She Is Not a Witch

Chapter 35: The uprising broke out

   Lorrain Hill is wondering whether to take out some [Vitalizing Potion] to sell, because this kind of potion does not require extraordinary abilities to make, and it is also very simple for her.

   "Are you buying the potion?" Lorrain Hill took out a deep red glass tube, the pure red rippling slightly. 【Invigorating Blood Medicine】(Perfect Bronze Grade)

   Hearing these words, the clerk's expression has a subtle change. He thought he was a big customer, but turned out to be a wild way to sell medicine.

  General workshops will not buy medicines because the origin of the medicines is unknown. If something goes wrong, their reputation will be greatly affected.

   "Does this lady have an alchemist qualification?"

   "" The girl shook her head.

   "That's very sorry, we don't accept things of unknown origin."

   The clerk's face turned a little arrogant.


   The girl lowered her head and retracted the potion in her hand. In fact, she still has several potions on her body, many of which are silver-grade and gold-grade. However, she uses extraordinary powers in the process, so she can't use it for tasks.

   It is not easy for ordinary people to make money. I sighed in my heart, and then walked out of this alchemy workshop.

   Let’s go to Wilga. The commerce and trade there are more developed and there are more wealthy people. First, get an initial fund, and then it’s easy to talk about.

   After talking with Angus today, Lorrain Hill also learned about the various problems of the Westwind Kingdom and no longer has hope for this country that is addicted to luxury and pleasure.

   Three days later, the girl got on the carriage going south and headed to the Verga Business Alliance. Looking out the window of the carriage, and the deserted fields on the side of the road, the few farmers I occasionally saw were also numb and gloomy, slowly turning the soil in the fields. From time to time, people on horseback took whips to urge supervision, and even whipped maliciously.

   Looking at this gloomy scene, Lorrain Hill shook his head, retracted his gaze, and no longer looked out the window of the carriage.

   "It's miserable," said a young man opposite the girl with seven or eight people sitting on the carriage.

   "I used to live a life like this." He looked out the window with a look of memories.

   "In the southern part of the kingdom, every year, many people sneak across the border and head to Wilga."

   "The remaining farmers are sparse, and a lot of land is deserted."

   "Those nobles in the city don't care about this, and they must collect food and taxes every year.",

   "The people below, if they don't work, they supervise the farmers to work all day, and they will be beaten if they are lazy. Only in this way can they be barely maintained."

   "In this case, sooner or later, it will collapse, right? The remaining people will have a harder time and continue to escape or explode." The girl said suspiciously.

   "Yes, but this situation will soon change." The black-haired young man said confidently.

   "How to change, those nobles won't change their style so easily, right?"

   Lorraine Hill didn't quite understand why the young man in front of him was so sure.

   "Soon, you will understand."

   The young man showed a mysterious smile, with fanaticism and admiration in his eyes.


  Northern Westwind Kingdom, Nieder County, early morning.

There are countless high wooden towers built on the endless wilderness. A huge bonfire is lit on each high tower. The wood is burning crackling. Below the high towers are neatly arranged gray tents, but this is not Focus.

   In the middle of the wilderness stood about 50,000 warriors in black armor. They were arranged in a neat phalanx in darkness, standing upright without a word, waiting for orders. Flags of various colors and heraldry slowly fluttered in the early morning fog, representing countless families and people in the local area.

   In front of the vast school grounds is a high platform built with huge stones, and dozens of figures in armors are also waiting quietly. Some of them are the little nobles of Niedershire, some are soldiers of the kingdom, and more are civilians on this land.

Today, they are not here to play, but to carry out a major event related to life and death. This is not only related to the future existence of the various families present, and even directly affects the future of tens of millions of people in the Nieder County. fate.

   Yes, they are going to raise the banner today and launch an uprising and rebellion against the kingdom's centuries-long rule!

   It is not that they chose their destiny, but the thousands of people in the Nieder County chose them. These mountain people who have lived on this land since ancient times are bold and unruly. Since the kingdom conquered this area, digging mines and digging boulders, Nieder County has provided a lot of steel and precious metals for the rise of the kingdom. However, the people here have not received corresponding returns after hard work and dedication, and most of the profits have been lost. The great nobles of the kingdom divided up, and more and more tasks were assigned to Niedershire.

   These hard-working mountain people risked their lives to dig in the dark mines, just to feed their wives and children at home, so that the elderly father could eat better. But this little little wish has been cruelly broken now. The Westwind royal family raised the tax rate again. This year, more ore and steel will be handed in to build armor and equip the army to suppress civil unrest. If the number is not enough, they will be accused of beheading, and this will become the last piece of the camel's bend. Boulder.

   A man wearing all black steel armor stepped onto the stage. He took off his helmet and showed his face. There was a scar on his left face. This looking mature and fierce man is Pullman.

   Pullman, the once naive boy, has now become stable and He held a big sword, thrust it upside down on the stone platform, and then slowly scanned these resolute warriors. Like him, they were both born and raised in this land, and today they have to lay down their lives for this.

   Pullman took a deep breath, and then a loud voice spread throughout the wilderness.

   "My compatriots in Niedershire, today, we stand here to tell the world!"

   "The mountain people of the Nieder Mountains are free and unruly. They will no longer bow and yield. They will straighten their spine. They will wash away centuries of oppression with iron and blood!"

   "We have been forced to obey since we were born, and the kingdom treats us like a dog, from the lightest to the cheapest, and has been tortured by the ruthless rules."

   "People who are called lowly are laughed at as stupid things covered in black and gray. If this is the case, then we will be transformed into beasts in the dark, taking and stolen things."

   "Take ridicule and shame under your feet."

   "Even if we are greeted by a cruel slaughter."

   "We also have to fight for the trapped beasts, tearing up a path of survival with blood and teeth!"

   The curtain on the high platform was also unveiled at this moment. On the huge blue-based banner are three golden morning stars, under the stars are books, and two wheat ears are surrounded on both sides. The morning sun rises, breaking through the fog, and plating this brand new flag with a layer of gold.

   More than a dozen leaders on the high platform were all born in this land. They stood behind Pullman and watched this solemn scene, raising their right hand and swearing together with the compatriots present.

   "I swear an oath here to form brothers who live and die together with the compatriots present, entrust life and back to each other, fight for the future of the Nieder Mountains, until I die!"

   The crisp sound of drawing swords one after another, the sound of vows resounded across the sky.

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