She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

137: I Don't Want To Be An Honest Person, I Want To Take It Back!

indeed so.

Several men are thinking that this is a live broadcast.

No matter how unhappy he was, he couldn't really force Yuan Yan and Qian Li.

Several people glanced at each other, and could only sigh.

Yuan Yan and Qian Li looked at each other and let go of the big stone in their hearts.

They originally had a rift because of Qian Li's backstab, but at this moment, their common interests were threatened, and they naturally returned to the same front.

The fact is so, how can a person who can think of such a routine man have a true friend.

It is also good because we can work together and share common interests.

Backstabbing is also because it harms one's own interests.

And now they are standing on the same front again, also because of interests.

The two looked at Zhou Mu, wanting to see disappointment or anxiety on each other's faces.

This incident was only because of the other party, and they were pushed to the edge of the cliff step by step.

Now it can be said that it has completely blocked the opponent's plan.

It is also the most important step.


Zhou Mu's expression remained calm, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

How could he not have guessed that?

Counting on a few introverted men, with their personality, how could they speak up against these two.

"First of all, what you think is voluntary is actually deception."

"Of course, I know that these are not important to you, and even you know it well."

Zhou Mu looked at the men who were fooled by Yuan Yan and Qian Li's tricks.

Several men raised their heads when they heard Zhou Mu speak.

They have also heard about Zhou Mu's reputation.

For watching the live broadcast, Zhou Mu's series of operations are amazing.

People can't help but have a kind of reverence for others when they can do things that they can't do.

This is especially true when the pit they stepped on was not only stopped, but also filled in.

He was also listening to Zhou Mu at the moment.


They're just thin-skinned, introverted, unsociable, not stupid, and arguably even smarter.

After all, introverted people will be more active in their thinking.

Will go secretly pondering.

It can be said that as early as when I saw the live broadcast, before I arrived at the scene, I understood this in my heart.

It's just that these people are more emotional.

That's why when I came to the scene, I lost control of my emotions.

After calming down now, of course he knew that Yuan Yan and Qian Li were a kind of deception to him at the beginning.

I just want to fool myself into paying the bill.

But just as Zhou Mu said, now, after so long, it really doesn't matter much.

Just let yourself give up, there is no need to entangle yourself in the past.

"You mainly think that it's live broadcast now, and there are many people watching. If you really care about something that happened a long time ago, you think that even if you win, you will definitely be called stingy, right~^?"

Zhou Mu's voice continued to sound, neither slow nor slow.

Several people continued to nod.

The surrounding crowd and everyone in the live broadcast room also recognized it.

They have long thought of this possibility.

It's just that Zhou Mu's appearance seems to have something else to say, so they all waited intently.

Zhou Mu didn't stop either, but continued talking.

"Then you are wrong!"

"If you think about it like this this time, forget it, those girls who see it through this matter will think you are timid and cowardly.

"Even if there are girls who take the initiative to approach you in the future, they may all be similar to Yuan Yan and Qian Li.

"Anyway, you don't care about it, of course you are looking for a good person like you to cheat."

"The better girls look down on you for being cheated like this, and being cowardly who dare not speak after being yelled at by the liar.

"On the contrary, if you pursue it to the end this time, some girls may say you are stingy."

"But I think those girls probably agree with what Yuan Yan and Qian Li did."

"What's the use of knowing such a girl?"

"On the contrary, if you meet a girl who is willing to associate with you in the future, after getting to know you, as long as you don't reject her, she will definitely not be someone like Yuan Yan and Qian Li."

The men were stunned for a moment.

Obviously did not expect such a statement.

People around are also talking about it.

"It's true, if you don't care about being cheated like this, then you are really aggrieved and useless, because everyone doesn't like this kind of thing!"

"That's right, I haven't talked about friends yet, maybe I will talk about girlfriends in the future, it's all for this purpose, anyway, you don't care about it.

"I still want to save face, I think it's all contempt."

"Sure, if it were me, I would not be convinced and would chase it back. I can't just let it go."

The audience in the live broadcast room also frantically posted barrage.

[Fuck, it really makes sense. 】

[If it is really forgotten, my impression of these people is only useless, but not grand. 】

[If you pursue it to the end this time, at least after reading the news, you still think this person is not stupid. 】

[I didn't expect that Zhou Mu really had insight into human nature, so he didn't think of other ways, but directly changed these thoughts that provoked you. 】

[The most important thing is that I think it makes sense. 】

Zhou Mu looked at the men whose expressions changed.

No surprises.

These introverted people in their twenties who have never had a girlfriend are actually very sensitive to other people's opinions.

So his words are all around these.

And it is true.

While the men were thinking, their faces began to hesitate, and they looked around unintentionally.

Those who are watching the crowd are showing a little contempt at the moment.

These people were also influenced by Zhou Mu's words, and they unconsciously went from understanding to feeling that the few people in front of them only had Wo Xiang when facing Yuan Yan and Qian Li.

"..." Tsk tsk tsk, I have already said this, but I am still hesitating, no wonder I was deceived. "

"(Qian Wanghao) is also reasonable, and because of this, he was deceived."

"Oh, sad!"

Hear the words.

Several men's faces were flushed, but anger began to emerge on their faces.

How can you not be angry when faced with such a thing?

Believe it well, but the result is that you are fooled into an honest person paying the bill, and throw it away after use.

Thankfully they still remember it.

Now that he knows the truth, who can really deal with Yuan Yan and Qian Li's words calmly?

But it's all buried in my heart.

Like everything else in the past, the habit is hidden in the heart, slowly waiting to disappear and wear off.

At this moment, what Zhou Mu said, the eyes of the people around him.

All like a cluster of flames.

"I don't want to be an honest person, Yu!"

"I don't want to be lied to."

"You tricked me into buying something, and now I want to take it back!"

"That was my bill and I have the right to get it back."

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