, she found that it was of no use at all.

This time Li Su must receive punishment.

Mei Yeqin supported Su Rao's body and said, "The police have been called and we are investigating. Mother Su, let me check you first."

Su Rao looked at Mei Yeqin and thanked her weakly, "Dr. Mei, thank you. I know my body won't last long. I just want to see my daughter."

She doesn’t want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

“When I went to the hospital for check-ups before, I made an agreement with Dr. Cao that no matter whether my condition is good or not, I will give my daughter what she said and let her take the exam well.”

"I have already spent most of her tuition and other things. We can't go on like this. I can't drag my daughter down. There is no cure for my disease. It's a bottomless pit. Dr. Mei, you know."

Su Rao didn't mince words. Mei Yeqin's eyes were warm and she didn't know what to say.

No wonder Mei Yeqin felt that Su Rao's condition had not improved at all since the first time she saw her, but that she was already terminally ill. However, in order to prevent Su Qing from worrying, she had to hide it from her own girl.

This reminded Mei Yeqin of Mei Yehua, who was also like this. In order to be able to stay with Ah Sui for a longer period of time, he rarely went for treatment and rarely exposed his illness.

“Mother Su, you can’t be pessimistic. Medical science is still very advanced.”

Mei Yeqin didn't know how to comfort people. In her mind, she thought of those colleagues and nurses who used to comfort the families of patients. Now she could only use this set of words.

As a doctor, the last thing she wanted to say was like this.

 But now we have to say the same thing.

Su Rao waved his hand, "Dr. Mei, it's okay. You don't need to comfort me. I came here just to see my daughter. I will leave when she wakes up. She can't let her know that I am like this. I have to wait until she finishes the exam." tell her."

Su Rao rarely wears makeup. She wore makeup when she came here this time, but because she has been driving for a long time, the makeup has dissipated, and her whole person is pale and colorless.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

She has seen many separations between life and death, but she hates such separations between life and death.

Su Rao raised his head and looked at Jiang Sui. The young man was very handsome and he stared at the ward.

 “Child, you like my daughter.”

Jiang Sui turned his head blankly, not knowing how to communicate with Su Rao. His mind was so closed.

 “I like her.”

Jiang Sui's voice was dry, and the emotions in it were fluctuating strongly.

 “Auntie, I’m sorry, I lied to you.”

 In fact, it cannot be said to be a lie, but Jiang Sui still bowed to Su Rao and apologized.

Su Rao waved his hand, "I always thought that Qingqing became cheerful because she met more classmates, and I didn't think about it at all. It seems that she became cheerful because of you."

Su Rao can be said to be the person who knows Su Qing very well.

Su Rao observed her every move thoroughly, but his daughter always said that the classmate was a girl, so Su Rao never doubted it. When he saw Jiang Sui, Su Rao understood.

Hearing the young man apologize to himself, Su Rao was stunned for a while and then waved his hand.

“My child is older and I have her thoughts. My health is very poor. But now, as a parent, I still want to tell you not to bully her.”

Su Rao’s eyes turned red as he spoke.

She clearly knew that her end was coming, and this kind of vague promise, or anything else, was the most unreliable, but at this moment, Su Rao still wanted to make a promise.

When Jiang Sui's eyes dimmed, they suddenly brightened up. He looked at Su Rao and said, "Auntie, I don't know how to express my feelings for her, but if she gives birth, I will give birth to her."

The young man said it so seriously that Su Rao was startled.

Mei Yeqin was stunned for a long time, knowing that what the young man said was true, she didn't have any superfluous thoughts except shock.

Su Rao's body was really weak. She lay on the window and looked at her daughter.

 In my mind, everything looks like her.

   Starting from babbling when I was a child.

Unconsciously, Su Rao's eyes gradually closed.

 (End of this chapter)

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