She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 227: what is friendship

Chapter 227 What is friendship?

 On the way to Su Qing’s house.

Liu Ranran bit the bullet and dragged Hu Yifan to the pharmacy, got a band-aid, and insisted on putting a band-aid on Hu Yifan's chin no matter what.

Not only that, I also bought iodine, disinfected it, and put a cartoon on him.

"Hu Yifan, don't move around. I'm telling you, if you lose your appearance, don't blackmail anyone if you can't find a wife in the future."

Liu Ranran, who was standing next to the flower pond, looked at Hu Yifan, who had his head tilted, with red and swollen eyes, and made a vicious sound, hoping to scare Hu Yifan.

“The blackmailer also blackmails you, and you will pay me one when the time comes.”

Hu Yifan kept looking at Liu Ranran as he spoke.

 Liu Ranran put on the band-aid.

“Okay, I can compensate you. I’ll catch a sow for you!!”

 After saying that, he angrily put everything into his schoolbag.

 The little girl still felt guilty after all. She looked at the boy by the flower pond and said nothing.

“Okay, okay, I’ll just compensate you when the time comes. When I get to the Normal University, I’ll see if there are any beauties, and I won’t forget you.”

 As he spoke, he patted his chest generously.

Hu Yifan just looked at Liu Ranran for a long time without saying anything. He stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of Liu Ranran's eyes.

 The corners of the girl's eyes were slightly red, and even after wiping them, the tear stains did not go away.


Although he promised, no matter how Liu Ranran looked at it, the young man didn't seem happy.

“What’s wrong? Are you really afraid of losing your appearance? No way!”

Although Hu Yifan is a stinker, the young man has never cared about it. He is very informal, and his current moodiness seems to make Liu Ranran think something is wrong.

“Lao Zi, you are so handsome, even if your appearance is disfigured, no one will want you, but you!”

"What's wrong with me!"

Liu Ranran stared at Hu Yifan, as if he would hit him if he dared to say something he didn't like.

Hu Yifan saw that the girl's eyes were not as dark as before, and he felt much better. He pursed his lips and smiled.

"What are you doing? You are as beautiful as a fairy, even more beautiful than Pan An!"

 “Slender and in good shape...”

Liu Ranran sounded quite docile at first, but the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. It didn't seem like she was praising herself, but rather like she was mocking her.

“Hu Yifan, you are mocking me!”

She has actually lost a lot of weight, but the fat on her legs has not been reduced, and her waist is quite thin. She cannot be said to be fat now, but compared to her waist, her legs are indeed a little chubby.

  When she wasn't losing weight before, Hu Yifan would tease her a lot.

At this moment, Liu Ranran was chasing Hu Yifan with his hands on his hips.

There was a smile that couldn't be hidden in the young man's eyebrows. When he saw the traffic light, he grabbed Liu Ranran's arm.

 “Well, I was wrong, I was wrong, my aunt.”

Liu Ranran didn't really want to beat Hu Yifan. After the boy let go of her arm, Liu Ranran lightly hit Hu Yifan.

“It’s not bad, I tell you, I will lose weight.”

 “You’re not fat, that’s good.”

 Hu Yifan stared at the girl's baby face, which already had a pointed chin, and frowned in a rare way.

He knew that Liu Ranran had been losing weight. He didn't dare to drink more milk tea, and he ate less. Unlike before, when he ate quite a lot, he looked sad all day long, so he just thought about losing weight.

 Listening to Hu Yifan's words, Liu Ranran looked at him suspiciously.

"real or fake."

“Really, no matter how thin you are, you will have nothing.”

As the young man spoke, his eyes couldn't help but drift to Liu Ranran's chest...

Liu Ranran's face turned red at first sight. She obviously didn't expect Hu Yifan to be like this.

 Her face was flushed.

 "Hu Yifan, where are you looking..."

The girl's voice was extremely loud, causing the people waiting at the traffic light to stare at them. The boy's evil eyes looked very handsome, and Hu Yifan immediately covered Liu Ranran's mouth with his hand.

 “Ran Ran, shush shush….”

Liu Ranran would be a fool if she couldn't see that they had become the focus of everyone's attention now. She opened her mouth and bit Hu Yifan's palm hard.

When he saw the green light turn on, he glared at Hu Yifan fiercely and walked towards the other side of the road without looking back.

 The map showed that there was only one kilometer away from the location Su Qing sent her.

 She and Hu Yifan planned to walk over.

Hu Yifan couldn't see the girl far away. He looked angry. There was a little embarrassing red in the corners of his eyes, which Liu Ranran couldn't see. There was also a hint of crimson under the eye sockets.

Stretched out his hand to grab Liu Ranran's arm, but Liu Ranran threw him away.

Liu Ranran's heartbeat was pounding. She wanted to beat up Hu Yifan, but she didn't know why. Why was she so shy?

Thinking of Hu Yifan's eyes, her heart felt like it was being burned, burning with indescribable irritability and taste.

 couldn't help but turned around and stepped on Hu Yifan hard.

The young man was stunned, and then he couldn't help but growl...

Liu Ranran looked at Hu Yifan and said, "Let's see if you dare to talk nonsense again!"

 “Next time, it won’t be so light.”

Hu Yifan hugged his legs and said, "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I know how powerful you are."

Liu Ranran always felt a little awkward in his habitual begging for mercy, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he pursed his lips, said nothing, and snorted coldly.

 “That’s pretty much it.”


Hu Yifan nodded.

 In fact, it didn't hurt much. He put down his legs and stood on Liu Ranran's side.

 Liu Ranran looked at the map seriously, and when he was almost at the destination, he looked at Hu Yifan.

“Hu Yifan, isn’t this the first time we’ve been guests at Qingqing’s home? We shouldn’t get some gifts or something. She did so well in the exam...”

 Liu Ranran was a little annoyed because she came in too hasty.

When Liu's mother knew that Liu Ranran wanted to see Su Qing, she gave her special instructions. Liu Ranran had already thought about a gift for Su Qing to enter school, but she just bought it online and it hasn't arrived yet.

 Thinking about buying something after coming to Jiangcheng.

 But after she lost her cell phone, she panicked.

 Now he arrived at Su Qing’s door empty-handed.

"It's okay, Ran Ran, is your friendship with Su Qing measured by those things?"

 Hu Yifan rarely looked seriously at Liu Ranran and said such a normal thing.

Liu Ranran just stared blankly at this big boy who was a head taller than him.

"Don't worry about it. The gift is just the icing on the cake. Su Qing is already very happy that you can come and see her."

Hu Yifan also wanted to say that Su Qing knew that you had lost your phone, so she might be more worried about your friend, who would care about gifts.

 But in order not to mention things that made Liu Ranran sad, she chose to keep her mouth shut.

 (End of this chapter)

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