She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 217: When you know whether you are warm or cold

Chapter 217 When you know yourself whether you are warm or cold

 In the hospital, it took almost half a month for Su Qing's wounds to heal.

When Su Qing was discharged from the hospital, people in the dormitory came to see her. This time, when she was about to be discharged from the hospital, the bodyguards finally left. Fortunately, it was a weekend.

 Zhang Xiaoli, Cheng Xuening, and Bai Lulu came to the ward carrying flower baskets.

A few people looked at each other, not knowing what to say, but the guilt on their faces said everything.

Su Qing, who was hospitalized and had already missed her final exams, faced the fact that there was only more than a month left before the college entrance exams. It was conceivable how hard this incident had hit her. Those days in the past would never be seen again. Will be back.

Several people know this deeply. Su Qing's academic performance is obvious to all, so this kind of damage is not only physical, but also mental. In the future, everything may be affected by this incident. Times change.

 Butterfly effect, everything is changing quietly in places you don’t know.

Su Qing has already packed her luggage. There is no expression on her face. Whether she is blaming or angry, Su Qing doesn't know, but she is really not able to shake hands and make peace.

In the thick air of the ward, Bai Lulu walked to the front from behind several people. She opened her mouth slightly and said, "Su Qing, I'm sorry. I've always wanted to apologize to you."

 Her voice was a bit hoarse and trembling.

This courage is hard-won. Perhaps only Bai Lulu knows that no one in the dormitory has any contact with her. The word forgiveness is not just a word.

  It can be sold out for tens of thousands of dollars, but it doesn’t count as selling out, but in the end there is still her reason for it.

 So it is not so easy to be forgiven.

Su Qing raised her eyes and looked at Bai Lulu. She was not dressed like a child in the city, she was very simple. Like herself, she also ate the cheapest food in the cafeteria and needed a scholarship to survive.

Logically speaking, Su Qing felt that she could sympathize with this situation, but her expression was indeed very cold, she pursed her lips and pinched her fingers.

“I always thought that I was different from others. Others can have enough to eat, wear beautiful clothes, and laugh unbridled. I have low self-esteem, so I study hard, but I am weak, but I will be bullied.”

“I feel low self-esteem because I feel that I am too small in this world. It is not because I am poor or cowardly, but because I feel that I am nothing more than a cricket in this vast world.”

She is quiet and indifferent, the light of the glass is scattered on the top of her head, and there is a touch of holiness in her eyes, which makes people unable to take their eyes away.

“I want to be righteous and live under the sun in a grand and bright way, instead of selling my dignity like a maggot just to eat enough.”

Bai Lulu looked up at Su Qing, and she could hear the meaning of her words clearly in an instant.

She was blaming herself, and she should be. Bai Lulu's eyes were filled with guilt, "I know saying sorry will not help. Su Qing, I have promised the police to testify in court."

“I have also returned the money to them and handed it over to the police.”

  People who have done something wrong will always feel inferior at any time no matter how much they try to save themselves. Bai Lulu felt that the guilt was overwhelming her.

 She pursed her lips and lowered her head.

The weak can always arouse the sympathy of others. When Zhang Xiaoli and Cheng Xuening saw Su Qing's indifferent expression and spoke big words to educate them, the guilt in their eyes gradually dissipated a lot.

Hold Bai Lulu’s wrist.

“Lulu, I have already apologized, Su Qing, from the same dormitory...”

Zhang Xiaoli wanted to say something, but when she faced Su Qing's indifferent eyes, she couldn't say anything.

Su Qing's eyes were as if they were filled with ice, making it difficult to look directly at them.

 She never seemed to intend to forgive them.

"Get out." After completing the discharge procedures, the young man's eyes became very cold when he saw several people surging in the hospital ward.

 The young man glanced at several people's faces expressionlessly.

"go out."

The expulsion order was so obvious. Bai Lulu obviously wanted to say something else, but Su Qing stopped paying attention to her.

"let's go."

Seeing that there was no movement from them, Su Qing pinched Jiang Sui's arm and said something to the young man.

Jiang Sui has always been around Su Qing, so when Su Qing said to leave, the young man didn't do anything. He took Su Qing's wrist and pulled her towards the door.

"What kind of attitude does she have? Even if she is hurt, we didn't mean it. It's not us who hurt her..."

 Zhang Xiaoli was impatient and a little annoyed.

Cheng Xuening kept his head down, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Only Bai Lulu raised her head, not daring to look at Su Qing's back. She stared blankly at the empty hospital bed, "Su Qing's mother passed away while she was in the hospital. She and her mother depended on each other."

Bai Lulu didn't know why she said it. She also heard the news when she was in the police station.

 Her guilt may never dissipate in her lifetime.

 This news was something that no one expected.

 They were completely stunned when they heard it, and they didn't know what kind of action they were going to make.

Zhang Xiaoli was speechless and looked at Bai Lulu with wide eyes. Her expression was shocked. At this moment, her whole body was shrouded in a faint layer of powerlessness and guilt.

People, always, cannot feel the pain that is not in their own skin.

 Cheng Xuening also raised his head sluggishly.

She has been wondering whether she would choose to forgive if it were her, and whether Su Qing hates or hates him.

 She could see nothing in her eyes just now. What she could see was just unfamiliarity.

 Like a stranger whom I have never met before.

 After thinking for a long time, Cheng Xuening felt that if it were her, she would not forgive him for something as simple as that.

"Just like people know when they drink water, we are not qualified to be forgiven. We are adults, right? We should bear the consequences of the wrong things we have done. What kind of person is he who makes people forgive him like a moral kidnapping? How is he any different from Li Zhu? "

 Speaking to oneself, I don’t know if I am speaking to myself or something else.

The words spread in the air, and several people were stunned. They never took the step to find Su Qing and apologize.

 In a few months, what they didn't know was that such a butterfly effect actually changed not only Su Qing, but also themselves.

 (End of this chapter)

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