She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 237: he didn't show up

Chapter 237 He didn’t show up

 “Adults, why can’t you say you like and dislike!”

Su Qing knew that Liu Ranran was worried about her, so she smiled and said, "I'm really fine. I'll hang up first and clean up."

 Liu Ranran didn’t say anything else.

But she still felt a little melancholy in her heart. Although Su Qing said everything was fine, how could she not hear the disappointment in Su Qing's words.

After Su Qing hung up the phone, she walked to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and washed her face with cold water.

In the mirror, there was a beautiful face, with cold eyes and no color. After wiping her face, she put on some light makeup, found some clothes, put them on, took her bag, and went out.

After getting on the bus, Mei Yeqin called and asked if she needed to be picked up. Su Qing refused, saying that she had already gotten on the bus.

Only then did Mei Yeqin give up.

  When Su Qing arrived at the place, it was already evening.

The sky was getting dark very fast. At the door, Su Qing took a deep breath several times before pushing the door open and going in.

“Mom, is this the beautiful sister you are talking about?”

The child in Mei Yeqin's arms lit up when he saw Su Qing. He couldn't wait to get off Mei Yeqin's arms. The child was already four years old.

 Pretty little girl.

Su Qing was stunned for a moment and took out the prepared gift from her bag.

 She actually didn't know that Mei Yeqin could take care of children, but she was still fully prepared, and she didn't expect that it would actually come in handy.

 “Be clear, don’t spend money.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled, "How old are you? What's your name?"

 Touching the little girl's head, she was wearing a princess dress, looking at the table on her wrist, and looking at Su Qing with a smile.

 “My name is Mesihua.”

Su Qing was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the child's surname was Mei.

 Pei Dai, who was going to the bathroom, came back and hugged Mei Sihua directly.

 “You little villain, are you bullying your beautiful sister?”

“No, daddy, I don’t have one. It was my beautiful sister who asked me what my name was.”

Pei Dai tapped the tip of Mei Sihua's nose and looked at Su Qing.

 “Qingqing, sit down.”

 “Yes, Qingqing, you sit down.”

Mei Yeqin also took Su Qing's arm and asked Su Qing to sit next to her. Su Qing pursed her lips and glanced at the table. In addition to children's tableware, there were four sets of cutlery.

 But he doesn’t seem to have come yet, the seat over there is empty.

“Qingqing, we welcome you back to China.”

Mei Yeqin held up the wine glass, her eyes were much softer than before. Perhaps because she was a mother, there was always a faint soft light in her eyes.

 “Mom, I want to raise a glass too.”

The little girl in Pei Dai's arms was holding juice and smiling at Su Qing. Su Qing smiled back at the little girl.


 The feeling of long absence is not too strange, but there is still a slight embarrassment.

There were only a few people. Jiang Sui was not present until the meal time, and no one mentioned it. They just had a meal in a cold and warm manner.

 When the show ended, Su Qing didn't even see Jiang Sui appear.

Mei Yeqin never mentioned it either.

At the dinner table, we only talked about some things about work and life, and everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding not to talk about the rest.

 This is fine, Su Qing thought.

I have been feeling uneasy, and gradually I feel like something is missing and empty.

 (End of this chapter)

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