She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 240: We met again (4,000)

Chapter 240: Meeting again (4,000)

Su Qing squeezed a bottle of drink and handed it to Liu Ranran.

 “Well, you are really awesome.”

 Liu Ranran was drinking soda. Su Qing's praise was very useful, and her eyes were bent when she smiled.

 “Qingqing, you are also awesome.”

 “We are all awesome, hahahaha.”

Liu Ranran, who clinked glasses with Su Qing, spread out on the sofa, drank most of the bottle of drink, and then looked at Su Qing thoughtfully.

 It seems like there is something to say, but it has never been said.

Su Qing was also sitting on the sofa. She lowered her eyes, closed her eyelids, and looked like she was recuperating. She had been quiet for some time, but she ignored the shadow under her eyes due to poor sleep.

 After thinking for a long time, when Liu Ranran was about to speak, Su Qing suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Liu Ranran.

“Qingqing, I didn’t see Jiang Sui on the day of the dinner.”

“Last night, I didn’t meet Jiang Sui. He didn’t go to the dinner party.”

Su Qing said it twice, with a deep voice, which made Liu Ranran look stunned.

She wanted to ask about this, but she didn't expect Su Qing to take the initiative to reveal her feelings.

She bit her lip, and she could naturally hear the emptiness and discomfort in Su Qing's heart.

"Qingqing, maybe something has delayed him. How could he not go?"

 Liu Ranran was not actually a comforting girl. She was surprised in her heart and scolded Jiang Sui.

I think boys are too ruthless.

“Ran Ran, tell me, is it possible that Jiang Sui has never liked me?”

 “How is that possible!”

When Su Qing spoke, Liu Ranran turned to look at her, and then realized that the drink in Su Qing's hand was not the same as his own, but actually beer...

 “Qingqing, you are drunk.”

 In her memory, Su Qing did not know how to drink and was a teetotaler.

Even during graduation, when everyone had dinner together and needed to drink, Jiang Suidai drank.

Su Qing frowned, "Who says I'm drunk? I'm not."

Liu Ranran wanted to grab Su Qing's wrist and take the beer from her palm, but Su Qing was taller than her and unstable, so she poured the whole bottle directly into her innermost cup.

 “Qingqing, don’t dare to drink anymore. If you keep drinking like this, you will get drunk even if you don’t.”

 Liu Ranran scolded Jiang Sui thousands of times in his heart, but he still couldn't stop Su Qing.

“He must have found it interesting, so he liked me, but then he thought I was extremely boring, like boiled water, right?”

Su Qing smiled bitterly and talked nonsense, which made people very uncomfortable.

Liu Ranran could naturally see that Su Qing was feeling so uncomfortable.

Who dares to say that Jiang Sui doesn't like Su Qing?

should not.

 After all, they have gone through so many, so many different things.

 I have experienced too much, too much.

Whether it’s Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School or Qingbei, it’s a good story.

Some people may feel sorry for the news that the two are not together, but they never feel that there is no relationship.

  Since such difficulties have passed, why are we no longer together?

Liu Ranran didn't understand either. She pursed her lips and looked at Su Qing with red eyes.

“Qingqing, if you want to cry, just cry.”

Su Qing shook her head.

 “I will never cry again.”

 “I won’t even cry for Jiang Sui.”

Her voice was a little hoarse. She drank all the beer in the beer bottle, and there was a broken look in her eyes.

 Liu Ranran felt so sad in her heart.

“Qingqing, don’t be sad. It’s just a boyfriend. I’ll introduce you to him as much as you want, handsome guy.”


Su Qing grabbed Liu Ranran’s wrist.

 “Introduce me now!”

Su Qing was really drunk. Liu Ranran pursed her lips and widened her eyes.

“Tomorrow, Qingqing, don’t you want to invite me to dinner tomorrow? I’ll introduce you tomorrow.”

Su Qing shook her head and muttered.

 “No, we have to do it now!!”

"Are you a bad guy? Like Jiang Sui, you also want to lie to me."

Su Qing looked like a child, looking sad and wronged. Liu Ranran really couldn't stand it.

  Pinching the center of his eyebrows.

“Tomorrow, Qingqing, okay? It’s too late now, I’ll introduce it to you tomorrow.”


 “You are the big bad guy, woo woo woo.”

With a red face, Su Qing shook her head.

 Liu Ranran also drank all the drinks in his bottle.

"Okay, now, now, but I will take you there, you have to be good, you know, don't yell!"

 Liu Ranran thought, maybe this is also a kind of release.

She has seen Su Qing's serious appearance many times, but she has never seen Su Qing like this.

 Looking sad.

I simply wanted to take Su Qing, who was drunk, out for some fun.

Su Qing looked at Liu Ranran and couldn't help but laugh when she heard her words.

 “Okay, I’m the best behaved.”

Such a cold Su Qing suddenly became very cute and cute, and even Liu Ranran liked her very much.

I really don’t know how Jiang Sui became blind.

At this moment, Jiang Sui, who was in the bar, had already sneezed several times.

Hu Yifan on the side looked at Jiang Sui.

“Brother Sui, someone must be missing you, right?”

“People say that sneezing means someone misses you.”

Jiang Sui glanced at Hu Yifan with his cold eyes. After Hu Yifan took a sip of wine, he became bolder.

“I don’t know who wants to buy a house, get rid of this and rent out that, and just give it to others.”

 “Why bother?”

Jiang Sui had already bought the house that Su Qing rented when he knew that Su Qing was going to intern at Jiangcheng Hospital. He got rid of Hu Yifan and rented out the house very early.

The tenant is of course Su Qing.

As Su Qing's best friend, Liu Ranran was cautious when hearing Hu Yifan say that his friend had a house there. However, he felt relieved after meeting Hu Yifan's friend seriously.

 So I didn’t even know that the house actually belonged to Jiang Sui.

Jiang followed Lingran's eyes and looked at Hu Yifan.

 “How is she?”


Hu Yifan asked knowingly.

He had something to do tonight, but after he murmured in the group that he was going to deliver something to Su Qing, he was immediately dragged out by Jiang Sui to drink.

Of course Hu Yifan knew that Jiang Sui's intention was not to drink.

 But it just happens to be dishonest.

“I heard that your family has arranged a blind date for you. I think Liu Ranran would like to know the news.”

Jiang Sui squinted his eyes, filled with danger.

Hu Yifan’s eyes widened.

"I guess, Jiang Sui, you also know that my sister likes to mess around with things. I didn't go there at all. My sister gave up long ago when she heard that I had a girlfriend. Can you please stop hurting me?"

 Hu Yifan knows Liu Ranran very well, and the girl he mentioned is carefree, but special.

 If you know this, it’s okay.

Besides, nothing really happened.

  "Okay, brother, just follow me, you are so noble, why don't you let me tell you?"

 Hu Yifan looked at Jiang Sui's dark and careless look and really broke his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach.

“Su Qing, it’s still the same as before. I don’t think it has changed much.”

Jiang Sui squinted his eyes, shook the quilt, and looked at the reflection inside.

 “Have you lost weight?”

 “Are you in a good mood?”

 Hu Yifan bit his cheek, finding these sentences really difficult to answer.

"How do I know whether she is thin or not? I didn't see Su Qing when I left. How was her mood? It didn't change much from before. She still felt as pale as a chrysanthemum."

  Hu Yifan’s words are equivalent to not saying anything.

Jiangsu drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then poured himself another glass.

 “You drank quite a lot tonight, please stop drinking.”

Hu Yifan couldn't stop Jiang Sui and frowned.

“If you really like her, go see her. If you care so much, why bother going around and around? Aren’t you tired?”

 Hu Yifan felt that he did not understand Jiang Sui at the beginning.

Obviously I can't let go, I obviously like her, but I still let Su Qingyuan go to another country.

Moreover, it’s okay to go to a faraway place, but to actually ignore him is simply not like Jiang Sui.

Jiang Sui squinted his eyes, his eyes slightly cold, and held the wine glass tightly in his palms.

 “I like it, what’s the use.”

With a bitter smile, in the noisy air, when Hu Yifan's cell phone rang, he didn't hear Jiang Sui's words, but Hu Yifan didn't look good when he answered the phone.

 Hang up the phone after a while.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Sui looked at Hu Yifan's bitter face and asked.

Hu Yifan frowned.

 “My baby said he won’t go back tonight.”

The word "baby" was so annoying to Jiang Sui that he didn't say anything after taking a sip of wine.

“Tell me, will she live with Su Qing tonight?”

These words made Jiang Sui's eyes turn cold, and he looked at Hu Yifan as if he could delay Hu Yifan.

"Look at me, why? I didn't ask her to do it. I still want her to come back..."

Hu Yifan expressed his innocence, but Jiang Sui looked at him coldly.

 “Isn’t it because you can’t do it?”

"Depend on!"

“You say I can do anything, but you say I can’t, no!”

Hu Yifan was obviously angry.

Jiang Sui glanced at him coldly.

“If you could do it, how could she stay up all night?”

 There was no obvious mistake in this sentence, which made Hu Yifan's face turn the color of pig liver.

“Jiang Sui, if you say you are jealous, forget it, just sleep in your shabby apartment for one night. Who do you think would be willing to do that?”

Hu Yifan made a noise, which made Jiang Sui, who got up, turn his head and look at him.

“My apartment has one bedroom and one living room.”

 Hu Yifan was left stunned.

“Call Liu Ranran and tell her to pick her up right now.”

 After saying that, Jiang Sui walked out of the private room.

"Depend on!"

 He was also very satisfied, and when he called Liu Ranran again, he found that no one answered the call.

 Hu Yifan called a few more times and found that no one answered.

At this moment, Liu Ranran had already brought Su Qing to the bar.

Liu Ranran didn't hear her phone ringing at all amid the noise.

 After ordering a glass of juice for herself, she ordered a few bottles of wine with a low alcohol content for Su Qing.

“Qingqing, there are so many handsome guys here!”

Hush loudly to Su Qing's ear, Liu Ranran looked at the crowds of handsome guys and beauties, and felt a little excited in her heart.

 In fact, she rarely comes to this kind of place.

Su Qing just dragged her coat and walked onto the dance floor.

 Liu Ranran couldn't hold it back no matter what.

 Liu Ranran was dragged to the dance floor by Su Qing.

Su Qing doesn’t have the ability to obey and obey at home.

 Liu Ranran still needs to look at Su Qing.

 In the crowded crowd, Su Qing's dancing posture was extremely sexy.

It was Su Qing that Liu Ranran had never seen before. There was a hint of glamor in her beautiful face, which made people unable to help but keep all their eyes on her.

Soon, a large open space was set aside for Su Qing on the dance floor.

 Liu Ranran was stunned.

 She never knew that Su Qing could dance.

 In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire bar was ignited.

Jiang Sui, who was walking down the stairs on the second floor from the private room, stopped in his tracks when he saw that familiar figure and familiar face.

With a gloomy face, he walked quickly towards the dance floor.

When Hu Yifan came down, he saw Jiang Sui in a hurry and wanted to call him to stop him. However, following Jiang Sui's line of sight, Hu Yifan discovered Su Qing dancing on the dance floor and the crowd blocked by the crowd. Liu Ranran inside.

 His face turned gloomy and turned into the color of pig liver.

When Liu Ranran was in the chaotic crowd and wanted to rush to the front to pull Su Qing out, he found that at some point, the people in the crowd had moved out of the way.

Su Qing has been pulled out of the dance floor.

The person who came out of La Suqing was none other than Jiang Sui...

Liu Ranran was stunned. She looked at Jiang Sui's gloomy face. After taking off her coat and putting it on Su Qing, she hugged Su Qing and walked out.

At this time, I don’t know if someone gave Liu Ranran the courage. She boldly stood beside Jiang Sui and stopped Jiang Sui who was about to leave. She gritted her teeth and looked at those terrifying and intimidating eyes.

“Put Qingqing down, she has nothing to do with you anymore.”

 After Liu Ranran said these words, he felt that all his courage had been drained away.

“As you said, I have nothing to do with her anymore?”

"Step aside."

Young man, no, he should be a successful man by now. His eyes were as cold as ice shards.

 It gave Liu Ranran goosebumps all over her body.


"Baby, don't talk nonsense." Hu Yifan rushed over and felt Liu Ranran being pulled into his arms.

 Then he looked at Jiang Sui.

“Brother Sui, I’m sorry, please take Su Qing back first.”

Hu Yifan's heart dropped when he saw that it was Liu Ranran who brought Su Qing to the bar.

Jiang Sui was guarding that person, but he was even more nervous than his eyes. He was actually dancing in front of everyone's attention...

 Also drunk.

Before leaving, Jiang Sui's eyes were indifferent.

 Liu Ranran broke away from Hu Yifan and looked at him.

 “Didn’t you say that there is something going on at the club?”

 “If something happens, is this right here?”

 After saying that, he kicked Hu Yifan hard, turned around and left.

Hu Yifan couldn't care less about the pain and hurriedly chased after him.

 “Baby, listen to me….”

 (End of this chapter)

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